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Hurriyat rejects Pakistan High Commission's invitation for Eid Milan: reports!

@Norwegian should be reported to Norwegian authorities he is doing his best to defame a peaceful country like Norway-
Yeah, defaming Norway by exposing Pakistani jingoists on PDF? :D

So, he was indian, after all. The amount of time and energy these trolls spend to build a fake ID here is amazing. The guy spent 24/7 on Pakistani forums, post news about Pakistani news, gave himself a Pakistani political party, too - build credibility
Thanks. Finally I came out of the closet as an Indian without even going through the hardship of actually learning to speak and write Hindi language = the national language of India. :D

Also bro don't spoil your Ramazan by engaging too much with these Bharti trolls
I am not a Bharti, but if you want to believe in a lie, its not my problem. People in Pakistan are too accustomed with lies anyway :D

Bro, he doesn't fast.
Of course I fast. Entire Ramadan. :D

This is obsession. Extreme obsession. Just check the obsession of these guys with us. This guy literally spent months to make him look like a Pakistani. But yesterday lost his cool and blew away his cover. Indians trolls might be irritating but when you find such cases of obsession then you even laugh at them.
Lost my cool? When did that happen? :D You guys must be really obsessed with Indians, so much that you would go all the way whining about me being an Indian, when clearly I am not :D

Oh right, they don't, which is probably why India hasn't been able to occupy successively more Kashmiri territory like the Israelis have done with Palestine.
India had its chance to occupy, annex East Pakistan post 1971 debacle. India is not interested in more territory. The country is already too big to govern as it is already!!!

I don't have any issues if some non Pakistan or even a Pakistani has different views than me. However having Pakistani flags and then supporting and thanking people who are using filthy abusive language for Pakistan is something different altogether. The second part is not acceptable for me and I know even for you. So I think that explains the scenario behind that particular user (Norwegian) which irked not only me but several other members too.
Irked? If you can't tolerate opposing views, why even remain on this forum. If we have nothing to disagree, then there is no need for a debate. Obviously you were irked because I refuted all your BS and you had to involve a moderator to stop me forcibly! :D
Norway has nowhere near enough pedophiles in entire country than one little village of Kasur has in Pakistan! :D :D :D
You came from Kasur i believe - :D-
Norway should not give citizenship to immigrants from Kasur- :lol:-
You came from Kasur i believe - :D-
Norway should not give citizenship to immigrants from Kasur- :lol:-
Aren't you forgetting something? According to hyper patriot of PDFs, I am actually a RAW agent installed by Modi Sarkar to infiltrate this forum :D :D :D
Aren't you forgetting something? According to hyper patriot of PDFs, I am actually a RAW agent installed by Modi Sarkar to infiltrate this forum :D :D :D
Naaa i haven't forgotten anything-
you are yet to deny that you are a pedophile- silent admission?- :lol:-
Naaa i haven't forgotten anything-
you are yet to deny that you are a pedophile- silent admission?- :lol:-
No need to deny anything since denial is not accepted anyway. :hitwall:
So just keep on accusing and have fun! :enjoy:
No need to deny anything since denial is not accepted anyway. :hitwall:
So just keep on accusing and have fun! :enjoy:
You should have simply said that there is nothing to deny- :D- why bother if some one accepts or not- :lol:-
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