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Human Rights Watch to Israel: Stop Shooting at Gaza Civilians

Doesn't matter under International Law.

Under International Law, Israel remains the 'colonizing power' of Gaza. It controls the sovereignty of Gaza and its people.

Yes, I have been agreeing with you all along.

Germans and its leaders like Hitler had every right to defend themselves from Jews which were controlling banks, and secretly harming innocent German civilians. Germans had the right to do whatever it could to defend its people from Jewish plots and other barbaric Jews plans that were destablizing not only Germany, but entire Europe.

But I commend Germans, they opted a very civilized and calculated way of dealing with the problem.

The humane final solution for Jews.


I am very satisfy that you are making the effort to educate the members of this forum on the greatest genocide ever which was against the Jewish people. Some of the members of PDF deny its existence so I thank you for your services.

As for the situation in Gaza, you keep saying that under international law Gaza is under occupation. Please elaborate on exactly what law you make your argument?
As for the situation in Gaza, you keep saying that under international law Gaza is under occupation. Please elaborate on exactly what law you make your argument?

Amnesty International's take on the issue:

Conclusion: Gaza is an occupied territory under International Law.


Human Rights Watch's take on the issue:

Conclusion: Gaza is an occupied territory under International Legal frame. Israel remains the colonizing power of Gaza.

Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, July 6, 2006 | Human Rights Watch

United Nations website declaring the Gaza is still an occupied territory Under International Law, Geneva Convention, and rules of security council.

U.N declares Gaza still occupied by Israel

Amnesty International's take on the issue:

Conclusion: Gaza is an occupied territory under International Law.
Document - Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: The conflict in Gaza: A briefing on applicable law, investigations and accountability | Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch's take on the issue:

Conclusion: Gaza is an occupied territory under International Legal frame. Israel remains the colonizing power of Gaza.

Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, July 6, 2006 | Human Rights Watch
United Nations website declaring the Gaza is still an occupied territory Under International Law, Geneva Convention, and rules of security council.

U.N declares Gaza still occupied by Israel

None of the above can be considered an international law that Israel should abide. NGO's declarations are just that, UNGA resolutions and HR council have only formal weight.

International law which Israel should consider usually means a UNSC resolution or a convention/treaty Israel signed as a member.

Hence, under current international law Gaza is not under occupation.
None of the above can be considered an international law that Israel should abide. NGO's declarations are just that, UNGA resolutions and HR council have only formal weight.

International law which Israel should consider usually means a UNSC resolution or a convention/treaty Israel signed as a member.

Hence, under current international law Gaza is not under occupation.

Wait. Were these people shot merely for going near a fence which demarcates a border? Nowhere in this post does it mention that any of these people were killed for attempting to cross the fence. Therefore, they would still be in Palestinian territory right ? If so, shouldn't the IDF charge its soldiers for murder of these civilians ?
Wait. Were these people shot merely for going near a fence which demarcates a border? Nowhere in this post does it mention that any of these people were killed for attempting to cross the fence. Therefore, they would still be in Palestinian territory right ? If so, shouldn't the IDF charge its soldiers for murder of these civilians ?

The area near the border fence is a closed zone in light of past terror attacks launched from there against Israeli soldiers.
None of the above can be considered an international law that Israel should abide. NGO's declarations are just that, UNGA resolutions and HR council have only formal weight.

International law which Israel should consider usually means a UNSC resolution or a convention/treaty Israel signed as a member.

Hence, under current international law Gaza is not under occupation.

No, honey, thats now how it works.

United Nations has declared Gaza as colonized by Israel.

Moreover, International Court of Justice has declared Gaza, West Bank, and E.Jerusalem as "occupied territories" in their legal advisory statement on the issue.

When highest court of International System says so, it means that it is occupied.

Stop making a fool out of yourself.
No, honey, thats now how it works.

United Nations has declared Gaza as colonized by Israel.

Moreover, International Court of Justice has declared Gaza, West Bank, and E.Jerusalem as "occupied territories" in their legal advisory statement on the issue.

When highest court of International System says so, it means that it is occupied.

Stop making a fool out of yourself.

No, love. You missed the point.

The ICJ ruling in his advisory capacity has no legal biding and equivalent in status to UNGA resolutions.

Hence, there is not a single international law which force Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders because these territories are defined as under occupation. This is even more accurate regarding Gaza which Israel withdrew from in 2005.
No, love. You missed the point.

The ICJ ruling in his advisory capacity has no legal biding and equivalent in status to UNGA resolutions.

Hence, there is not a single international law which force Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders because these territories are defined as under occupation. This is even more accurate regarding Gaza which Israel withdrew from in 2005.

No, love. You missed the point.

The point here is that whether Israel is a colonizer or not. And all human right organizations, United Nations, and International Court of Justice state that Israel is a colonizing power which has been colonizing Gaza, West Bank, and E.Jerusalem.

International Court of Justice can not pass any legal "order" to any nation because it has no authority/mechanism to implement it. That's the role of U.N.

The only reason you don't have to do anything is not because you are not a colonial power, it is just because that United States save your little *** in the U.N every single time.
No, love. You missed the point.

The point here is that whether Israel is a colonizer or not. And all human right organizations, United Nations, and International Court of Justice state that Israel is a colonizing power which has been colonizing Gaza, West Bank, and E.Jerusalem.

International Court of Justice can not pass any legal "order" to any nation because it has no authority/mechanism to implement it. That's the role of U.N.

The only reason you don't have to do anything is not because you are not a colonial power, it is just because that United States save your little *** in the U.N every single time.

You can continue to wave with irrelevant declaration of biased organisations or the UNGA until the cows comes home. It has no weight whatsoever as an international law.

Instead of that the Palestinians can do something useful with themselves and try to concentrate on living in peace side by side with Israel instead of always making efforts to destroy it.
You can continue to wave with irrelevant declaration of biased organisations or the UNGA until the cows comes home. It has no weight whatsoever as an international law.

Are you stupid or what?

According to International Law, Israel is a colonial power. That's a fact. Now, the *ONLY* reason Israel doesn't face the consequences of its illegal colonization is because the U.S protects its child.

Anyways, Israel soon would have to do something about the issue. Either allow Palestinians to become a nation-state comprising of E.Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza.

Or become a bi-national state with 45% Palestinians and 55% Jews. With all citizens having absolutely equal rights.

Instead of that the Palestinians can do something useful with themselves and try to concentrate on living in peace side by side with Israel instead of always making efforts to destroy it.

Give them their state...and they'll live peacefully.

It is Israel who is the problem here. The main problem.
Are you stupid or what?

According to International Law, Israel is a colonial power. That's a fact. Now, the *ONLY* reason Israel doesn't face the consequences of its illegal colonization is because the U.S protects its child.

Anyways, Israel soon would have to do something about the issue. Either allow Palestinians to become a nation-state comprising of E.Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza.

Or become a bi-national state with 45% Palestinians and 55% Jews. With all citizens having absolutely equal rights.

Give them their state...and they'll live peacefully.

It is Israel who is the problem here. The main problem.

It seems that you are intellectually challenged:

As I proved to you abiding international law does not say anything that Israel is a colonial power - there is nothing far from the truth about Israel than this definition. The West Bank and Gaza was seized by Israel in 1967 and currently are territories under dispute, nothing more.

As for a Palestinian state, as I already mentioned Israel supports the creation of this state, so what is your problem? The reason there is no agreement is because the Palestinians are still dedicated to the destruction of Israel - do you deny that?
It seems that you are intellectually challenged:

No, it is just that you lack basic education and manners of engagement.

As I proved to you abiding international law does not say anything that Israel is a colonial power - there is nothing far from the truth about Israel than this definition. The West Bank and Gaza was seized by Israel in 1967 and currently are territories under dispute, nothing more.

Are you retard?

International Court of Justice, Human Right Organizations, and the United Nations all regard Israel as the occupying power in West Bank.

What else you want? God himself to come down and say "Israel is a colonial power"?

As for a Palestinian state, as I already mentioned Israel supports the creation of this state, so what is your problem? The reason there is no agreement is because the Palestinians are still dedicated to the destruction of Israel - do you deny that?

No, the main problem with two-state solution is the illegal Israeli settlements that are in West Bank..and the number of settlements have only increased with time.
No, it is just that you lack basic education and manners of engagement.

Are you retard?

International Court of Justice, Human Right Organizations, and the United Nations all regard Israel as the occupying power in West Bank.

What else you want? God himself to come down and say "Israel is a colonial power"?

No, the main problem with two-state solution is the illegal Israeli settlements that are in West Bank..and the number of settlements have only increased with time.

For the thousand time, none of what you mentioned are biding international laws. Keep repeating "HR" declarations, UNGA resolution will not change that. Only UNSC resolutions have an effect or treaties Israel signed and committed to them.

After your previous arguments failed you bring the settlements issue. They are not a problem - if the Palestinians come to their senses and will accept an independent state living peacefully with Israel, Israel would remove the settlements according to the new borders that will be agreed. Just like Israel did when withdrawing from Gaza and Sinai.

BTW, you did not deny that the Palestinians are committed to the destruction of Israel. But still, according to your i-logic, Israel is the obstacle to peace... We can agree that Israel is an obstacle to its own destruction by the Palestinians...
For the thousand time, none of what you mentioned are biding international laws. Keep repeating "HR" declarations, UNGA resolution will not change that. Only UNSC resolutions have an effect or treaties Israel signed and committed to them.

For a thousand time, ALL of what I mentioned is International Law...and are based on International Law. Let me explain your confusion:

Israel is a party to fourth Geneva Convention, right? Under fourth Geneva convention, transferring your civilian population to an occupied territory is a war crime and a violation of the International law.

Now does Israel do that or not?

The International Court of Justice declare in its advisory statement that yes, Israel IS a criminal in the light of International Law and that Israel DOES occupy Palestinian territory. This is a fact. On the basis of this, ICJ declared the wall 'illegal'

Now, the only reason you don't see any UNSC resolution is not because Israel doesn't violate International Law...it is because whenever the resolution comes, U.S vetos it and saves Israeli ***.

It still doesn't mean that Israel isn't a colonial power. Israel is a colonial power colonizing Palestinians. It just gets away with it because of the U.S

After your previous arguments failed you bring the settlements issue. They are not a problem - if the Palestinians come to their senses and will accept an independent state living peacefully with Israel, Israel would remove the settlements according to the new borders that will be agreed. Just like Israel did when withdrawing from Gaza and Sinai.

Palestinians aren't bent on destroying Israel. That is just a propaganda of Israel to distract the world from its occupation. It is kinda like British saying "Well, We had to colonize India because Indians wanted to destroy us" ..lol

Palestinians, both Hamas and P.A, have said it again and again--that if Israel withdraws to 67' border..and let Palestinians have a state based on 1967 border (As the International community and U.N recommends), then Palestinians will accept Israel as a sovereign nation state too.

Guess what? It is Israel who doesn't go towards that path..and continues to colonize Palestinians by building more and more illegal settlements.

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