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Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

Does husband also get 50% of wife's assets if he file for divorce?

The assets are always split 50/50 after a divorce, unless there is personal property involved.
A spouse can receive a gift, or inheritance as personal property.
or there may be an agreement in place stating property as personal.
The personal property is not part of the 50/50 division.


Marriage [is] implied consent for sexual relations. Husband (and Wife) should not be complaining about rape in the courts unless their differences reach the point of being irreversible. Even before that, separation and/or divorce are valid options.

Don't bother marrying otherwise.

No wonder marriage statistics are tumbling in a number of Western societies with grave implications for their future. Population growth in decline; economic instability and vice versa.

No, it is not implied consent.
Sweden just passed a law that say that you have to get confirmation.
75 % of rape victims freeze when they approach, so they may not even say no,
even if they does not want sex.
Lawyers are not fond of the new law.
Now who will marry?
What my thinking about west is now: dont marry. Earn well, keep gfs only. Always younger and fresh girls. Kick every girl out, as she gets slightly older. Never ever pregnant any, or you will pay the price.
Within few years, people of your race will be gone, by this thinking.
bro in this case the husband didn't initiate intimacy. his wife was drunk he took her home. she was out and he abused her trust. she woke up and thought she was raped. he then told her to report it to the police. she did and it was his dna.
1. I know you would never do that to your wife
2. would be shocked if your wife was out so drunk she had no idea what happened.

so I don't understand why everyone is arguing
Wife and husband had a quarrel which led to wife visiting a bar where she drank excessively and when she left the bar, she passed out on a bench. Somebody noticed this and alerted her husband and he picked her up and took her home. It is possible that husband decided to make love to her (at home) in order to make amends. What happened next, is apparent to all.

This case represents everything that is wrong in the WEST in regards to sanctity of marriage.

You see that Allah Almighty has not only forbidden consumption of alcoholic beverages but instructed wives to be obedient to their husbands. And if a marriage is not working, then divorce is an option.

In Western societies, not only the laws have become increasingly intrusive in the matters of marriage but people have unhealthy drinking habits and women are being indoctrinated by Feminists who perceive institution of marriage as a tool of patriarchy for restraining their freedoms. Due to these factors, institution of marriage is in decline and sexual immorality has become the norm.

In marriage, sexual consent is implied and understood. What is the point of formulating a relationship with the "My Body" mindset?

What is next?

My Money
My Home
My Car


You don't have to share your belongings with anybody when you are SINGLE. You are FREE to utilize your belongings in the manner you deem fit and/or decide the terms of your interactions with other people.

However, when you 'marry' somebody, you are bound to take care of the needs of your partner and share your belongings accordingly. In this situation, "My [this and that]" attitude is not appropriate.

Wife (can) say NO to her husband but refusal should be on valid grounds. Not being in the mood, is not a valid ground for refusal. Sickness and periods* are valid grounds for refusal, normally.

*I think that intercourse is forbidden during periods in Islam.

Marriage represents a serious commitment to an individual in all walks of life; it is not a casual fling.

Forcing yourself upon your wife is raping her [technically speaking] but the label "marital rape" is antithesis of marriage because this relationship is the embodiment of love and understanding between a man and woman. Domestic abuse is more appropriate label, IMO.

No, it is not implied consent.
Sweden just passed a law that say that you have to get confirmation.
75 % of rape victims freeze when they approach, so they may not even say no,
even if they does not want sex.
Lawyers are not fond of the new law.
Institution of marriage in your country has become a joke.

If a man says NO should he also have a legitimate reason to say No? Or he can say no anytime?

The news is from europe i wish to see same laws implemented in a rational way in pakistan cause in pakistam there is a hell lot of marital sexual abuse as i shared earlier i have friends in gynae field n they get to treat such cases where women come with wounded private parts n they are never reported to police
I hope not.

Vaginal tearing can occur due to sexual activity (and other factors) but it does not necessarily imply non-consensual intercourse.


It is shortsighted to jump to conclusions about these matters.
@LeGenD there are many errors in the above post. Unless there’s a mood created and it happens that is different, but consensus for intimacy is necessary. This of course excludes natural intimacy.

Martial rape does exist and is wrong.
@LeGenD there are many errors in the above post. Unless there’s a mood created and it happens that is different, but consensus for intimacy is necessary. This of course excludes natural intimacy.

Martial rape does exist and is wrong.
Care to point out the errors?

I see a bunch of (single) people passing verdicts about the concept of marriage through the lens of Feminism and Western ideologies.

Yes, non-consensual intercourse can occur in a marriage (not denying this) but it is a form of "domestic abuse." I am not disagreeing with the logic of marital rape, but we do not need to embrace this terminology because it is dis-ingenious to the concept of marriage. Domestic abuse will do.
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Care to point out the errors?

I see a bunch of (single) people passing verdicts about the concept of marriage through the lens of Feminism and Western ideologies.

Yes, non-consensual intercourse can occur in a marriage (not denying this) but it is a form of "domestic abuse." I am not disagreeing with the logic of marital rape, but we do not need to embrace this terminology because it is dis-ingenious to the concept of marriage. Domestic abuse will do.

Do I really need to give the definition of Martial rape and domestic abuse?
Institution of marriage in your country has become a joke.

Julian Assange has been laughing at the rape laws of Sweden for How Many Years now?
I don’t remember...
At some time, the time allowed for prosecution of the rape will expire, and he will still be wanted for jumping bail.
Lifetime voluntary house arrest...
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I don't know why European men need to marry because live in relationship is generally accepted there.
For one, no tax benefit,which is a good thing esp if its a long term relationship. I have friends who are "together"and living with gf for 6 yrs,,he has mised out on money from lower taxes. lol

Julian Assange has been laughing at the rape laws of Sweden for How Many Years now?
I don’t remember...
At some time, the time allowed for prosecution of the rape will expire, and he will still be wanted for jumping bail.
Lifetime voluntary house arrest...
This assange and his "rape"case isnt about the rape IMO. He is a wanted man by the super power so obviously the rape thing is just to snag him and whisk him away. dont be naive now.
I consider marital rape a form of domestic abuse.

Oxford dictionary definition:

Martial Rape in which the perpetrator is the victim's spouse.

Domestic abuse is violence or aggressive behaviour within the home, typically involving abuse of a spouse or partner.

Whilst I can see why you would consider martial rape as domestic violence, however by definition they are two completely different forms of aggressive behaviour and different acts. Therefore they can’t be the same.
For one, no tax benefit,which is a good thing esp if its a long term relationship. I have friends who are "together"and living with gf for 6 yrs,,he has mised out on money from lower taxes. lol

This assange and his "rape"case isnt about the rape IMO. He is a wanted man by the super power so obviously the rape thing is just to snag him and whisk him away. dont be naive now.

If the US wants him extradited, it should be soo much easier from the U.K. where
there are ”special relations”, but nooo, the US did not even try.
They, like many others are probably just as happy, with him locking himself up.

Mr Assange wants a get out of jail free card, which he is not going to get.

He is afraid of beeing executed, while there is no way for him to be extradited
from Sweden if he is accused for a crime where death penalty is an option.
That would be against the law. Sweden, and many other countries refuses
to extradite criminals which risk to be executed.

The US did not even execute the leak.

For the US to have jurisdiction, he must have committed a crime.
Publishing US top secret documents is a crime in the US,
outside the US it is not a crime.

It would be fun to see the surprised faces, if the US asks Russia to extradite all the FSB
employees, because they work for an organisation which spies on the US.
If the US wants him extradited, it should be soo much easier from the U.K. where
there are ”special relations”, but nooo, the US did not even try.
UK couldnt get him because he was hold up in the Ecuadorian embassy.
UK couldnt get him because he was hold up in the Ecuadorian embassy.
That does not stop the US from asking for him to be extradited.
He was in UK custody for more than a year, before he jumped bail and they did not make a move.

The US surely wants him to be punished, but it has to be within the constitution,
and the First Amendment will most likely get him off the hook.
If a man says NO should he also have a legitimate reason to say No? Or he can say no anytime?

If the wife desired intimacy and the husband denies it then he too should have a good reason for it. Marriage is a 2-way street and both partners have to love and respect each other.

what harm does a rapist cause to a victim after rape?

Usually physical and emotional trauma ranging from mild to severe cases. The reason behind emotional trauma is because the victim can never imagine having intercourse by that particular person. Physical trauma is obviously from physical assault where the victim tries to defend himself/herself.

However, none of the above is applicable in this particular case; similarly intercourse within the sanctity of marriage. Barring physical assault, having physical relations with one's wife just isn't rape.

The news is from europe i wish to see same laws implemented in a rational way in pakistan cause in pakistam there is a hell lot of marital sexual abuse as i shared earlier i have friends in gynae field n they get to treat such cases where women come with wounded private parts n they are never reported to police

That is domestic abuse and punishable under law. However, it makes little sense as to how and why a normal person would ever cause physical damage to his wife especially when he wants to engage with her in pleasure.
Usually physical and emotional trauma ranging from mild to severe cases. The reason behind emotional trauma is because the victim can never imagine having intercourse by that particular person. Physical trauma is obviously from physical assault where the victim tries to defend himself/herself.

However, none of the above is applicable in this particular case; similarly intercourse within the sanctity of marriage. Barring physical assault, having physical relations with one's wife just isn't rape.
ok, and if she says no, and the uses physical abuse to have his way, then again emotional trauma, because of being betrayed by the one you were supposed to love and trust, and then obviously physical damage.
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