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Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

Yes you are right!

According to Islam It is a man's duty to provide for his wife and children at all cost. Whether he is in the mood or not,he has to provide for his family,even it means doing jobs that are detrimental to his health.

Likewise,according to Islam it is wife's duty to obey his husband and fulfill his sexual desires,whether she is in the mood or not.

If by "Male dominant society",you mean:

  • Men is responsible for providing food and shelter to his wife and children as long as he is alive.
  • Men giving up his own desire so that can his wife and children can have new clothes at the social function.
  • Men working overtime so that his family can have the latest gadgets.
  • Men saving money for his whole adult life so can give his daughters big dowry,so no in her husband's family taunt her and she can have better future.
  • Men doing the most dangerous jobs in the world i.e Guarding borders,patrolling streets,firefighting,search and rescue missions and etc.
  • In any dangerous situation like "Hostage situation",the importance is always given to children and women.But never to men.
  • Men doing all the blue collar jobs,some of which are very low-level(gutter cleaning,sweeping streets) and some of which are physically very hard (Labour,miners and etc)
  • Men giving up their plans so the can take their wife,daughter and sister to their meetups,gatherings and etc.
  • If robbers enter your house at night,the men is always the first one to face the intruders.
  • AND if you are on Titanic then all the life boats will be given to the women,while all the men will sink with the Titanic.:angel:
Then I completely agree with you that we are living in a "Male Dominant Society"!

Man, you have issues. You need to see a psychologist. In the eyes of Allah SWT men and women are equal but each gender has a different purpose and role in life.

Regarding sexual intimacy, it is a women's responsibility to fulfil her husband's needs and it's a man's responsibility to fulfil his wife's needs. A women is allowed to seek for a divorce if her physical needs are not met by her husband. Please gain some Islamic knowledge and then make your point.
wait so according to you, a woman becomes a item for satisfying yourself after she has signed that contract? After signing the contract, she effectively looses her right to say no?

No, the woman has a right to say NO. But there better be a legitimate reason for that NO and that there should be some YES sessions in between those NO's.

Or she can simply allow her husband to have another wife. Because whether you like it or not, sex is a pretty important consideration and a big part of marriage and married life. A husband who does not get sex from his wife would develop psychological and possibly physical problems.

Lack of Islamic knowledge and stupid cultural male dominance in society. Think women are cattle for their own satisfaction and desire. Only if they know the status of a women is Islam.

So, in Islam a woman is allowed to say NO to her husband? But what is she directed to do by Islam, isn't she directed to obey her husband and to go to his bed when he wants? And what about such a wife who neither satisfies her husband nor allows him to take another wife?

What I don't understand here is, wouldn't a decent husband consider his wife's decision and consent? It has to be a specially deprived man to go to that length or a lunatic. I presume the former is more common and so my sympathy with the husband.
No, the woman has a right to say NO. But there better be a legitimate reason for that NO and that there should be some YES sessions in between those NO's.

Or she can simply allow her husband to have another wife. Because whether you like it or not, sex is a pretty important consideration and a big part of marriage and married life. A husband who does not get sex from his wife would develop psychological and possibly physical problems.
I cannot simply start the entire discussion from zero again, just because someone just read a two days old thread
I cannot simply start the entire discussion from zero again, just because someone just read a two days old thread


We can continue from your last post, if you agree. For the sake of further discussion, would you confirm your marital status?
These men forget that in the last sermon of the Prophet PBUH, the message was clear...treat your women with kindness.
Even though you reported me I agree with you.
Rape is rape. Yes husbands do rape wives and it's plain wrong. Do they not see that they have daughters and their husbands could do the same. Shame that there is even an argument still going on after so many pages
Ofcourse it does. With experience of marriage, your opinion holds weight. Without experience you are only speaking with emotion without any weight behind that emotion.
ok so wait, what kind of logic is that?
rape is rape, inside or outside of marriage
or are you thinking that inside of marriage one gets so used to it, that he/she can justify it?
If this is rape then...

If a wife takes out money from her husband's wallet, without his permission then this will be stealing.
She should be punished by the court for stealing money.Right??
If this is rape then...

If a wife takes out money from her husband's wallet, without his permission then this will be stealing.
She should be punished by the court for stealing money.Right??

Her hands should be chopped off, right?

People need to understand that Western laws and societies are far from perfect.
Man, you have issues. You need to see a psychologist.

What to do when you can't refute a statement using logic and facts??:blink:

Ad hominem attacks!:guns:

Keep Going!

In the eyes of Allah SWT men and women are equal but each gender has a different purpose and role in life.

Completely agree with you.In front of Allah we all equal, each having different duties and different rights.Not same rights!

Regarding sexual intimacy, it is a women's responsibility to fulfil her husband's needs and it's a man's responsibility to fulfil his wife's needs. A women is allowed to seek for a divorce if her physical needs are not met by her husband. Please gain some Islamic knowledge and then make your point.

As per my Islamic knowledge a man having physical intimacy with his wife is not rape.
I present an analogy:

My wife keeps my debit cards because she manages the finances of my home. She doesn't need to call me each time to use my debit cards because she is my wife and I consented to this years earlier.

Similar situation with sex; when you enter a marriage, it is understood that sex will be expected and neither partners need to formally request it each time. You can initiate intimacy without a formal request at times. Now, of-course, you have an idea of sickness and periods; you can abstain during these situations. However, when everything is normal, you have the right to initiate whenever you desire (in private).

There are dynamics in marriage that single people will hardly ever understand.

And if she asks her husband to give money then that would be extortion. Right??

After all just like my body, it is my money too.

Beautiful, my man.
If this is rape then...

If a wife takes out money from her husband's wallet, without his permission then this will be stealing.
She should be punished by the court for stealing money.Right??
not the same bro. technically it is theft.

I present an analogy:

My wife keeps my debit cards because she manages the finances of my home. She doesn't need to call me each time to use my debit cards because she is my wife and I consented to this years earlier.

Similar situation with sex; when you enter a marriage, it is understood that sex will be expected and neither partners need to formally request it each time. You can initiate intimacy without a formal request at times. Now, of-course, you have an idea of sickness and periods; you can abstain during these situations. However, when everything is normal, you have the right to initiate whenever you desire (in private).

There are dynamics in marriage that single people will hardly ever understand.


Beautiful, my man.

bro in this case the husband didn't initiate intimacy. his wife was drunk he took her home. she was out and he abused her trust. she woke up and thought she was raped. he then told her to report it to the police. she did and it was his dna.
1. I know you would never do that to your wife
2. would be shocked if your wife was out so drunk she had no idea what happened.

so I don't understand why everyone is arguing
Ok, so why is everyone assuming that the men forced herself on the wife?The wife was surely drunk but you know drunk people do have physical intimacy ,consensually.Which sometimes they don't remember in the morning.

And the men himself told the wife to report the so-called rape to police.Maybe he was under the impression that someone else really raped her before he took her home.

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