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Huge Projects of Türkiye

I think Vord is feeling hurt and in need of defending his own words.

Here is where I come and save his day, don't worry cheating and doing poor construction job happens all over the world.

I'm currently working as a construction economist, my company has just built 550 new houses spending aprox 150 mio. USD, all of them 106 sqm, great houses. Energy efficient etc. however we have a problem with all the floor cracking and sewer pipelines leave enough space for the rats to waltz around, those are big problems which will cost aprox 10-20 mio. USD, now the architechts made a good design and all, but there weren't enough 3rd party control and auditing of the entrepreneurs who built the damn thing. The architechs and engineers were passive enough to allow such things.

The point is, this is probably what is going on. Every party of a project are only interested in taking responsibility for their own little piece, and ignore the other issues. The architechs only cares that he didn't make a drawing mistake, the engineer is only concerned that the part he is responsible for is done according to the law and doesn't care that it's insufficient. The entrepreneur only cares that he makes profit and turns a blind eye to certain way things are built. The minister in charge only cares that whatever is built and delivered will outlast his term, so he can be reelected. if any problems arise in year 4-5-6 he will be minister of a different area and not responsible.

This is how it works.
I think Vord is feeling hurt and in need of defending his own words. Here is where I come and save his day, don't worry cheating and doing poor construction job happens all over the world.

Thanks but I don't need your help. :)

All I'm saying is that from a legal point of view, burden of proof rests with the accuser/plaintiff. It's common sense, really. If you're going to be asserting that a particular building is unsafe for occupation due to weak/insufficient materials, you'd better have tangible proof to back that up. Otherwise people like me are free to point out that you're just another clown bashing "Kentsel Donusum" because you're jealous of all the contractors making millions every year while you're taking the minibus.

Like they say... Put up, or shut up. :)

Ah but, you are forgetting one thing. It's a political enviroment and unless the newspapers dig into shit like this, everything goes unnoticed. You think a mere construction worker who was told to use less cement will provide the proof of negligence ?

In a political climate the burden of proof rests on the authorities, who, let's face it, have other plans or interests. If they allow 3rd party auditing and the results are released to the public without being "filtered" by the politicians then they'll look like a$$holes.

Denmark has a state auditing and state accountants (the latter consists of politicians from different groups), and if the state auditing makes a report saying "the Ministry spent 30 billion USD on moving 1000 workplace to the province" the state accountants will ask, "PM are you a fucking idiot" publicly.

This doesn't happen in Turkey. Nor will it as long as AKP and RTE have the power they have.

So the people can only raise this as a issue on the medias and hope some political figure can do something.
I don't actually think it's derailing of the thread. We have huge projects in Turkey, and I think it's only appropriate to raise the question whether proper auditing and controlling occurs in these projects. Now I'm from Karaman, and I know that they spent a lot of money renovating old hospitals and building new ones (back some 15-20 years ago or so), but now that AKP is running the Province they've moved (or tried) the center of the city to the outskirts of Karaman, spent a lot of money to do this, New courthouse, and new hospitals (AGAIN) etc. etc. Where does all this money come from ?

I'm not against development or improving life standard, but construction is one of the biggest money laundering business around and unless we have transparency we won't be able to hold firms accountable for what they make, and how they make it.

And yes Karaman is going to get/got YHT as well. :)
Ah but, you are forgetting one thing. It's a political enviroment and unless the newspapers dig into shit like this, everything goes unnoticed. You think a mere construction worker who was told to use less cement will provide the proof of negligence ?

In a political climate the burden of proof rests on the authorities, who, let's face it, have other plans or interests. If they allow 3rd party auditing and the results are released to the public without being "filtered" by the politicians then they'll look like a$$holes.

Denmark has a state auditing and state accountants (the latter consists of politicians from different groups), and if the state auditing makes a report saying "the Ministry spent 30 billion USD on moving 1000 workplace to the province" the state accountants will ask, "PM are you a fucking idiot" publicly.

This doesn't happen in Turkey. Nor will it as long as AKP and RTE have the power they have.

So the people can only raise this as a issue on the medias and hope some political figure can do something.
This is just vapid AKP-bashing and by no means an admissible response to my arguments about claimants bearing burden of proof before they can be taken seriously. If you don't know the legal concept of "burden of proof", please look it up. Even when you contact the media about something, you're expected to show some sort of proof to back up your claims otherwise anyone can call media and ask them to make a video to bash anyone they desire for whatever purpose. But certain media companies will show this sort of empty and baseless "news" because they will do anything that raises social unrest and is harmfull to Turkey's development. To put it more bluntly, because they serve the agenda of Turkey's enemies. We've come to understand the methods of these "algi operasyonculari" very well lately.

You're presenting no solid evidence/documentation pertaining to "fraud" with the Kentsel Donusum Projects yet we should sue the contractors/authorities for years in prison becaaaaause... oh yeah, you don't like Turkey's president and the ruling party!

LOL. Okay sunshine, whatever you say. Good luck with your lawsuit! :sarcastic:
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This is just vapid AKP-bashing and by no means an admissible response to my arguments about claimants bearing burden of proof before they can be taken seriously. If you don't know the legal concept of "burden of proof", please look it up. Even when you contact the media about something, you're expected to show some sort of proof to back up your claims otherwise anyone can call media and ask them to make a video to bash anyone they desire for whatever purpose. But certain media companies will show this sort of empty and baseless "news" because they will do anything that raises social unrest and is harmfull to Turkey's development. To put it more bluntly, because they serve the agenda of Turkey's enemies. We've come to understand the methods of these "algi operasyonculari" very well lately.

You're presenting no solid evidence/documentation pertaining to "fraud" with the Kentsel Donusum Projects yet we should sue the contractors/authorities for years in prison becaaaaause... oh yeah, you don't like Turkey's president and the ruling party!

LOL. Okay sunshine, whatever you say. Good luck with your lawsuit! :sarcastic:
Si... Et kardeş, bunlarda doğruluk aramak or...da namus aramak gibi birşey.

Ignore all them bro. What only they know is to be a good liar.
Good liers, huh? To people like you even If someone tells you an 110% truth you will act like brainwashed sect member/s or something. Common sense and logic are something you guys hate... you prefer blind belief instead in the Great Leader.
Even if an earthquake of a 7+ on the Richter scale hits Istanbul and hundreds of thousands die because of buildings falling down like autumn leaves you guys will still talk about Americans and Jews using secret weapons, HAARP and etc against Turkey on purpose and not about the poor quality of the buildings and the people who are guilty.

It’s not about AKP- poor quality construction works, corruption and people making lot’s of money by saving materials or using low quality materials etc has been done in Turkey for decades even before AKP and has been done all around the world too.

Turkey should for once really try to learn and copy the good examples from countries which are seismically active like Japan and even Chile where construction standards are high and corruption is a lot less common than in Turkey... If not many, many people will die and the economic impact will be disastrous.
Good liers, huh? To people like you even If someone tells you an 110% truth you will act like brainwashed sect member/s or something. Common sense and logic are something you guys hate... you prefer blind belief instead in the Great Leader.
Even if an earthquake of a 7+ on the Richter scale hits Istanbul and hundreds of thousands die because of buildings falling down like autumn leaves you guys will still talk about Americans and Jews using secret weapons, HAARP and etc against Turkey on purpose and not about the poor quality of the buildings and the people who are guilty.

It’s not about AKP- poor quality construction works, corruption and people making lot’s of money by saving materials or using low quality materials etc has been done in Turkey for decades even before AKP and has been done all around the world too.

Turkey should for once really try to learn and copy the good examples from countries which are seismically active like Japan and even Chile where construction standards are high and corruption is a lot less common than in Turkey... If not many, many people will die and the economic impact will be disastrous.
This is the result when people stop critical thinking, there are always people who use such opportunities.
Dont take this as AKP critisizm only its was the same before AKP too but after 1999 one might think we took a lesson from it which apparently isnt the case as always.
Corruption is not a work meant to be done by Leaders or Gov... But by people influence and decisions... YOu want Corruption out... work for it...Denounce those who does it... Support those who fight against it... and be ready to pay the price for your stance...

If you can't do so... just stay silent and never speak about it again...

The GOvernment is not some sort of ALien entity... it's a sys made by the people...for the people and therefore evolve bc of people mindeset... that's it..; take it like your kid... if you give him bad/good Education, he will give you back what you sow...
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Corruption is not a work meant to be done by Leaders or Gov... But by people influence and decisions... YOu want Corruption out... work for it...Denounce those who does it... Support those who fight against it... and be ready to pay the price for your stance...

If you can't do so... just stay silent and never speak about it again...

The GOvernment is not some sort of ALien entity... it's a sys made by the people...for the people and therefore evolve bc of people mindeset... that's it..; take it like your kid... if you give him by Education, he will give you back what you sow...
Thats whats happening right now.
Gelisim güzeldir ama birde bu yönünü gözardi etmememiz gerek.

I haven't watched the video, because I couldn't be bothered. The topic is covered on Bloomberg HT all the time. The construction companies within the 'kentsel donusum' project, come across these problems all the time, and that there are always some people not willing to sell their properties. These people get from hear/say that they can sell their properties for more money and they end up not selling, or delay/hold off on selling their property ending up like the picture in the thumbnail.
I haven't watched the video, because I couldn't be bothered. The topic is covered on Bloomberg HT all the time. The construction companies within the 'kentsel donusum' project, come across these problems all the time, and that there are always some people not willing to sell their properties. These people get from hear/say that they can sell their properties for more money and they end up not selling, or delay/hold off on selling their property ending up like the picture in the thumbnail.
The video is about something else though.
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