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Huge Projects of Türkiye

Yeah but initial shedule was end of 18 so according to the chart they put the new shedule to august 18 while the election is in november 19 so i dont know if election was the real reason.

There are whole one year between november 19 and end of 18.
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Yusufeli dam September 2017

Ilısu dam September 2017

IGA October 2017


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Gelisim güzeldir ama birde bu yönünü gözardi etmememiz gerek.

Agzi olan konusuyor gibime geldi... Ozellikle egitimsiz Turkce'ye bile dogru duzgun hakim olmayan kisilerin kritigine cok yer verilmis. Video shows a handful of people criticizing the "Kentsel Donusum" projetcs, but I don't see any hard/legal/scientific evidence being put forth regarding constructors "stealing iron, cement, etc" from the buildings. Nor is there any evidence being submitted regarding any corruption in the labs that analyze building strength against earthquakes.

Hersey dort dortluk olmayabilir tabi ama sonucta bilincli kentlesme iyidir kardesim. Bakmayin siz. Getirisi gorutusunden fazladir.
So your best defense is that there aren't any hard evidence proving that construction materials are used less than required.

The video starts with construction workers or someone like that telling about insufficient use of building materials. This is hardly new in Turkey, but the point is there aren't any 3rd part auditing or controlling, and in the video they give several examples of how shallow people are when they want to buy something new.

My brother being an engineer I do hear this, "it's the same sh!t", when I ask him about the quality of the housing. Because I too think the new apartments look nice and beautiful. I have learned to question the construction materials, and since I'm a home owner (house) I've spent more time learning things, so yeah construction materials are very important.

That's why when you want to buy a house ask about the construction materials, and insist on seeing the reports from 3rd party on the tests and quality. It's not just money, but your life that's on the line.
Agzi olan konusuyor gibime geldi... Ozellikle egitimsiz Turkce'ye bile dogru duzgun hakim olmayan kisilerin kritigine cok yer verilmis. Video shows a handful of people criticizing the "Kentsel Donusum" projetcs, but I don't see any hard/legal/scientific evidence being put forth regarding constructors "stealing iron, cement, etc" from the buildings. Nor is there any evidence being submitted regarding any corruption in the labs that analyze building strength against earthquakes.

Hersey dort dortluk olmayabilir tabi ama sonucta bilincli kentlesme iyidir kardesim. Bakmayin siz. Getirisi gorutusunden fazladir.
But theres also no reason to assume they are lying either, what these people say is reality in many places every day, i dont see any reason why it shouldnt be the case here too.
I just will never understand how people will defend something, just because they obey an ideology or a supreme leader. How can you trust a guy, or people, you have never known by yourself ?

Thats why we, or generally middle eastern people always continue losing. Because we always are trusting someone, we see as a great leader and stop trusting on our selfes and beeing productive.

Everything beside. By all your experience you have gained in your live, by yourself. How can you not think, that in our Country people will value Live over Money ? Especially Istanbul is an earthquake danger zone and its absolutely obvious, that in this "Kentsel dönüsüm project", their are people who gamble with human live right now. Their is almost no inspection and a lot of sharks who want to make great money.

Denetimin olmadigi yerde, hersey olur. Herkesi kendiniz gibi güvenilir zannetmeyen, isin icinde siyaset, yada para varsa. Never trust anything, when money or politics are involved. Our people should learn that.
Guys, "innocent until proven guilty" is the essence of all law. Making a claim against someone doesn't automatically make them guilty of something. Yes, things like that have happened plenty of times in Turkey in the past. But "false accusation" and "camur at izi kalsin" and "bilgi sahibi olmadan fikir sahibi olmak" have also been extremely rampant in Turkey.

Construction workers aren't exactly architects or structural/civil/building engineers. Most only have an elementary school diploma. That will hardly qualify as a "subject matter expert" in a court proceeding. Besides, there are many reasons a construction worker can complain about a contractor. For example due to mistreatment, low wages, poor working conditions, trying to coerce the project owner into giving him more money, etc, etc.

All I'm saying is that if you're making a claim, then the burden of proof rests with you. And that proof has to be based on tangible evidence be it scientific lab reports, building strength surveys, expert statement, voice recordings, evidence pertaining to any fraud, etc etc. Afterall, there are ways of scientifically measuring the amount of iron/steel/concrete and their density in a building and building inspectors routinely do so.

If you're going to claim that a newly constructed building is unsafe for human habitation, then you collect the evidence to back up your claim and formally file a complaint with the authorities. You don't go on a TV show and talk smack about Kentsel Donusum Projeleri as a whole.

When you do that, you're not seeking justice. You're just trying to stir schit!

If you ask for it, construction/housing companies are required by law to present you with 3rd party testing/survey/lab results showing the building's certification of strength in the event of a earthquake. Also, you can obtain a report or check if a building has one (or not) from your local "Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü".
Those people deserve that, so i don't feel sad at all.

About structure strenght, worst kind of new ones are tens time more stronger than best gecekondu o_O So these projects are win-win for everyone except people in the project, which i don't really care.
If you're spreading false claims about an earthquake-certified building being unsafe for habitation because you saw a YouTube video where a construction worker "complained about it without presenting any proof whatsoever", then you're doing a disservice to your country and its economy.

Turkiye'de guzel seylerin bazi guclerce her turlu unsur kullanilarak baltalanmaya calisilmasi yeni birsey degil. Size zerre kadar yarari olmayan ve olmayacak insanlarin piyonu olup ulkenize zarar verici seyler paylasmayin.
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Read again

Sana veya buradaki spesifik baska birine bir lafim yok Oguz kardes. Genele konusuyorum. Onlar kendini biliyor merak etme. :)

Sadece bu konuda degil... Nerdeyse bu baslik altinda degindigimiz her noktada, her projede ortaya cikan sesler onlar. Bosu bosuna ve cogu durumda haberi bile olmadan CIA'in, FETO'nun, PKK'nin, mezarimizi kazmaya calisan Bati'nin propaganda kanallarina hizmet eden, onlarin bedava piyonlugunu/hamalligini yapan, ustune bir de kendini Anadolu'nun bagrindan cikanlardan cok daha ustun, modern veya milliyetci sanan "mandaci" zumre benim derdim. Modaci mandacilar diyorum ben onlara. ABD mandacilari... Fransiz mandacilari... Alman mandacilari... Eski tas eski hamam devam ediyor hepsi.
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