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Hundreds of Kashmiris pause to pray for suspected terrorist killed by Indian security forces

Recently there was a metro digging near by my home with state of the art digging machine. It lead to huge crowd gathering and thus leading to jam. I don't know what these people where looking for. I was too stuck in that traffic..:angry::angry:

Don't know why people stop or pause for unnecessary stuff.

One come to the world, live in the world and then leave the world. Normal life cycle..
Well who cares, a lot of people also prayed for Osama bin Laden, its a democracy, its a free country, people can do whatever they want, peacefully, and as long as they are not breaking any laws. But if they break laws, and try to follow the path of their dead brethren, rest of them will have to pause again to pray.
"A troll topic becomes yet another troll thread" - PlanetWarrior
"A troll by any other name yet remains but a troll" - PlanetWarrior

Hundreds turn out to read the wise words of PlanetWarrior - new thread on PDF
Local sentiments based on bigoted religious bias?
militancy funded by outsiders?
human rights of cold blooded traitors?

Which point you want me to think about?
And yes, these terrorist do consider if a person is a brahmin and should not be buried.

It was all of it in my opinion. There was wide local support in Kashmir against the soviet invasion and the Mujahideen did receive moral support from the Kashmiris. This was a time when Religion based war was being glorified in international media as a powerful stand against communism and its expansion.

After the war ended and infiltration started in 1990, Kashmiris too started believing independence from India was possible after 40 years of calm, blinded merely by religious sentiments and the feeling of fraternity from across the border towards their cause. Many crossed the border which was lawless and porous and received arms training from the same camps where Mujahideen were trained. They came back with Kalashnikovs and dreamt of a revolution.

All these developments were compounded by the fact that Indis's economy in general was in shambles and these incidences of minor violences and terrorism were mostly overlooked. There was no comprehensive plan to tackle this issue or even understanding of the extent of the problem.

Pakistan at that time had surplus CIA funds and extensive manpower to keep funding the insurgency and arming jobless,poor youth who were bombarded by propaganda through local masjids which was their only source of news.

Their propaganda further gained strength when Kunan Poshpora mass rapes were publicized and Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992. It was used by the newly formed Lashkar-e-Tayyiba. Most of their training camps were located in NWFP and many were shifted to Azad Kashmir for the sole purpose of training volunteers for the Kashmir Jihad. From 1992 onwards, militancy surged in Indian Kashmir, as many Lashkar-e-Taiba volunteers were infiltrated into Indian Kashmir from Azad Kashmir with the help of the ISI. The Pandits became the natural enemy of the twisted form of Islamic Dogma fed to population.

Only when militancy peaked during 1993-96 did the Indian Government start formulating strategies and the army was given a free hand. The policies were terrible and suddenly every Kashmiri was a suspect. Entire villages were rounded up, treated like criminals in their own land. Their religion was mocked and their aspirations crushed.

To tackle the problem of producing evidence and putting so many militants to trial, AFSPA was introduced and encounters were awarded monetarily. The immediate repurcussions of monetary reward was corruption in which many innocent civilian kashmiris were killed in fake encounters and thousands were rounded up and disappeared forever, never to face a court of law.

Interrogation centre's like PAPA-2 instilled fear in the heart of Kashmiris and alienated them. Large numbers of local people, as well as the occasional captured Pakistan jihadi, would "disappear." Their bodies would later be found, if at all, floating down Jhelum, bruised, covered in cigarette burns, missing fingers or even whole limbs.

If at all, I blame our intelligence agencies and army for failing to predict the aftermath of the Afghan Jihad, contemporary local sentiments and take necessary precaution and anti-infiltration measures which could have cost us Kashmir.

I am happy that things are slowly going back to normal. Lets not forget there is an entire generation of late teenagers who hardly had the opportunity to go to schools and lead a normal life due to frequent closures and boycotts. We need to approach this in a more humanitarian way.

@chhota bheem @acid rain @IND_PAK @SarthakGanguly @Icewolf @Armstrong @he-man
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Well Kashmir will be liberated sooner or later either through talks or through most bloody war in history of humanity
Now, Thats the Spirit, But keep it during war, so another time India did not need 93,000 POW to be feed, and yes Plz Plz plz Use 200 nukes you gonna built for Permanent Solution of the Issue, and definetely on your suggested "Bluddy" Way.
Its pakistan tragedy and a shame as a state, that more people mourn for osama and hakimullah, rather for their own country men slain in operations in tribal belts.
And then such threads become such farce that it can no longer be taken seriously.
regarding pics ...... Pakistan need to show some thing after successful polls on the other side !!

If he has terror link then it is obvious that security establishment will target them. They are mourning because he is dead, this is not a protest.
• Shiraz Ahmed is one of three suspected rebels killed in a gunbattle with government forces in South Kashmir

• The three men were thought to be members of the militant Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)

• LeT is fighting against Indian control in Kashmir and believed to be responsible for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai

The men were thought to be members of Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the militant group India believes is responsible for the 2008 attack on Mumbai that killed 166 people.

According to local reports, police said Ahmed transported militants, who were involved in the killing of Assistant Sub Inspector Farooq Ahmad.

This is nothing compared to the number of people who attended Bugti's funeral killed by the Pakistan army

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India
This is nothing compared to the number of people who attended Bugti's funeral killed by the Pakistan army

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India
This one is Good Finding; But bet that it will never make them responsible at any manner, Pakistan seems like have mouth but no ear, they want to just say but not want to hear and have any responsibility whatever they do. First In Bangladesh they have acted in cruel manner and now in Baluchistan. I think For Musalmans the Humans are Vegitable, chop chop chop :guns:
Pandits would'nt be buried. We Indians need to admit that there have been severe violations of human rights in Kashmir and mass killings did take place from 1989-2003 when Indian authorities started treating their own citizens as outsiders without understanding local sentiments and cause of the militancy.

Any human violation should be dealt as per land of law n recently a news came some army men were given punishment of life time imprisonment by our courts.... That would certainly act as deterrent however who is not aware of anti terrorist operation of army under immense difficult situations of militancy(with some local support) can easily brag about human right violations in valley.....
KP exodus is also black chapter in the modern history of Kashmir n India....
It was all of it in my opinion. There was wide local support in Kashmir against the soviet invasion and the Mujahideen did receive moral support from the Kashmiris. This was a time when Religion based war was being glorified in international media as a powerful stand against communism and its expansion.

After the war ended and infiltration started in 1990, Kashmiris too started believing independence from India was possible after 40 years of calm, blinded merely by religious sentiments and the feeling of fraternity from across the border towards their cause. Many crossed the border which was lawless and porous and received arms training from the same camps where Mujahideen were trained. They came back with Kalashnikovs and dreamt of a revolution.

All these developments were compounded by the fact that Indis's economy in general was in shambles and these incidences of minor violences and terrorism were mostly overlooked. There was no comprehensive plan to tackle this issue or even understanding of the extent of the problem.

Pakistan at that time had surplus CIA funds and extensive manpower to keep funding the insurgency and arming jobless,poor youth who were bombarded by propaganda through local masjids which was their only source of news.

Their propaganda further gained strength when Kunan Poshpora mass rapes were publicized and Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992. It was used by the newly formed Lashkar-e-Tayyiba. Most of their training camps were located in NWFP and many were shifted to Azad Kashmir for the sole purpose of training volunteers for the Kashmir Jihad. From 1992 onwards, militancy surged in Indian Kashmir, as many Lashkar-e-Taiba volunteers were infiltrated into Indian Kashmir from Azad Kashmir with the help of the ISI. The Pandits became the natural enemy of the twisted form of Islamic Dogma fed to population.

Only when militancy peaked during 1993-96 did the Indian Government start formulating strategies and the army was given a free hand. The policies were terrible and suddenly every Kashmiri was a suspect. Entire villages were rounded up, treated like criminals in their own land. Their religion was mocked and their aspirations crushed.

To tackle the problem of producing evidence and putting so many militants to trial, AFSPA was introduced and encounters were awarded monetarily. The immediate repurcussions of monetary reward was corruption in which many innocent civilian kashmiris were killed in fake encounters and thousands were rounded up and disappeared forever, never to face a court of law.

Interrogation centre's like PAPA-2 instilled fear in the heart of Kashmiris and alienated them. Large numbers of local people, as well as the occasional captured Pakistan jihadi, would "disappear." Their bodies would later be found, if at all, floating down Jhelum, bruised, covered in cigarette burns, missing fingers or even whole limbs.

If at all, I blame our intelligence agencies and army for failing to predict the aftermath of the Afghan Jihad, contemporary local sentiments and take necessary precaution and anti-infiltration measures which could have cost us Kashmir.

I am happy that things are slowly going back to normal. Lets not forget there is an entire generation of late teenagers who hardly had the opportunity to go to schools and lead a normal life due to frequent closures and boycotts. We need to approach this in a more humanitarian way.

@chhota bheem @acid rain @IND_PAK @SarthakGanguly @Icewolf @Armstrong @he-man
Very good post . Deserves positive ratings. @nair @SpArK
Machil: Army court sentences five soldiers to life

A military court sentenced five soldiers, including two officers, to life imprisonment on Thursday for the staged killing of three Kashmiri civilians and passing it off as an anti-militancy operation in Jammu and Kashmir's Machil sector in 2010.

Machil: Army court sentences five soldiers to life - Hindustan Times

Despite attempted coverup, Israeli border policeman arrested for murder of Palestinian teen during Nakba Day protest

Policeman faces murder charge in Nakba Day shooting of Palestinian teen

- See more at: Despite attempted coverup, Israeli border policeman arrested for murder of Palestinian teen during Nakba Day protest – Mondoweiss
Despite attempted coverup, Israeli border policeman arrested for murder of Palestinian teen during Nakba Day protest – Mondoweiss

Ferguson riots: live - Telegraph (This is different Case though)

I bet Indian and Israel will punish their people for wrong, But Brave Pakistan Punjabi people never be comeout of "ism", Muslism, Islamism, Pakistanism, Punjabism and so on................ Hope their will be case where some one punish to do wrong In Pakistan for Non punjabi attacks.........
It was all of it in my opinion. There was wide local support in Kashmir against the soviet invasion and the Mujahideen did receive moral support from the Kashmiris. This was a time when Religion based war was being glorified in international media as a powerful stand against communism and its expansion.

After the war ended and infiltration started in 1990, Kashmiris too started believing independence from India was possible after 40 years of calm, blinded merely by religious sentiments and the feeling of fraternity from across the border towards their cause. Many crossed the border which was lawless and porous and received arms training from the same camps where Mujahideen were trained. They came back with Kalashnikovs and dreamt of a revolution.

All these developments were compounded by the fact that Indis's economy in general was in shambles and these incidences of minor violences and terrorism were mostly overlooked. There was no comprehensive plan to tackle this issue or even understanding of the extent of the problem.

Pakistan at that time had surplus CIA funds and extensive manpower to keep funding the insurgency and arming jobless,poor youth who were bombarded by propaganda through local masjids which was their only source of news.

Their propaganda further gained strength when Kunan Poshpora mass rapes were publicized and Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992. It was used by the newly formed Lashkar-e-Tayyiba. Most of their training camps were located in NWFP and many were shifted to Azad Kashmir for the sole purpose of training volunteers for the Kashmir Jihad. From 1992 onwards, militancy surged in Indian Kashmir, as many Lashkar-e-Taiba volunteers were infiltrated into Indian Kashmir from Azad Kashmir with the help of the ISI. The Pandits became the natural enemy of the twisted form of Islamic Dogma fed to population.

Only when militancy peaked during 1993-96 did the Indian Government start formulating strategies and the army was given a free hand. The policies were terrible and suddenly every Kashmiri was a suspect. Entire villages were rounded up, treated like criminals in their own land. Their religion was mocked and their aspirations crushed.

To tackle the problem of producing evidence and putting so many militants to trial, AFSPA was introduced and encounters were awarded monetarily. The immediate repurcussions of monetary reward was corruption in which many innocent civilian kashmiris were killed in fake encounters and thousands were rounded up and disappeared forever, never to face a court of law.

Interrogation centre's like PAPA-2 instilled fear in the heart of Kashmiris and alienated them. Large numbers of local people, as well as the occasional captured Pakistan jihadi, would "disappear." Their bodies would later be found, if at all, floating down Jhelum, bruised, covered in cigarette burns, missing fingers or even whole limbs.

If at all, I blame our intelligence agencies and army for failing to predict the aftermath of the Afghan Jihad, contemporary local sentiments and take necessary precaution and anti-infiltration measures which could have cost us Kashmir.

I am happy that things are slowly going back to normal. Lets not forget there is an entire generation of late teenagers who hardly had the opportunity to go to schools and lead a normal life due to frequent closures and boycotts. We need to approach this in

A military action in civilian population has its issues, and such issues happen everywhere such operations happen.

Pakistan sponsored Militancy had reached extreme levels and the ops were a necessity.
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