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Huawei stole our tech and created a 'backdoor' to spy on Pakistan, claims IT biz

Huawei is an innovative and technological giant which will attracts a lot of flies

Laugh about it.
Clearly the point missed you or you're just being a troll, as usual. :rolleyes:
What point do I missed? If a Chinese decide to come to Pakistan and rob, killed. You are going to blame the entire Chinese and CCP as evil against Pakistan as your usual style.

Illegal fishing are conducted by some irresponsible Chinese fisherman and is never approved nor promoted by CCP.

While US drone strike on Pakistan soil and maybe u are going to blame it as action of some small number of irresponsible American with no approval/ blessing from US top level instruction, non national foreign strategy and shove it as some rare isolated incident?

Spare me your junk! :enjoy:

Real Pakistanis can differential what is evil policy endorse by some nation against them while some isolated incident occurred by some civilian.
What point do I missed? If a Chinese decide to come to Pakistan and rob, killed. You are going to blame the entire Chinese and CCP as evil against Pakistan as your usual style.

Illegal fishing are conducted by some irresponsible Chinese fisherman and is never approved nor promoted by CCP.

While US drone strike on Pakistan soil and maybe u are going to blame it as action of some small number of irresponsible American with no approval/ blessing from US top level instruction, non national foreign strategy and shove it as some rare isolated incident?

Spare me your junk! :enjoy:

Real Pakistanis can differential what is evil policy endorse by some nation against them while some isolated incident occurred by some civilian.

Lmao, you're free to keep on rambling. I think you're forgetting or intentionally trying to de-track the discussion, business as usual. What more can be expected of you. :D
Chinese Oppo ranks 2nd slot in global smartphone market, beating Apple
By Global TimesPublished: Jul 26, 2021 03:48 PM

Oppo introduces Oppo X 2021 rollable concept smartphone during the Inno Day 2020 in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province on Tuesday. Photo: Li Xuanmin/GT

Chinese smartphone maker Oppo is ranking second in global smartphone market share in May, 2021, with a 16 percent share of unit sales, beating Apple by one percent, data showed.

According to a newly released report by global industry research firm Counterpoint, Oppo and its subsidiaries including OnePlus and Realme brands captured the second spot in the global smartphone market in May, followed by Apple at 15 percent.

Another Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi took the fourth position with a 14 percent share.

"Oppo has a profound understanding of the market and has the ability to grasp the features that consumers like and incorporate such features into their product designs," Xiang Ligang, director general of the Beijing-based Information Consumption Alliance, told the Global Times on Monday.

Jene Park, senior analyst at Counterpoint Research commented in the report that Oppo surpassing Apple to stand as the second slot globally is attributable to its multi-brand products strategy that includes the premium OnePlus and more accessible realme.

Xiang noted that Oppo makes "smart" designs as its brands do not pursue the most advanced technology and configuration, nor blindly pursue low prices, clearly defining its target audience and market position.

"OPPO family may likely be the next dominant brand to come from China after Huawei," said Park.

Huawei will launch its much-anticipated P50 4G smartphones on Thursday, and the new Huawei phones reportedly will use Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 semiconductors, while the upcoming 5G versions will use Huawei's self-developed chips.

However, the launch of the P50 series may not have a significant impact on China's domestic smartphone market competition, the analyst said.

The production of Huawei's new phones is likely to be constrained because of semiconductor shortage, and the shipment of the new brands may only reach one million units, whereas the shipment of a Huawei's flagship handset reached about 20 million units, said Xiang.

Huawei might have to wait until the chip shortage is likely to ease up in 2022 at the earliest, once the company can make its own chips, Xiang said.

Huawei is expected to deliver its first flexible OLED driver chip to suppliers at the end of 2021, according to media reports, in a move that could mark a breakthrough for Huawei to circumvent Washington's chips ban.

Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi remain the predominant players in the domestic smartphone market competition, and brands including ZTE, Lenovo and Honor also have chances to obtain rising market share, according to Xiang.

Huawei stole our tech and created a 'backdoor' to spy on Pakistan, claims IT biz
Allegations of purloined trade secrets, unfair competition, national security threats, and more packed into lawsuit
Thomas Claburn in San Francisco
Fri 13 Aug 2021 // 01:54 UTC
16 comment bubble on white
Updated A California-based IT consultancy has sued Huawei and its subsidiary in Pakistan alleging the Chinese manufacturer stole its trade secrets and failed to honor a contract to develop technology for Pakistani authorities.

The complaint [PDF], filed on Wednesday in the US District Court in Santa Ana, California, describes how Business Efficiency Solutions, LLC, (BES) began working with Huawei Technologies in 2016 to overhaul the IT systems available to the Punjab Police Integrated Command, Control and Communication Center (PPIC3) of Lahore, capital of the Punjab province of Pakistan.

The legal filing claims, among other things, that Huawei has used BES’s Data Exchange System "to create a backdoor and obtain data important to Pakistan’s national security and to spy on Pakistani citizens."
The PPIC3 project, as described in the legal filing, was part of an initiative formulated by the Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA), a provincial government body. Its goal was to modernize the technology available to local police.

The request for proposal (RFP) called for proposals describing the design of eight software systems:

Data Exchange System (DES), for storing data from national identity cards, excise and customs, cellular providers, land and tax records, immigration and passport records, and the like.
Building Management System (BMS), for managing building security, environmental systems, and access.
Resource Management System (RMS), for managing police resources, like vehicles and equipment.
Digital Media Forensics Center (DFC), for managing captured video and still imagery from the police network.
Learning Management System (LMS), for workforce training and support.
Media Monitoring Center (MMC), for monitoring the internet (social media), print, and broadcast.
Field Assets, including Mobile Emergency Command and Control Vehicles (ECV), for keeping track of command vehicles, handheld and laptops for field use, body cameras, and covert miniature cameras.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), for managing industrial-level drones for real-time surveillance.
According to the complaint, authorities in Pakistan invited various companies to submit proposals, including Motorola, Nokia, and Huawei.
Huawei, it's alleged, lacked the technical capability to provide the systems called for by the RFP and so, in March 2016, it partnered with BES to develop the eight software systems. BES's work on the project is said to have been instrumental in PSCA's decision to award the project to Huawei for $150m.

Huawei also began to use one of BES’s software systems to establish a 'backdoor' from China into Pakistan that allowed Huawei to collect and view data important to Pakistan’s national security and other private, personal data on Pakistani citizens
Huawei is said to have obtained BES's low-level designs for these systems and then resisted paying BES while seeking similar police modernization contracts – without involving or paying BES – in several other cities in Pakistan, and in Qatar, Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

"After Huawei had BES’s valuable trade secrets and other intellectual property in its possession, Huawei used its knowledge of BES’s technology to begin secretly procuring certain portions of BES’s software systems from other sources – including from vendors BES identified to Huawei," the complaint says
Huawei also began to use one of BES’s software systems to establish a 'backdoor' from China into Pakistan that allowed Huawei to collect and view data important to Pakistan’s national security and other private, personal data on Pakistani citizens."

"Backdoor" may not be the right term, though it's difficult to be certain without knowing the details of the system's technical architecture. In the complaint, the term is used to describe a duplicate of the PSCA's DES running on servers based in a Huawei facility in Suzhou, China. Whether that copy arises from a covert remote access capability or an overt replication option under indifferent or permissive security policy isn't clear.

Pattern of behavior claimed
Among the exhibits entered into evidence with the complaint is a March 28, 2017 email from BES CEO and founder Javed Nawaz asking a contact at Huawei to obtain written approval from the Punjab police (PPIC3) that they're willing to store their sensitive data in China.

"In regards to setting up the environment in Suzhou in China, we want to insure [sic] that PPIC3 has no objection in transfer of this technology outside of PPIC3 for security reasons," the message from Nawaz says. "Please get an approval from PPIC3, in writing, prior to us performing this function. Our staff is on way [sic] to PPIC3 and will await instructions before updating DES on to servers in China."

The reply received the following day said that no approval is necessary. The complaint indicates that Huawei subsequently said it had received approval from the Pakistani government, but provides no documentation to that effect.

"Huawei threatened to terminate the agreements between the parties and withhold all payments owed to BES unless BES installed the duplicate DES system in China," the complaint says. "In light of Huawei’s affirmative representations that they had the approval of the Pakistani government, the duplicate DES system was installed in China.

"On information and belief, Huawei-China uses the proprietary DES system as a backdoor from China into Lahore to gain access, manipulate, and extract sensitive data important to Pakistan’s national security."

The Register asked multiple communications personnel from Huawei to comment on these claims, and we received no response.
However, we cannot recall any company ever admitting to operating a deliberately backdoored system – we assume Huawei would describe the alleged DES duplicate, if still operational, as a test environment and would insist it keeps its client's data safe.

When such allegations have surfaced in the past, Huawei has denied them. Last year, during the Trump administration, US authorities claimed that Huawei can covertly access its telecom equipment. But evidence to that effect, if it exists, has not been made public.

The BES lawsuit cites a past instance, described in an April 8, 2019 BBC report, in which the PSCA told Huawei to remove Wi-Fi cards from a CCTV system in Pakistan because the cards had been set up to provide remote diagnostic information – which a Huawei representative at the time characterized as "a misunderstanding" and the BES complaint describes as a "covert backdoor to monitor Pakistan citizens using Wi-Fi chips."

The BES legal filing also points to trade secret theft indictments against Huawei in 2019 and in 2020 by the US Justice Department to bolster its claims.

It's also possible that Huawei did receive approval from Pakistan to maintain a clone of a sensitive police database in China and has chosen not to provide that to BES. In that case, the redundant DES in China might be better described as an unusual display of trust for the storage of sensitive information than as a "backdoor."

In any event, in 2018, Huawei filed an arbitration petition in Islamabad, Pakistan, and obtained an injunction preventing BES from terminating its contract with the telecom firm. BES last September filed its own arbitration petition to recover damages and is now pursuing its trade secret and unfair competition claim in California. ®

Updated to add
In an email sent to The Register after this story was filed, a Huawei spokesperson said, “In September 2018, Huawei Pakistan filed for arbitration in District Courts (West), Islamabad against Business Efficiency Solutions (BES) over ongoing contract disputes. This arbitration resulted in an interim relief order in Huawei’s favor. The arbitration process is still ongoing.

“We do not comment on on-going legal cases. Huawei respects the intellectual property of others, and there is no evidence Huawei ever implanted any backdoor in our products.”
The Americans are hoping that Pakistanis come out on streets and start rioting against China LOL Won't happen.

China Pak bond is set to strengthen. We won't buy American lies.
BS news.... Just like the fake Uyghurs news...

Manufactured in Washington, Tel Aviv, and Delhi
Allegations of purloined trade secrets, unfair competition, national security threats, and more packed into lawsuit

A California-based IT consultancy has sued Huawei and its subsidiary in Pakistan alleging the Chinese telecom firm stole its trade secrets and failed to honor a contract to develop technology for Pakistani authorities.

The complaint [PDF], filed on Wednesday in the US District Court in Santa Ana, California, describes how Business Efficiency Solutions, LLC, (BES) began working with Huawei Technologies in 2016 to overhaul the IT systems available to the Punjab Police Integrated Command, Control and Communication Center (PPIC3) of Lahore, capital of the Punjab province of Pakistan.

The legal filing claims, among other things, that Huawei has used BES’s Data Exchange System "to create a backdoor and obtain data important to Pakistan’s national security and to spy on Pakistani citizens."

The PPIC3 project, as described in the legal filing, was part of an initiative formulated by the Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA), a provincial government body. Its goal was to modernize the technology available to local police.

The request for proposal (RFP) called for proposals describing the design of eight software systems:
  • Data Exchange System (DES), for storing data from national identity cards, excise and customs, cellular providers, land and tax records, immigration and passport records, and the like.
  • Building Management System (BMS), for managing building security, environmental systems, and access.
  • Resource Management System (RMS), for managing police resources, like vehicles and equipment.
  • Digital Media Forensics Center (DFC), for managing captured video and still imagery from the police network.
  • Learning Management System (LMS), for workforce training and support.
  • Media Monitoring Center (MMC), for monitoring the internet (social media), print, and broadcast.
  • Field Assets, including Mobile Emergency Command and Control Vehicles (ECV), for keeping track of command vehicles, handheld and laptops for field use, body cameras, and covert miniature cameras.
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), for managing industrial-level drones for real-time surveillance.

According to the complaint, authorities in Pakistan invited various companies to submit proposals, including Motorola, Nokia, and Huawei.

Huawei, it's alleged, lacked the technical capability to provide the systems called for by the RFP and so, in March 2016, it partnered with BES to develop the eight software systems. BES's work on the project is said to have been instrumental in PSCA's decision to award the project to Huawei for $150m.

Huawei is said to have obtained BES's low-level designs for these systems and then resisted paying BES while seeking similar police modernization contracts – without involving or paying BES – in several other cities in Pakistan, and in Qatar, Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

"After Huawei had BES’s valuable trade secrets and other intellectual property in its possession, Huawei used its knowledge of BES’s technology to begin secretly procuring certain portions of BES’s software systems from other sources – including from vendors BES identified to Huawei," the complaint says.

"Huawei also began to use one of BES’s software systems to establish a 'backdoor' from China into Pakistan that allowed Huawei to collect and view data important to Pakistan’s national security and other private, personal data on Pakistani citizens."

"Backdoor" may not be the right term, though it's difficult to be certain without knowing the details of the system's technical architecture. In the complaint, the term is used to describe a duplicate of the PSCA's DES running on servers based in a Huawei facility in Suzhou, China. Whether that copy arises from a covert remote access capability or an overt replication option under indifferent or permissive security policy isn't clear.

Pattern of behavior claimed

Among the exhibits entered into evidence with the complaint is a March 28, 2017 email from BES CEO and founder Javed Nawaz asking a contact at Huawei to obtain written approval from the Punjab police (PPIC3) that they're willing to store their sensitive data in China.

"In regards to setting up the environment in Suzhou in China, we want to insure [sic] that PPIC3 has no objection in transfer of this technology outside of PPIC3 for security reasons," the message from Nawaz says. "Please get an approval from PPIC3, in writing, prior to us performing this function. Our staff is on way [sic] to PPIC3 and will await instructions before updating DES on to servers in China."

The reply received the following day said that no approval is necessary. The complaint indicates that Huawei subsequently said it had received approval from the Pakistani government, but provides no documentation to that effect.

"Huawei threatened to terminate the agreements between the parties and withhold all payments owed to BES unless BES installed the duplicate DES system in China," the complaint says. "In light of Huawei’s affirmative representations that they had the approval of the Pakistani government, the duplicate DES system was installed in China.

"On information and belief, Huawei-China uses the proprietary DES system as a backdoor from China into Lahore to gain access, manipulate, and extract sensitive data important to Pakistan’s national security."

The Register asked multiple communications personnel from Huawei to comment on these claims, and we received no response.
However, we cannot recall any company ever admitting to operating a deliberately backdoored system – we assume Huawei would describe the alleged DES duplicate, if still operational, as a test environment and would insist it keeps its client's data safe.

When such allegations have surfaced in the past, Huawei has denied them. Last year, during the Trump administration, US authorities claimed that Huawei can covertly access its telecom equipment. But evidence to that effect, if it exists, has not been made public.

The BES lawsuit cites a past instance, described in an April 8, 2019 BBC report, in which the PSCA told Huawei to remove Wi-Fi cards from a CCTV system in Pakistan because the cards had been set up to provide remote diagnostic information – which a Huawei representative at the time characterized as "a misunderstanding" and the BES complaint describes as a "covert backdoor to monitor Pakistan citizens using Wi-Fi chips."

The BES legal filing also points to trade secret theft indictments against Huawei in 2019 and in 2020 by the US Justice Department to bolster its claims.

It's also possible that Huawei did receive approval from Pakistan to maintain a clone of a sensitive police database in China and has chosen not to provide that to BES. In that case, the redundant DES in China might be better described as an unusual display of trust for the storage of sensitive information than as a "backdoor."

In any event, in 2018, Huawei filed an arbitration petition in Islamabad, Pakistan, and obtained an injunction preventing BES from terminating its contract with the telecom firm. BES last September filed its own arbitration petition to recover damages and is now pursuing its trade secret and unfair competition claim in California. ®

Pakistan should Ban Huwei and cease all buisness with them. Their are other companies who can easily replace them
Pakistan should Ban Huwei and cease all buisness with them. Their are other companies who can easily replace them
Pakistan is not stupid to listen to all this rumour. Divided and conquer by american.
This issue is better explained with an update in following article:

BES is a Pakistani American company.

Pakistani Americans are encouraged to invest in Pakistan but this is damaging development.

This matter should be thoroughly investigated to ascertain facts, and course-correct.
This issue is better explained with an update in following article:

BES is Pakistani American owned company by the way.

Pakistani Americans are encouraged to invest in Pakistan but this is damaging development.

This matter should be thoroughly investigated.
Yes, to investigate the slandering... By the way, this company are operated by Pakistanis American. They are serving American interest, holding American passport and not Pakistan. Dont be fooled just becos they have Pakistan heritage.
Yes, to investigate the slandering... By the way, this company are operated by Pakistanis American. They are serving American interest, holding American passport and not Pakistan. Dont be fooled just becos they have Pakistan heritage.
Your sentiments are appreciated but why should WE ignore Pakistani Americans in terms of investments in Pakistan? Pakistani diaspora contribute a lot to Pakistani economy. This is not sound logic.

Everything is not to be painted with same brush. Things do not work like this.
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