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Hu Jintao Sends Warning Message to Military


Nov 18, 2010
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YOU guys may remember how the US and many countries felt that Chinese military is a rogue agency?

That on many occasions the civilian part of the CCP leadership had no clue what the military was doing?

That Def sect Gates had mentioned how he was concerned that their military marches to its own beat and could pose a big risk to the world with their erratic behavior?

Then: You remember how the Chinese ( typical ) reaction as no way , indian bad, no toilets , kids dying :D


Hu Jintao Sends Warning Message to Military
For years, Chinese Communist Party chief Hu Jintao has been at odds with defense minister Liang Guanglie, who has repeatedly challenged Hu’s control of the military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

However, recent commentaries published in the PLA Daily, the official military newspaper, were ridden with slogans to “seek progress within stability” and avoid “taking advantage of chaos to make a profit,” an indication that Hu is trying to send a warning message to his opponents in the army to heed his power.

The newspaper is published by the Central Military Commission, the regime’s highest military organ, which is headed by Hu.

Liang, a long-time friend of the recently ousted Chongqing party chief Bo Xilai, has consistently taken a hard-line approach in dealing with China’s international disputes, openly challenging Hu’s command over the army. According to an Epoch Times report published on May 3, Liang had been Hu’s most powerful opponent in the dispute over the Scarborough Reef in the South China Sea. After a Filipino war ship attempted to arrest Chinese fishermen off the coast of the island on April 10, Liang made a visit to Guangdong and Guangxi province, two regions that border the South Sea. His speech during the visit hinted at his desire for an aggressive military response: “Use the military with carefulness, gauge the situation when using the military, and use the military according to the law.”

Hu Jintao Sends Warning Message to Military | Regime | China | Epoch Times
epoch times isn't really a good source, sort of known for anti-China propaganda!

Wrong! it is a good publication. It is rather just propaganda from the Chinese that it is anti china because it produces articles China censors or bans.

Every time I have asked the Chinese to prove any articles I posted from it as being false - they shut up. what else would expect from a brainwashed populace?
Falun Gong Run paper = hence false not to mention the one where 100 million CPC members left the part when 80 million of them have ever been in the party.

see- no dispute about the article just propaganda stuff. Falun gong are harmless, they been given a bad rap just like Tibetans have. falsely accused by the Chinese. But I'm not here to discuss them- rather the article.

Staging the test flight of the long-secret J-20 while Mr. Gates was in Beijing amounted to an unusually bold show of force by China. But the demonstration also raised questions about the degree of civilian control of the Chinese military, as President Hu Jintao and other civilian leaders gave their American visitors the impression that they were unaware that the test had been conducted only hours before they received Mr. Gates at the Great Hall of the People.

A senior American defense official said that when Mr. Gates asked Mr. Hu to discuss the test it was evident to the Americans that the Chinese leader and his top civilian advisers were startled by the query and were unprepared to answer him.

"The civilian leadership seemed surprised by the test," Mr. Gates told reporters on Wednesday morning in Mutianyu, during a visit to the Great Wall outside Beijing.

But he said the episode also underscored concerns that the Chinese military might sometimes act independently of the country’s political leadership, a growing worry of American defense officials who say they do not know the real goals of the secretive Chinese armed forces. “I’ve had concerns about this over time,” Mr. Gates said.
Wrong! it is a good publication. It is rather just propaganda from the Chinese that it is anti china because it produces articles China censors or bans.

Every time I have asked the Chinese to prove any articles I posted from it as being false - they shut up. what else would expect from a brainwashed populace?

Ah, Epoch time again. IT is not a good source not because it is anti-China, it is because of its tabloid nature.

And you don't ask people to prove something is "false", you ask them to prove it "true" instead. If I say Indian premier minister raped a Bollywood star last month, could you prove it is false? Don't let your anti-China stance overrun your logic thinking.
Ah, Epoch time again. IT is not a good source not because it is anti-China, it is because of its tabloid nature.

And you don't ask people to prove something is "false", you ask them to prove it "true" instead. If I say Indian premier minister raped a Bollywood star last month, could you prove it is false? Don't let your anti-China stance overrun your logic thinking.

The articles posted from there have verifiable information in it ( the ones I post). like it does here - the article was posted in your PLA daily. well was it or not?

LOOK here is the link from May12 article.. it's even in your langauge- is this a lie?



the reason why you guys shut up is because it is true . every article I have posted from there has links , pictures and is true. You guys just don't like it.

why would I get angry , your Chinese, your govt has already told us, the rest of the world, what imbeciles you are and therefore they need to censor what you view and read. Don't feel angry . Not personal attack- I'm simply telling you the facts.
The articles posted from there have verifiable information in it ( the ones I post). like it does here - the article was posted in your PLA daily. well was it or not?

LOOK here is the link from May12 article.. it's even in your langauge- is this a lie?


If you spend just 2 minutes on Google translation on the article, you will know that it is about the confrontation between China and Phillipines and in no where Hu Jintao or Liang Guanglie are mentioned.

Recently, the Philippines huangyan island events become the focal point of the South China Sea. Diplomatic response to the Chinese Government's rational, restrained and cautious, does not seem to be recognized by the Government of the Philippines, the Philippine side even broke, hard to carry a lot of flavor.

Epoch time is of tabloid nature and quoting it make someone lose credibility. I just read a news from it today saying Wen Jiabao and his son both slept with China's super star Zhang Ziyi and moved half a trillion Yuan overseas. Does it feel very real?
Epoch times provides brain-washing material to the gullible!
Here are some good examples above testifying the saying " garbage in, garbage out" by some posters who believe in the paper and bring the sensation to another ridiculous level.
Once again the only reason why you guys get your cheeks chaffed is because it does not hide news you are accustomed to be censored from. For example. The lies that Chinese tried to sell the world of no SARS in china or that only few hundred died in their earthquake when it was 100,000 . This is lying deceitful propaganda machine that is china and it's govt. And epoch uncovers it...

Once again the link shows that the news is true . Last article showed a big protest in hong kong and the Chinese tried to say it never happened till one if them slipped up and said he witnessed it....

Even the defense sect of the US espoused the same feeling as the article ... Heh
Once again the only reason why you guys get your cheeks chaffed is because it does not hide news you are accustomed to be censored from. For example. The lies that Chinese tried to sell the world of no SARS in china or that only few hundred died in their earthquake when it was 100,000 . This is lying deceitful propaganda machine. And epoch uncovers it...

Once again the link shows that the news is true . Last article showed a big protest in hong kong and the Chinese tried to say it never happened till one if them slipped up and said he witnessed it....

Even the defense sect of the US espoused the same feeling as the article ... Heh

And how come the BBC, CNN and other reputable news agencies never quote the Epoch Times?

I got the impression that you act like a hysterical fishwife when you lose an argument. :D
Just as a stray dog would scavenge food from offensively stinky dumpsters, the insane would find “news” from Epoch.

Epoch definitely can serve as scum’s bible.

Nice try! :lol:

You spend 99% of your posting history talking , making fun about Indian toilets and starving kids
You spend 100% of your postings being the most seditious, anti American, chini propogandist on these forums

And you speak of others being dogs? You sad sad little man.

Götterdämmerung;2993686 said:
And how come the BBC, CNN and other reputable news agencies never quote the Epoch Times?

I got the impression that you act like a hysterical fishwife when you lose an argument. :D

They have plenty of common news between them. Besides CNN bbc don't quote your state media propaganda too. That makes yourmedia a bogus machine - yeah... Mr I am a chini blogger therefore I am a journalist ....

When CNN and bbc prints anti Chinese articles you squeal like a pig in protest in defense of the master CCP . Btw I added a nytimes article about the same concerns, but I guess nytimes is now a propaganda machine. You 50 cent army here cry about anyone writing anything negative about china... Your track record of covering up is glaring ... A blogger at this point in his basement,like you, share the same creditability as the Chinese propaganda govt. or should it be reverse...lol

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