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HUGE propaganda is being waged against Pakistan from all fronts (FOX NEWS)

Problem with Indians is that they do not realize the potential of an enemy, any enemy that faces certain death. It would be a scary future for a few world powers if we are forced out of options and perhaps that is the reason that the US is still so reserved, sort of, in her dealings with Pakistan.

So what if Pakistan is pushed into a corner? How it would affect India? Will Pakistan try a war with its greatest enemy which does not have any intention to attack it.

There is nothing scary for India. Thanks to 65 years of hostility our western border is a lot secure now.

I do not think even a 100% talibanised Pakistan is a danger to India. A talibanised Pakistan is only going to lose its precious military skills it has learnt so far, almighty quality Piloting skills included. talibans war strategy are too ineffective. They can survive only if the local population is of the same ethnicity, they do not have this advantage vis a vis a conflict with India.

Numbers game (human lives) is not going to hold up against India, it may be effective against Americans.

On the contrary a talibanised Pakistan will be toothless against India and will always be focus inward on eliminating other not-so-pure Muslims.
The 'ploy' as you put it is a very real danger that you fail to realize. A Pakistan with nothing to lose is a very very dangerous Pakistan for her enemies, close and far alike.

It's a ploy that has lost its shelf life, nobody believes the constant crying of "wolf". It was a benefiting ploy initially but is more falling flat than generating rich dividends. The danger is more for Pakistan than for anyone else now. The ploy of threatening to kill if its pushed to a corner will kill itself first before venturing to kill others. The constant threat of a nuclear Armageddon will force countries to defang the threat by whatever means possible. Nobody wants a volatile ally not even China would fancy one, they are already pretty sick of North Korea.
"Pakistan next after IRAN"..

When my Neocon friends will take the task of eliminating the Pakistan's Nuclear power. This is very urgent for us to ensure that there is no kind of potential threat for our laws and rules over Muslims. Then after, we can decide, how many musslims can live for our labour. Pakistan right after Iran....Foundation work of the task is already been ordered to proceed.
And it saddens to me to see that their are still PPP and Mushy supporters.

How can you shake hands with the enemy? We need to elect a modern, progressive party that will allow Pakistan to stand on it's own two feet and stop this foreign intervention!

Try to understand the situation, financial & political, that Pakistan was under when Musharraf took over. It does not take a genius to understand that whatever Musharraf did, even his mistakes, he did for Pakistan and with best intentions.
So what if Pakistan is pushed into a corner? How it would affect India? Will Pakistan try a war with its greatest enemy which does not have any intention to attack it.

There is nothing scary for India. Thanks to 65 years of hostility our western border is a lot secure now.

I do not think even a 100% talibanised Pakistan is a danger to India. A talibanised Pakistan is only going to lose its precious military skills it has learnt so far, almighty quality Piloting skills included. talibans war strategy are too ineffective. They can survive only if the local population is of the same ethnicity, they do not have this advantage vis a vis a conflict with India.

Numbers game (human lives) is not going to hold up against India, it may be effective against Americans.

On the contrary a talibanised Pakistan will be toothless against India and will always be focus inward on eliminating other not-so-pure Muslims.

I did not mention India as a recipient of our final strikes, I merely said 'enemy'. So if India does not support US war on Pakistan, they have nothing to fear. However, I must insist that a stable neighbour is in the interest of every country.
It's a ploy that has lost its shelf life, nobody believes the constant crying of "wolf". It was a benefiting ploy initially but is more falling flat than generating rich dividends. The danger is more for Pakistan than for anyone else now. The ploy of threatening to kill if its pushed to a corner will kill itself first before venturing to kill others. The constant threat of a nuclear Armageddon will force countries to defang the threat by whatever means possible. Nobody wants a volatile ally not even China would fancy one, they are already pretty sick of North Korea.

It is actually a 'ploy' that hasn't even begun it's shelf life. It's a 'ploy' that has always been used by others to scare the world and force Pakistan in to dialogues with international diplomatic pressure (and you know whom I mean by 'others').

Pakistan has always been in danger from some end of the world ever since her creation. External danger is nothing new to us and it does not bother us much, it is the internal danger that broke us into 2 pieces and it is internal unrest and danger that we need to address even today. Any external conflict would only help in uniting us, thus failing the external plots to create disharmony amongst us.
For this thread:-

I believe that their is one more angle of this conflict which many have failed to focus upon;

What if the Tribals on both sides (Afghanistan and Pakistan) have managed to pit Pakistan and USA against each other?

After 9/11, Pakistan and USA allied against Taliban. However, both failed to realize the considerable influence of Taliban in Tribal regions on both sides of the Durand Line, which would also serve as its lifeline in case of emergency. After several years of fighting, both Pakistan and USA are frustrated and engaged in blame-gaming.

Maybe, these Tribals have brilliant minds too.

This requires pondering.


You been watching too much Startrek, come back to reality.

American could barely hold on to Afghanistan and Iraq, how can they even dream of holding onto Pakistan?
US is conducting covert war in Pakistan. It began in 2007 and have resulted in thousands of deaths in Pakistan.

However, US have done well in Iraq. And it is closed chapter. Therefore, US can afford to flex its muscles once again.

LOL if F16s start going down WW3 will officially begin hell it might begin before that if the **** with Iran gets out of control.
Please come back to your senses.

I'm just waiting for Imran Khan to come into power. The momentum will change and pressure will be on the US then - no longer on Pakistan.
Imran Khan is a respected personality even abroad. However, he cannot solve this mess overnight. He will be forced to make very tough decisions.

really? it was a success? then how come 10 years later they are still there and still fighting?
I know you have a deep love for your white masters but lets face reality.
all that American might and they are still losing in Afghanistan.
There is no war in Iraq. US crushed Iraqi rebellion. Please update yourself.

Afghan challenge is entirely different in nature in comparison to that of most other countries and very exhaustive. Afghans themselves can solve their issues.

And I never said Pakistan would win in a war with America, but with a population of 200k people who are young, you can be sure as hell we will make America pay a high price for every inch.
A large chunk of Pakistani populace is not battle-hardened and capable to fight. Please keep this in mind. Do not confuse fighting capability of Tribals with rest of the Pakistan.

Regardless, war with Pakistan will be of very different nature.

However, I hope that sanity prevails.
While this story was published in Express Tribune (a joint venture with NYT), notice the headline --- notice where the headline says he was killed --- it does not say the man was killed in Afghanistan, which is where he was killed - by near Pakistan - propaganda?? Yes, sure, but such propaganda ends up hurting only the media in which it originates, because readers are a lot more sophisticated than US media gives them credit for being -- Yes, some people can and will use such headlines to throw mud, but actually the larger idea here is the credibility of such media.

See, when people stop depositing credibility in the such media, the loss is huge, larger than any small point scored by net warriors, propaganda is always a double edged sword

NATO says senior al Qaeda militant killed near Pakistan border
Published: May 29, 2012

KABUL: NATO said Tuesday that al Qaeda’s second in command in Afghanistan had been killed in an air strike near the Pakistani border.

The US-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan said Saudi-born Sakhr al-Taifi, also known as Musthaq and Nasim, commanded foreign fighters and directed attacks on NATO and Afghan troops.

It described him as al Qaeda’s “second highest leader in Afghanistan”, saying he frequently travelled between Afghanistan and Pakistan, “carrying out commands from senior al Qaeda leadership”.

He also supplied weapons and equipment to insurgents, and managed the transport of insurgent fighters into Afghanistan, the military said.

NATO said he was killed in an air strike on Sunday with “one additional al Qaeda terrorist in Watahpur district, Kunar province” which borders Pakistan.

The United States announced last year that it would focus military operations in Afghanistan towards the eastern provinces, which border Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt where US officials say Taliban and al Qaeda-linked militants have sanctuary.

NATO forces are in Afghanistan helping the Western-backed government fight a bloody, Taliban-led insurgency following the US-led invasion shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.

There are around 130,000 international troops in Afghanistan and all NATO-led combat forces are due to leave by the end of 2014.
For this thread:-

I believe that their is one more angle of this conflict which many have failed to focus upon;

What if the Tribals on both sides (Afghanistan and Pakistan) have managed to pit Pakistan and USA against each other?

After 9/11, Pakistan and USA allied against Taliban. However, both failed to realize the considerable influence of Taliban in Tribal regions on both sides of the Durand Line, which would also serve as its lifeline in case of emergency. After several years of fighting, both Pakistan and USA are frustrated and engaged in blame-gaming.

Maybe, these Tribals have brilliant minds too.

This requires pondering.


US is conducting covert war in Pakistan. It began in 2007 and have resulted in thousands of deaths in Pakistan.

However, US have done well in Iraq. And it is closed chapter. Therefore, US can afford to flex its muscles once again.

Please come back to your senses.

Imran Khan is a respected personality even abroad. However, he cannot solve this mess overnight. He will be forced to make very tough decisions.

There is no war in Iraq. US crushed Iraqi rebellion. Please update yourself.

Afghan challenge is entirely different in nature in comparison to that of most other countries and very exhaustive. Afghans themselves can solve their issues.

A large chunk of Pakistani populace is not battle-hardened and capable to fight. Please keep this in mind. Do not confuse fighting capability of Tribals with rest of the Pakistan.

Regardless, war with Pakistan will be of very different nature.

However, I hope that sanity prevails.

I am putting my full trust in Imran and know he will call the right shots if he becomes Prime Minister.

Nobody said the situation is going to be resolved over night, we will have to give it some time.

IK will improve the situation drastically however, mark my words.
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