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I am a Muslim of the Indian subcontinent. Let me tell you a story. This is the story of my life.

Indian Muslims proving once again just how pathetic and self-hating creatures they are.

Blind are they to the truth of the world and their homeland that hates them. Their own hindu neighbors hate them, thus they've grown to hate themselves.

He is no Indian muslim

He is an ex muslim now enjoying some two bit fame with making pajeets happy with the kind of cr@p that you have seen in the OP
I don't know if OP is okay with burning his widow when he dies

That too was banned by "invaders". Both Muslim and Christian

When there is newer and better model of iPhone, people flock to get it. Its human nature to go for better things.

If Hinduism was better the people that were forced to convert would have gone back instantly once the invaders left, but they didn't. Thats saying something.
Not meaning to offend anyone, but I'll tell you what I as a Muslim of the Subcontinent feel.

It is one of my worst nightmares to think that my ancestors, even a thousand years ago, were idol-worshipping Hindus. I refuse to believe it, even if it may have been true.

I can't see anything about Indian religion or culture that I want to be associated with. Their architecture is grotesque, their art is ugly, their clothing and languages puts me off. The behavior of their politicians is sickening.

I wish my ancestors, if they came from somewhere else, had never come to this cursed land. Even those things in Pakistani and Muslim culture that are Indian make me cringe.

I see that Muslims in Egypt are proud of their pre-Islamic heritage. Iranians are proud of their Persian heritage. But me? I don't want to be associated with anything Indian.

It is Islam that makes me happy and makes life worth living. It is with Muslims that I want to be associated with. It is they who are my people. It is what makes me what I am.

Sorry, but that's how it goes.
Stockholm syndrome.

What you said is verbatim new atheism movement BS.

Atheism is actually the weapon to keep people enslaved and make a good army of worker bees. This is why West promotes new atheism and absolutely crushes religion especially which frees people from government/societal slavery. It’s why communists feel threatened and they use force.

Example of Andrew Tate comes to mind. He was OK when he promoted hedonism which is in line with governments enslavement and consumerism. But as soon as he accepted Islam, he became dangerous. He’s now unlawfully jailed without any reason for months.

Islam is especially a threat because Christianity and other religions have been changed at will and can be changed anytime. Neither do their followers follow it. But Islam is very resistant to change and hence not malleable to government slavery. Muslims make bad consumers.

Do the math and you get people like you who are fed new atheism BS.
Dragons...Dodo...Dinosaur....anything that will not change....will get wiped as if never existed. Anything which exist due to fear mongering and fear of stuff like hell and reward post death....'nuff said. Baaki samajhdaar ke liye ishaara Kaali Hai...

When there is newer and better model of iPhone, people flock to get it. Its human nature to go for better things.

If Hinduism was better the people that were forced to convert would have gone back instantly once the invaders left, but they didn't. Thats saying something.
Good anecdote. Will you allow ugradation of Kuran ? Don't tell me it's word of God as Earth is not flat.
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Stockholm syndrome.

Dragons...Dodo...Dinosaur....anything that will not change....will get wiped as if never existed. Anything which exist due to fear mongering and fear of stuff like hell and reward post death....'nuff said. Baaki samajhdaar ke liye ishaara Kaali Hai...

Good anecdote. Will you allow ugradation of Kuran ? Don't tell me it's word of God as Earth is not flat.

lol i am sure you can provide evidence that Quran says earth is flat?
. . . .
Somebody writes all this out of their guilty conscience and look at all the fellow Muslims rushing in to slander themselves and their ancestors !

Probably all were born into whatever their religion is. Nothing for you to be ashamed or proud about it. Most of it is crap.

Idiot Hindus are as idiotic as idiot Muslims. It is equal opportunity. That doesn't mean you should start insulting yourselves, your own families and ancestors ! Have some self esteem
. .
When there is newer and better model of iPhone, people flock to get it. Its human nature to go for better things.

If Hinduism was better the people that were forced to convert would have gone back instantly once the invaders left, but they didn't. Thats saying something.
I have made this same point to many paj**ts but their brains can't handle such a simple logical point.
When there is newer and better model of iPhone, people flock to get it. Its human nature to go for better things.

If Hinduism was better the people that were forced to convert would have gone back instantly once the invaders left, but they didn't. Thats saying something.
The invaders spanned lifetimes , so the next generation was born into Islam; obviously they were too ashamed to admit their parents' cowardice and so the best defence was what you are all doing now.

To be clear, Hindus are stupid as stupid as Muslims in putting religious mumbai jumbo as a priority.
Stockholm syndrome
Post a picture of your poop-colored hand , your genetic makeup, your caste, and your ethnicity and we can have a good talk about Stockholm syndrome and how it has affected hundreds of millions of Dasyus who know think they are Virat Vedic Aryans.
The invaders spanned lifetimes , so the next generation was born into Islam; obviously they were too ashamed to admit their parents' cowardice and so the best defence was what you are all doing now
Do you think it's shameful to convert out of monkey worship? Lingam worship? Do you think it's a matter of pride to worship steppe gods?

That doesn't mean you should start insulting yourselves, your own families and ancestors

How many of our families practiced the Dasyufied subaltern Hinduism of today? I'm not insulting anyone from my line when I mock your regressive and insane practices. The "Aryas" of Ganga slums excommunicated the people from Punjab for eating beef and now I'm told I am insulting my ancestors poking fun at your reverence for gau mata.
The invaders spanned lifetimes , so the next generation was born into Islam; obviously they were too ashamed to admit their parents' cowardice and so the best defence was what you are all doing now.

To be clear, Hindus are stupid as stupid as Muslims in putting religious mumbai jumbo as a priority.

I agree with your explanation, but What Hindu "mumbo jambo" are you referring to ? and how are Hindus putting it as a priority ?

Anyway here is some authentic mughal history by one of India's most distinguished historian.


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