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Huawei has lost; UK to reduce Huawei 5G network involvement to zero by 2023

Thousands Hwei staff will lose jobs, UK just gave a very hard slap :lol:
particularly if china take steps to reduce poverty in 3rd world countries and end dollar dominance it can result in more bigger market
Not that big. UK market is not big.

China market + market in third world countries are much bigger.
this is just the beginning, all the stooges of xinua and global times will be here in time to defend and give us a different picture in their planted media.

Australia started, followed by US and now UK. Many will soon follow.... chini response will be usual arm twisting of retaliation and putting money into more backward countries ....
this is just the beginning, all the stooges of xinua and global times will be here in time to defend and give us a different picture in their planted media.

Australia started, followed by US and now UK. Many will soon follow.... chini response will be usual arm twisting of retaliation and putting money into more backward countries ....
Huawei is just one company? But I can understand, we were accused of practically killing 30k Brits without firing a shot. Even Boris nearly got assassinated, lol. Anyway if UK bans our companies, we will ban theirs, its not like we depend on a small island to survive mate.
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Huawei is just one company? But I can understand, we practically killed 30k Brits without firing a shot. Even Boris nearly got assassinated, lol. Anyway if UK bans our companies, we will ban theirs, its not like we depend on a small island to survive mate.
I really don't see how this rhetoric benefits China's position at all?
Huawei is just one company? But I can understand, we practically killed 30k Brits without firing a shot. Even Boris nearly got assassinated, lol. Anyway if UK bans our companies, we will ban theirs, its not like we depend on a small island to survive mate.

dinosaurs ruled the world one time, they are nowhere to be seen now. you say the same line for each country.... your people are treated with contempt outside..

and you take pride in killing 30k innocent people of other country for no reason??

@WebMaster @waz @BHarwana and other mods, do you see the language of this person?

he is taking pride in killing each person on this planet who lost life because of COVID19 or china virus.... and that includes my own countrymen and innocent pakistanis as well...

is pray you to ban this person once for all and all those who follow this line of his.
I really don't see how this rhetoric benefits China's position at all?

It's a typical bully reaction,
They bully until you stand up,
Once you stand up, like all bullies, they will howl first and slowly whimper and run away.

They are in the howling part,
The whimpering and running away will surely follow.

BoJo buckles: UK govt to cut Huawei 5G kit use 'to zero by 2023' after pressure from Tory MPs, Uncle Sam

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reportedly agreed to a plan that will entirely cut Huawei equipment from the nation's 5G networks within the next three years.

The word from Britain late on Friday, via the Guardian and Telegraph, is that Johnson has caved after months of pressure from the backbench of his right-wing Conservative party, and from the US government. We're told he will now push for the reduction of Huawei's involvement in Britain's 5G networks to zero by 2023.

Spokespeople for Huawei were not immediately able to comment on the late-breaking news.
Hwei is dirty spy company, they r not welcomed, their phone sale is almost Zero in VN :cool:
Huawei has no future.
I told already. Huawei should transfer all assets to Viettel. Viettel can recycle and resell.
Huawei is just one company? But I can understand, we practically killed 30k Brits without firing a shot. Even Boris nearly got assassinated, lol. Anyway if UK bans our companies, we will ban theirs, its not like we depend on a small island to survive mate.
Good you exposed not only the dirty mindset of chinese people, but also you exposed the plan the chinese had all the time. No wonder chinese are always shitting in pants when world talks about enquiry into this pandemic. . And i am sure you are not a singular isolated case, your whole country has that dirty line of mindset.

Good that now at least you are man enough to own this shit.
Looking at all these clowns jumping up and down at a single company shows how insecure the west and their lap dogs has become.
Show some confident in yourself, aren't you supposed to be the "god's chosen one"?
I'll just ignored the viet,indian trolls, they don't deserved a place in this disscusion.
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