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Huge Projects of Türkiye

So we have Marmararay and Tunnel Istanbul?
Are there any other tunneling projects?
Where do you live?

I'm sorry it just sounds weird to me that someone living here asks that...

no, there aren't any other tunnel projects
Last edited:
Wikipedia ya inanma



Insaat halinde

Avrasya Tüneli | Avrasya Tüneli

Ihale ve imza 23. Dezember 2015

Büyük İstanbul Tüneli proje ihalesi 23 Aralık'ta


3 tünel ve 3 köprü

Türk Oligarlar cabuk paraya alismis ! nerde yatirim ? @UkroTurk
Avrupa'da nerdeyse para cezalandiriliyor ve tassaruflara eksi faiz veriyorlar.

Türkiye yatirim icin cok cazip. % 6-10 arasi düzenli yatirim getirisi cok büyük sermaye ceker ve cekiyor.
Yeterki istikrar olsun.
Böyle büyük imkan Avrupa 'da baska bir yerde yok
Ovit Tunnel, 80 % of the longest tunnel of Türkiye and the third longest tunnel of the WORLD soon to completed.

Wow, I tought they shelved this project. Suleiman the Magnificent would be proud (y)

Not much to do with it, but when googeling Kanal Istanbul I stumbled upon. Atlantropa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Very Interesting.

There are so much conspiracies. People from left wing say that's a project to secure EU boarders.
I am too tired to discuss it.
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