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‘I am a Muslim Arab and an Israeli Zionist, and I love the Jewish people’

Merely presenting a counter argument. Surely why would international movement gather support to arm and equip the bloodlust MUSLIMS OF GAZA ? And why would the JEWS themsleve support BDS ?

Money of course. Wait until oil is irrelevant and you ll see what the real support for the "palestinians" is.
Money of course. Wait until oil is irrelevant and you ll see what the real support for the "palestinians" is.
There were most Europeans in flotilla hardly gulf country arabs. Lol

You can wait for forever and remain dispersed as throughout the history you have been
There were Jews who supported the Nazi's too.

They even controlled the horde of Jews whilst they were sent to the ovens

What were they called kapo Jews? Or something similar

There will always be traitors!!
There were most Europeans in flotilla hardly gulf country arabs. Lol

You can wait for forever and remain dispersed as throughout the history you have been

Bribed Europeans, which is a common specy, sometimes you want to make a fool of yourself. I am an evangelical christian and has never been "dispersed" but I am willing to fight for Israel anytime, specially after seeing with my own eyes the facts. And like me many thousand of others.
Where is Bolivia exactly?

Some sh*t hole in South America

Bribed Europeans, which is a common specy, sometimes you want to make a fool of yourself. I am an evangelical christian and has never been "dispersed" but I am willing to fight for Israel anytime, specially after seeing with my own eyes the facts. And like me many thousand of others.

You mean the apartheid occupation of Palestine by white western Jews?
Bribed Europeans, which is a common specy, sometimes you want to make a fool of yourself. I am an evangelical christian and has never been "dispersed" but I am willing to fight for Israel anytime, specially after seeing with my own eyes the facts. And like me many thousand of others.
OK Europeans bribed? Lol.
Yes Israel can always use Guinea pigs that are available to them.
Before fighting for Israel please fight the local drug lords you have in your country lol.
After seeing what facts ?? Have you ever been out of the jungle of yours ?
I know where Egypt is exactly and even visited it. You want me to tarnish your encyclopedic ignorance or direct you to an online resource?

I am sorry what is this irrelevant and completely inconsequential country called Bolivia? Egypt is important and a very influential and famous country,hence why you know about it and visited. Thanks for the money by the way:cheers:.
Some sh*t hole in South America

You mean the apartheid occupation of Palestine by white western Jews?
A PAKistani talking about a shithole and probably my friend the moderator will censure me..Palestine is a non state no people therefore cannot be occupied. You better inform yourself what apartheid is all about before throwing senseless accusations.

Egypt is an great country with civislation. The same country which whopped the *** of bani Israel until prophet moses assisted them. You should not forget that
Egypt WAS a country with a great civilization until the arab muhammadan invaders settled there and finished of the remnants of one of the most remarcable civilizations in the human history.
A PAKistani talking about a shithole and probably my friend the moderator will censure me..Palestine is a non state no people therefore cannot be occupied. You better inform yourself what apartheid is all about before throwing senseless accusations.
I would choose Egypt over some shit from south america any day with pride if imwere too.

You and your people are extremely irrelevant. Please stay in jungles and keep exporting rubbers.
As for Palestine Jews themselves who oppose Israel know better than an evangelical Christians who is seven seas across the mainstream world. Lol

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