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Humans emerged from male pig and female chimp, world's top geneticist says

Woman with dominant male genes
Humans evolved from Chimps and Pigs... below is a proof. :D :D :D


The threads on this forum get worse by the day. So we are all related to pigs and chimps, guess Darwin was wrong after all....
Some desperate monkey caught the lady pig and voila humans were born ..lolzz

Crispy pork belly is delicious though :P
No, you guys get it all Wrong. Humans are/were a product of Pigs and dogs.

That's why men are called pigs and women Bltches.
Religion is not about proofs but believing.If you don't believe yoursel stop attacking others just because they do.
ok, then why cant we have a scientific belief where proof is being given along with explanations.
Party school will be UFL.

Animals can interbreed, there are many examples, liger for example.
UGA came 8th in the Playboy ranking this year...

Tigers and Lions are of the same genus(Panthera)...but when two animals of different species inbreed their offspring usually die or if they survive(like mules or ligers) they are always impotent....a chimp and a pig are miles away from each other in the evolutionary tree....Humans directly evolved from apes....the logic presented in the article says humans have similarities with pigs(our valves can be replaced with pig valves)...but the same thing is true for cows too....our valves can be replaced with bovine valves also...so was it chimp and a pig that gave rise to us or was it a threesome involving a cow?
So does that mean the dark people have more genes of monkeys and whiter people have more genes of pig.
"Say: "Shall I point out to you something much worse than this, (as judged) by the treatment it received from Allah? those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil;- these are (many times) worse in rank, and far more astray from the even path!"
Al-Maida 60
i feel happy for him, at last he found his forefathers... :omghaha:
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