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Hypersonic Quasi ballistic surface to air Rudram enters limited production. .

Read the article.

Idrw is not one of the shittiest site on Earth. It is the shittiest site on Earth.
Second even Rudram 1 production hasn't started. It's still under testing. Then comes Rudram 2 for which we havent started test flight.
Third even if this news is true, how can air to surface missile can be called "ballistic" missile. Explain that to me.
Idrw is not one of the shittiest site on Earth. It is the shittiest site on Earth.
Second even Rudram 1 production hasn't started. It's still under testing. Then comes Rudram 2 for which we havent started test flight.
Third even if this news is true, how can air to surface missile can be called "ballistic" missile. Explain that to me.

Isn't the Brahmos surface to surface version mounted on sukhoi to make it sendoff missile?
Idrw is not one of the shittiest site on Earth. It is the shittiest site on Earth.
Second even Rudram 1 production hasn't started. It's still under testing. Then comes Rudram 2 for which we havent started test flight.
Third even if this news is true, how can air to surface missile can be called "ballistic" missile. Explain that to me.
Try this

Shouldn't it be better for India to focus first on making and producing bullets ?
And that together with making rifles for India jawans?

And not having to buy rifles and bullets from overseas?

Can you make anyone believe you Indian hypersonic Rudram III or IV or V or VIII?

And do not breath Brahmos.

The whole world know that is Russian totally, other than the paint job that India paying through the nose to do the painting.
Supervised by knowledgable Russians .

How else to trust Indians when we know how India get certs and diplomas and degree qualifications!


It's very new. Ballistic missiles have to follow an certain trajectory. I still not sure how the air launched missile will follow that trajectory.

Isn't the Brahmos surface to surface version mounted on sukhoi to make it sendoff missile?

Exactly. It's an cruise missile.

Have you ever heard of ALBM?

Tried out but not deployed as they were ineffective and not offering any advantage over conventional ones
Is there a sub sonic surface to air missile in the world as well?
It's very new. Ballistic missiles have to follow an certain trajectory. I still not sure how the air launched missile will follow that trajectory.
This is launching of an ASAT missile by an F-15 fighter targeting an spacecraft

Look at the launching angle, satellites considering their Flight path in space have a similar Orbit to that of ballistic missile trajectory. I mean the Satellites in LEO. So, the missile in order to intercept a ballistic missile has to be launched at this angle. It follows a ballistic missile trajectory to reach upto the satellite. So, a ballistic missile will most likely be launched at this angle from an aircraft. The Plasma produced around its warhead due to its V0 > 0, makes it impossible to be recognized by radars. It will absorb all the incoming radio wave lengths.


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This is launching of an ASAT missile by an F-15 fighter targeting an spacecraft
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Look at the launching angle, satellites considering their Flight path in space have a similar Orbit to that of ballistic missile trajectory. I mean the Satellites in LEO. So, the missile in order to intercept a ballistic missile has to be launched at this angle. It follows a ballistic missile trajectory to reach upto the satellite. So, a ballistic missile will most likely be launched at this angle from an aircraft. The Plasma produced around its warhead due to its V0 > 0, makes it impossible to be recognized by radars. It will absorb all the incoming radio wave lengths.


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Good to have this info. This is what defence forum should be ideally.
But this news is fake. Rudram is a class of anti radiation missiles. Rudram 1 is still in testing. Some works have begun for long range second version. R3 is out of question as of now.
Reaching hypersonic Speed is not that hard, the hardest part is making the warhead manueverable. Does India have such capability? I highly doubt that.

You are right. Making hypersonic is not too difficult but making hypersonic missile with scramjet is very difficult. Indias has hypersonic shaurya missile for a very long time. K15 is also hypersonic. Recently tested Pralay is also hypersonic and specially designed to hit bunker on just other side of Mountains in himalaya with around 1 ton payload. These missile are highly accurate and hit targets with great precision. Yet, HSTDV is class apart as it uses scamjet engine. Sremjet vehicles are light in weight and can strike a long distance at a speed of mach 7 to 8. These so called Chinese hypersonic glide vehicles are technically inferior as they uses rocket engine goes very high to accommodate kinetic energy. Shaurya class are better as they don't go too high but fly in drpressed trajectory and in terminal phase, they fly like a hypersonic missile. Scramjet powered missiles technically top class and far batter than previous two hypersonic classes.

Since Rudram uses rocket motors, it is inferior to HSTDV in technology though it is hypersonic.
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