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HSL, Turkish consortium to collaborate on Indian Navy support ship Project

Support ships for India, real boats (frigates, corvettes, fast attack crafts, submarines etc. under TOT, manufacturing knowhow and production lines ) for Pak!! Not a bad deal....

Hey hey hey, you are now breaking cow piss drinkers’ wet dreams :lol:

Turkey is milking the backward indians and earning billions. Saudis also make a lot of money off of indians...

But trust me, only if indian fan girls knew the dept of relationship b/w Pakistan and Turkey (and KSA for that matter!). I personally know off massive Saudi funding in our defence sectors and that funding is not even “on the books”

Yet, inferior hindus think few fleet tankers means Pakistan and Turkey are not brothers anymore? :rofl::rofl:

Regardless of how much few inferiority complex stricken losers cry, the fact remains that Muslim world has a special brotherly bond because of our shared religion, values, cultural aspects, and even language (Arabic is language of prayer ALL OVER Muslim world for example.)....We are a Ummah (family) at the end of the day....despite our internal conflicts.

Western world is also a lose-knit family and always saw themselves as such...even while they were slaughtering each other on industrial scale and aligning themselves with non-Western powers against their own Western cousins.

West and Islam are global civilizations and hence this is normal behavior (brotherhood yet conflict within). Localized, backward, and dominated weak cultures like india (hindus) won’t get it. indians on this thread an example :omghaha:
Hey hey hey, you are now breaking cow piss drinkers’ wet dreams :lol:

Turkey is milking the backward indians and earning billions. Saudis also make a lot of money off of indians...

But trust me, only if indian fan girls knew the dept of relationship b/w Pakistan and Turkey (and KSA for that matter!). I personally know off massive Saudi funding in our defence sectors and that funding is not even “on the books”

Yet, inferior hindus think few fleet tankers means Pakistan and Turkey are not brothers anymore? :rofl::rofl:

Regardless of how much few inferiority complex stricken losers cry, the fact remains that Muslim world has a special brotherly bond because of our shared religion, values, cultural aspects, and even language (Arabic is language of prayer ALL OVER Muslim world for example.)....We are a Ummah (family) at the end of the day....despite our internal conflicts.

Western world is also a lose-knit family and always saw themselves as such...even while they were slaughtering each other on industrial scale and aligning themselves with non-Western powers against their own Western cousins.

West and Islam are global civilizations and hence this is normal behavior (brotherhood yet conflict within). Localized, backward, and dominated weak cultures like india (hindus) won’t get it. indians on this thread an example :omghaha:

I remember how Pakistanis painted a Pakistani flag on a cow and the Indians could not do anything about it hahaha

Pakistan just needs to use a cow as a shield and they can easily beat India.
I remember how Pakistanis painted a Pakistani flag on a cow and the Indians could not do anything about it hahaha

Pakistan just needs to use a cow as a shield and they can easily beat India.


I can't wait for Eid Qurbaan....I'll slaughter a cow this time just to laugh at backward, weak hindus who kill innocent Muslims in the name of cow in india.

You know the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, had a famous line to British while arguing for a separate Muslim state. He said Hindus worship cow as god and we Muslims eat it for dinner, how can these two communities live together in peace? How correct was he!
Not concerned tbh besides these are nonlethal exports I am the first one to say the whole "brotherhood" charade is just non sense to fan boys it's all interests and geo politics but Indians should read between the lines when the words non lethal exports are used

The fact the Indians are using Massod Azhar and UNSC to make the arguement on their side valid shows they just have big microphone made up of feces and cow dung plus piss the whole world sees India as a dumping ground of cheap products it workers and call centers dudes who fawn over Bob and vagene

I remember how Pakistanis painted a Pakistani flag on a cow and the Indians could not do anything about it hahaha

Pakistan just needs to use a cow as a shield and they can easily beat India.

If there one thing that unites the rest of the world is the wonder why cows are so sacred to one nation
Support ships for India, real boats (frigates, corvettes, fast attack crafts, submarines etc. under TOT, manufacturing knowhow and production lines ) for Pak!! Not a bad deal....
Yeah well, India makes its own real boats or when capacity is full sources the production to other shipyards. :)
There is a difference.
just supply ship , turkey has all right to earn foreign exchange to help its economy.
Turkey offer India built navy supply ships,help India Navy blockade Pakistan more easily

Iron Muslim brothers:undecided:

IF war break between India and Pakistan;KSA will as always provide some financial support ;Turkey will as always just provide some lip service,even can make some money from both sides
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Putting all this brotherhood talk aside, Pakistan is currently and in the near future one of the most important customers of the Turkish defense industry, probably even the most important customer.

I simply don't believe that this cooperation has been approached without consulting Pakistan beforehand. It wouldn't make sense regardless of the close link between Pakistan and Turkey. I do believe that Islamabad has agreed informally, though, the Turkish gov't would never make this public.
Correct, and I dont like it neither. But There is some trade gap between Turkey and India, this kind of aggrements are welcome because of this... and it is not like this kind of ships are special weapons that India cant buy from somewhere else.

Note' some Pakistanis might think India is trying to get closer to Turkey for a isolated Pakistan. This might be True, India might really try to do that. But we will not favor India or hurt Pakistan for money. Some billions will not gonna make a difference for our support in kasmir neither.

India honestly cannot give "deals" to every country which is a self proclaimed "friend" of Pakistan. This is a tender. Interested parties have to approach local shipyards for collaboration.

Turkish company probably approached different shipyards and probably HSL and Turkish company reached an agreement. Not the other way around.

This is an Open tender. The one quoting the lowest while satisfying offset regulations wins the contract. Even if India wishes, it cannot favor any party unless the other party drags GoI to court and it will cancel the contract.

Kasmir is actually Jammu and Kashmir.
These are, "non lethal", but they're supporting Indian naval ambitions. Supporting current and future carrier groups and also helping India's military industrial complex, it's just not the carriers. It's a big deal actually for Turk India defence relations are concerned, it's not some supply of bullet proof jackets to some Indian police forces. With that said, I dont think they'll win against their competitors, but it's the fact they even tried to go this deep into Indian defence requirement which surprises me.

I simply don't believe that this cooperation has been approached without consulting Pakistan beforehand. It wouldn't make sense regardless of the close link between Pakistan and Turkey. I do believe that Islamabad has agreed informally, though, the Turkish gov't would never make this public.

There's no way in hell Pakistan would willingly support this. The gap between PN and IN grows each year. So does the gap between India's and Pakistan's military industry. Both of which Turkish companies eyeing money are going to help in, granted they win.
Good luck to our strong Brother Turkey in milking this cow. A strong turkey is good for Pakistan. China does deals with India. And, then. We benefit from Chinese success in receiving there lethal goodies. To be used against India hahaha. How dumb is this India
These are, "non lethal", but they're supporting Indian naval ambitions. Supporting current and future carrier groups and also helping India's military industrial complex, it's just not the carriers. It's a big deal actually for Turk India defence relations are concerned, it's not some supply of bullet proof jackets to some Indian police forces. With that said, I dont think they'll win against their competitors, but it's the fact they even tried to go this deep into Indian defence requirement which surprises me.

There's no way in hell Pakistan would willingly support this. The gap between PN and IN grows each year. So does the gap between India's and Pakistan's military industry. Both of which Turkish companies eyeing money are going to help in, granted they win.

If I were you, I would have support Indias use the Turkish weapons, I mean just think, egypt used f-16 And Abrams even when they were hostile to israel (before sisi of course) And Israel was fine with that because America is Israel's defender And would embargo the egypt if its become necessary. So egypt that uses f-16 was much better than an egypt used mig-29 for Israel.
India will have this ships anyway. If they have Turkish ships, and Turkish systems we can embargo them as we wish.
India will have this ships anyway. If they have Turkish ships, and Turkish systems we can embargo them as we wish
That situation is not application to India-Turkey since Turkey is only providing design consultancy and not parts for this project so they will have no leverage.
There's no way in hell Pakistan would willingly support this. The gap between PN and IN grows each year. So does the gap between India's and Pakistan's military industry. Both of which Turkish companies eyeing money are going to help in, granted they win.

Since when Pakistan started to hire lowly bhangis from east as it's spokesman? Stick with you joke industry and country.
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