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HVKK (TURAF) shots down Syrian Mi-17

Alasad would not last a single minute in Syria, IF the majority of Syrians were against him...

Lol what if Esed has army power ? His army is a mushrik nusayri army... Actually i think you are a nusayri too but will you admit it ? lol...

Look nusayri cat you can fool an ignorant american but not me... I know very well as a Turkish citizen who kills innocent... 10% esed bastard's side has ruling goverment, army and they kill 72% sunni innocent... Now **** off... That's enough what i said... Keep throwing your lies to ignorant westerners you damn idiot...

P.S 60% of syria is under rebel protection..........;)


What 60%? You mean the desert where no one lives? Hahahaha....good one...Assad controls all major populated cities except for Aleppo where they only co trol about half...you really have no idea whats been going on the last 6 months...why do you think these terrorists are begging the US to intervene? Because the are winning? Ahahahahaha

Assad is the one that wants no interference......he is winning...all military analysts say this....stop pulling out bullshiiit facts from you asss

Lol what if Esed has army power ? His army is a mushrik nusayri army... Actually i think you are a nusayri too but will you admit it ? lol...

Look nusayri cat you can fool an ignorant american but not me... I know very well as a Turkish citizen who kills innocent... 10% esed bastard's side has ruling goverment, army and they kill 72% sunni innocent... Now **** off... That's enough what i said... Keep throwing your lies to ignorant westerners you damn idiot...

Lol....bullshiiiit..... Show me one military analysis....just one....from any nato country that confirms what you are saying...you cant because it doesnt exist....you are lying....
So basically you are too much of a coward to admit you country is sponsoring genocidal terrorists in Syria that are killing innocent civilians..? Good to know

Now first of all this " he killed 100000 " syrians is a blatant lie..its a lie..

That figure includes ALL deaths...including SAA soldiers..innocent civilians killed by your wahabi rats and also the foreign terrorists you are importing into syria....

Sos sop lying

Secondly.. The vast majority of syrians support Assad..they dont want saudicdeathrow inmates and other religious freak controlling them

And heres the kicker..

Put this in your hukah and smoke it

Most Syrians back President Assad

Firstly if u say so then do something against your criminal leaders and your public who supports them... And secondly don't talk about the things that you don't know anything about them... Search which people are majority in syria and look who is minority and then look who rules the country with dictatorship... Actualy for so many times Esed doesn't rule but he kills innocent majority... He killed more then 100.000 people... And lastly he used chemical weapons and little babies lost their lives while these babies were fluttering and they were not able to take breath coz of sarin gas.... From the begining we as Türkiye support elections in syria... We say "Esed go for elections and let all syrian people decide their government" but he doesn't do that because he knows he will lose elections... Because he and his supporters are minority in syria... So he wants to go on with his dictatorship and it reached to very bad situation that he killed tens of thousands... Esed is a Nusayri(You should make a search to understand the situation) and nusayris are about 10% of syrian population but esed kills sunnis who are 72% of syrian population... It's clear that Esed bastard is killing innocent people under his dictatorship... So the Esed side can not be 'innocent' and it is not but he is a butcher...

So basically you are too much of a coward to admit you country is sponsoring genocidal terrorists in Syria that are killing innocent civilians..? Good to know

Now first of all this " he killed 100000 " syrians is a blatant lie..its a lie..

That figure includes ALL deaths...including SAA soldiers..innocent civilians killed by your wahabi rats and also the foreign terrorists you are importing into syria....

Sos sop lying

Secondly.. The vast majority of syrians support Assad..they dont want saudicdeathrow inmates and other religious freak controlling them

You are either a liar and an immoral person that wants to justify your countries leaders destruction of Syria andmits peoplecby spreading lies and propaganda. Or you are simply stupid...which one is it?

And heres the kicker..

Put this in your hukah and smoke it


Firstly if u say so then do something against your criminal leaders and your public who supports them... And secondly don't talk about the things that you don't know anything about them... Search which people are majority in syria and look who is minority and then look who rules the country with dictatorship... Actualy for so many times Esed doesn't rule but he kills innocent majority... He killed more then 100.000 people... And lastly he used chemical weapons and little babies lost their lives while these babies were fluttering and they were not able to take breath coz of sarin gas.... From the begining we as Türkiye support elections in syria... We say "Esed go for elections and let all syrian people decide their government" but he doesn't do that because he knows he will lose elections... Because he and his supporters are minority in syria... So he wants to go on with his dictatorship and it reached to very bad situation that he killed tens of thousands... Esed is a Nusayri(You should make a search to understand the situation) and nusayris are about 10% of syrian population but esed kills sunnis who are 72% of syrian population... It's clear that Esed bastard is killing innocent people under his dictatorship... So the Esed side can not be 'innocent' and it is not but he is a butcher...
Do not make a big deal out of it , Turkey will not be dragged into the Syrian civil war , but at the same time it will not tolerate this war spilling over into their own borders which is understandable , the Syrian Army confessed that the helicopter entered Turkish airspace thus Turkey had the right to shoot it down .

I think Turkey should take down any planes that reach 5 km away from the Turkish-Syrian borders and anyway this event will make other parties within the Syrian conflict whether opposition or government supporters to avoid taking their fight close to Turkish Border.

I am do not like Erdogan at all , but he has the right to defend his own country by taking whatever measures needed.
In June 2012, we changed the rules of engament with Syria.

Erdogan said: ""The engagement rules for the Turkish armed forces have been changed from Syria if there are any military instruments or troops approach to the Turkish borders from the Syrian side in the form of a threat they will be perceived as military threats and will be acted accordingly from now on, "

Syria had been warned and they choose to ignore the warnings and in responce get shot. This has nothing to do with trigger happy sitution.
lol ignorant american pig... u skip things what i said. I told from the beginning we as Türkiye tell Esed bastard that to go for elections in his country. You say Esed side has majority. If he has majority then why doesn't he allowed elections in syria. Actually i hate discussing things with ignorant and lieing pigs... Now **** off... That's all...
lol ignorant american pig... u skip things what i said. I told from the beginning we as Türkiye tell Esed bastard that to go for elections in his country. You say Esed side has majority. If he has majority then why doesn't he allowed elections in syria. Actually i hate discussing things with ignorant and lieing pigs... Now **** off... That's all...

Who the fucc is turkey to tell assad or the syrian peopke anything? Who the fucc do you think you are except terrorist funding cowards?

And you need facts to argue...not just repeated propaganda....here are facts...read

Most Syrians back President Assad

This isnt Assad saying this...these are based on military intelligence reports...its a fact....Syrians support Assad...and he already called for elections...the terrorists whom the vast majority arent even Syrians dont want elections because they would lose..everybody in syria knows they are puppets of turkey qatar saudi arabia israel and the nato countries...

If you didnt read thr first time read again you dense son of a b.....

Most Syrians back President Assad

Now lets talk about your govern,emt that arms and supports terrorixts killing innocent civilians in Syria...explain this or continue to look like a lying coward....
Really and yet you forget the incident where a navy plane was shot out of the sky with 17 sailors on board, disputed to be not even in your territory, and that plane had no bombs on it either. So kindly consult a mirror before pointing fingers.

dude..that was during Kargil war..and that plane could carry weapons,if you don't know..and that plane was for recon,unlike the cheetah which you've returned..you guys are so edgy..I'm reluctant to post the news about Mig-27 which was shoot down by PA during Kargil war,and torture and death of FL Nachiketa..cause that will make this thread Indo-Pak mud slinging..concentrate on the topic..
dude..that was during Kargil war..and that plane could carry weapons,if you don't know..and that plane was for recon,unlike the cheetah which you've returned..you guys are so edgy..I'm reluctant to post the news about Mig-27 which was shoot down by PA during Kargil war,and torture and death of FL Nachiketa..cause that will make this thread Indo-Pak mud slinging..concentrate on the topic..

If I wanted to discuss this any further I could have done it at your last reply, so you should take the hint now and lets not drag this any further.
A coward wants to prove his power by hitting defenseless target. typical Zionist's path.
lol ignorant american pig... u skip things what i said. I told from the beginning we as Türkiye tell Esed bastard that to go for elections in his country. You say Esed side has majority. If he has majority then why doesn't he allowed elections in syria. Actually i hate discussing things with ignorant and lieing pigs... Now **** off... That's all...

ignorant... the old Syrian constitution DID NOT state elections, thus there was a new constitution that Syrian people approved, and the new constitution calls for presidential elections, since then Alasad has been calling for elections under the UN administration... however the west and their puppet "opposition" refuse elections, because they know that Alasad will win.. and remember under the UN administration which means the USA, UK, and France which are all anti Alasad will be overlooking the elections... what do they fear? isn't that democracy? why don't the encourage democracy and encourage elections ? what do they fear? if they claim Alasad has no popularity among Syrians, then let their be elections, and the west themselves will monitor it...
what do you mean Mohsen ???
they were in Turkey territory !
He doesnt know what he meant.
Im sure he was refering to the fact that the Syrians shot our F-4 without warning.
Why allways 90% of trolls is from your country Hussein?
Do we do such things to you(Iran)?
ignorant... the old Syrian constitution DID NOT state elections, thus there was a new constitution that Syrian people approved, and the new constitution calls for presidential elections, since then Alasad has been calling for elections under the UN administration... however the west and their puppet "opposition" refuse elections, because they know that Alasad will win.. and remember under the UN administration which means the USA, UK, and France which are all anti Alasad will be overlooking the elections... what do they fear? isn't that democracy? why don't the encourage democracy and encourage elections ? what do they fear? if they claim Alasad has no popularity among Syrians, then let their be elections, and the west themselves will monitor it...
there are many reasons for France:
- Fabius having a bad souvenir from Asad (personal reason)
- Hollande president is the most unpopular president ever right now and he tries to find everything to hide he is not able to lead the country and save economy. except increases taxes for companies and workers and make the country even worst (France is champion of "rente" country. you don't success with work but with heritage)
- your president attitude is unpopular. not caring of people wills. Asad said himself there was no fair reason why people have protested
- you have the support from groups which are not popular in west : hezbollah and iran
and so

if Asad wanted to change fairly the country, he would decide to stop and make someone one temporary president
until elections controlled by UNO

you can understand a part of your country hates your president. a normal president , if he cares about its country, would leave to appease, to calm down, to save the country. he can come back later if people accept . ;)
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