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Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

ok so wait, what kind of logic is that?
rape is rape, inside or outside of marriage
or are you thinking that inside of marriage one gets so used to it, that he/she can justify it?

From your post I have assumed that you are single.

Let me explain why. A marriage is the most respectable union, a relation that is not bound by blood but love and understanding. If a wife understands her husband, she would also understand his needs and limitations; similarly if a husband understands his wife, he will also understand her needs and limitations. This is how their marriage works, somethings are brilliant and perfect, others are compromises which are required to strengthen the relation.

In this particular case, the husband clearly had a moral and legal right to have sex with his wife. The fact that the wife was intoxicated and quite probably not in the correct frame of mind is irrelevant. What matters is, was the wife defiled or hurt in any way? Did she explicitly try to stop the act? Is it possible that the act itself was consensual but that the husband had no way to prove it the next morning because the wifey had forgotten all about her colorful night?

In simple words, what harm did the husband cause to his wife by making love to her?
Ok, so why is everyone assuming that the men forced herself on the wife?The wife was surely drunk but you know drunk people do have physical intimacy ,consensually.Which sometimes they don't remember in the morning.

And the men himself told the wife to report the so-called rape to police.Maybe he was under the impression that someone else really raped her before he took her home.
so many possibilities.

From your post I have assumed that you are single.

Let me explain why. A marriage is the most respectable union, a relation that is not bound by blood but love and understanding. If a wife understands her husband, she would also understand his needs and limitations; similarly if a husband understands his wife, he will also understand her needs and limitations. This is how their marriage works, somethings are brilliant and perfect, others are compromises which are required to strengthen the relation.

In this particular case, the husband clearly had a moral and legal right to have sex with his wife. The fact that the wife was intoxicated and quite probably not in the correct frame of mind is irrelevant. What matters is, was the wife defiled or hurt in any way? Did she explicitly try to stop the act? Is it possible that the act itself was consensual but that the husband had no way to prove it the next morning because the wifey had forgotten all about her colorful night?

In simple words, what harm did the husband cause to his wife by making love to her?
how do u make love to some one so drunk she has no idea it was you......?????
Drunk does not mean she was unconsious!
yet she remembers nothing...not far from unconscious.... and how do we know she wasn't when he actually entered her. I wasn't there and neither were you. now to the facts. court didn't believe the husband and jailed him. in my opinion rightfully so. the husband could have told the wife it was him but he chose not to......wonder why? was he ashamed of something

Obviously, you have never been drunk.

Alhamdulillah never but seen plenty. never even tasted the rubbish
Alhamdulillah never but seen plenty. never even tasted the rubbish

Good on you, actually my earlier post is kind of a joke. I don't drink myself either and wouldn't have any relation with someone who did.

Jokes apart, however intoxicated, the woman would still recognize her husband......for all we know, the act could just have been consensual. What is to stop a woman from claiming rape even after consensual act because of some ulterior motive?
Good on you, actually my earlier post is kind of a joke. I don't drink myself either and wouldn't have any relation with someone who did.

Jokes apart, however intoxicated, the woman would still recognize her husband......for all we know, the act could just have been consensual. What is to stop a woman from claiming rape even after consensual act because of some ulterior motive?
your 2nd paragraph certainly has some very valid points.
yet she remembers nothing...not far from unconscious.... and how do we know she wasn't when he actually entered her. I wasn't there and neither were you. now to the facts. court didn't believe the husband and jailed him. in my opinion rightfully so. the husband could have told the wife it was him but he chose not to......wonder why? was he ashamed of something
Drunk people do make love.AND sometimes they don't remember it in the morning.If a person is drunk,that does not mean any act he or she did was not consensual.

Yes it is fact that he made love with his wife but it is not a fact that it was forced.

And for your other argument...
And the men himself told the wife to report the so-called rape to police.Maybe he was under the impression that someone else really raped her before he took her home.
Drunk people do make love.AND sometimes they don't remember it in the morning.If a person is drunk,that does not mean any act he or she did was not consensual.

Yes it is fact that he made love with his wife but it is not a fact that it was forced.

And for your other argument...
No he has sex with her. How do u know they made love. No evidence
Great job Pakistan

This is a win for Pakistan and the subcontinent

Hope India can take a cue and criminalize martial rape too.
The news is from europe i wish to see same laws implemented in a rational way in pakistan cause in pakistam there is a hell lot of marital sexual abuse as i shared earlier i have friends in gynae field n they get to treat such cases where women come with wounded private parts n they are never reported to police
What to do when you can't refute a statement using logic and facts??:blink:

Ad hominem attacks!:guns:

Keep Going!

Completely agree with you.In front of Allah we all equal, each having different duties and different rights.Not same rights!

As per my Islamic knowledge a man having physical intimacy with his wife is not rape.

There is a difference between consent and no consent. Marital rape is punishable in Islam. I recommend you to read up this topic. Have a good day.
No, the woman has a right to say NO. But there better be a legitimate reason for that NO and that there should be some YES sessions in between those NO's.

If a man says NO should he also have a legitimate reason to say No? Or he can say no anytime?
From your post I have assumed that you are single.

Let me explain why. A marriage is the most respectable union, a relation that is not bound by blood but love and understanding. If a wife understands her husband, she would also understand his needs and limitations; similarly if a husband understands his wife, he will also understand her needs and limitations. This is how their marriage works, somethings are brilliant and perfect, others are compromises which are required to strengthen the relation.

In this particular case, the husband clearly had a moral and legal right to have sex with his wife. The fact that the wife was intoxicated and quite probably not in the correct frame of mind is irrelevant. What matters is, was the wife defiled or hurt in any way? Did she explicitly try to stop the act? Is it possible that the act itself was consensual but that the husband had no way to prove it the next morning because the wifey had forgotten all about her colorful night?

In simple words, what harm did the husband cause to his wife by making love to her?
what harm does a rapist cause to a victim after rape?

Her hands should be chopped off, right?

People need to understand that Western laws and societies are far from perfect.
In islam there are some cases when it comes to stealing regarding chopping of hand.

It is said if a man steals something of very small value due to extreme poverty or to feed his children then he could be exempted from hand chop ruling.

Also if something stolen is of small value then people can be fined or jailed but excused form jand chopping. If his wife had indeed stolen some huge sum then she could face hand chop if he reports.

If she steals small amount he can take her to court in this case too though her hand chop thing may not apply here, she might be jailed.

So now whats the problem here?

And btw kudos to you tried equating stealing with forcing sexually on someone

Drunk people do make love.AND sometimes they don't remember it in the morning.If a person is drunk,that does not mean any act he or she did was not consensual.

Yes it is fact that he made love with his wife but it is not a fact that it was forced.

And for your other argument...
Ok she made love n she was drunk n lets suppose she forgot but why her hsuband lied to her that it was not him who slept with her. Please tell us the reason behind husband lying over here?

Yes, she looses the right to say NO under "normal circumstances." Sickness is an exception.

Here it shows your disgusting state of mind that she loses the right to say no.

Ok lets say a husband is saying No without a reason so what should she do? Could she rape him? Also in this same post you said marriage statistics are falling so you think a woman whose husband rapes her , will not lead their marriage into falling apart.

And i am still shocked at how disgusting you are to say she loses right to say.
Don't know whether to bang my head on the wall or laugh at the responses. Khuda ka khauf karo tum log.

How can a husband rape his wife? Very easily if he forces himself upon his wife. How do you guys not get that?

Are you all literally saying that it's OK to force yourself upon your wives. That when she says no, you guys grab her by the hair, rip her clothes and rape her as she screams openly that she doesn't want to and after that ask her to heat you some water for a bath.

This scenario is OK with you guys bcz if not then when that scenario happens between a husband and wife what would you all call it? Abuse, rape, forced sex right. So either you endorse the above and say there is no rape between a husband and wife or you say the above is rape and it can happen.

Marriage is indeed consent between two adults for sexual relations but consent is required every step of the way. You can't say once signed now its party forever. Good God what is wrong with you people.

Sorry but you ask your wife for sex, she says no and you force is rape. You intoxicate her and have sex with her, that's rape. This isnt feminism. This is simply humanism.

You people twist everything in Islam and show complete ignorance of Pakistan law and then you have the audacity to call yourself educated.

Hadd hogaye hain. Very disappointed with the responses.

There are multiple cases in kocheri where this happens and proceedings are ongoing and you have those piece of shits making the same shit excuses that marriage takes away the wife's right to say no.

@Zibago @Hell hound @django yar I am going to end up taking a break from this rubbish.

Best response throughout this thread.
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