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HSL, Turkish consortium to collaborate on Indian Navy support ship Project


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
India’s state-owned Hindustan Shipyard (HSL) has entered into an agreement with a consortium composed of five Turkish shipbuilders for the construction of five new 45,000-tonne fleet support ships (FSS) for the Indian Navy.

The TAIS consortium headed by Anadolu Shipyard will provide technical support for the construction of the vessels, which will take place at HSL’s facilities in Visakhapatnam.

Construction of the first FSS is set to begin by the end of 2020 and is expected to last four years. The remaining four vessels will be completed in 10-month intervals.
This is a rather big program they want to enter in considering Pakistan is an ally.
Well China already abandoned iron brother Pakistan at the UNSC and FATF, so there is no reason why iron brother Turkey cannot make some money from a deal with the evil Hindus.
Whilst Pakistan & PGCC regimes are very close it seems India and Turkey are closing.
It seems bharatis are getting frustrated with Russian equipment and want to replace everything with non Russian.

Good if Turkey can milk the cow. As Pakistani I have no objection since i am not one of those who sing brotherhood songs, never believed in any brotherhood with anyone.

anyways if it was not Turkey, it would be Russian, US, or French consortium, so better Turkey make some money.

Whilst Pakistan & PGCC regimes are very close it seems India and Turkey are closing.

India also have very very close relationship with Arabian gulf CC and trade almost 100 billion per year, no one want to ruin it's relations with GCC.
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So what happened to Pakistani-Turk Ummah Brothers? I thought Turkey is on Pakistani side and wont even dream of supplying weapon systems to India.

But they have again proved (and rightly) countries work on mutual interest and not on some imaginary shared brotherhood.

But personally disappointed. If India can do an AC and 10k plus tonnes ship designing it will be easy for inhouse design experts. Perhaps this shipyard dont have the expertise to build huge ships.
So what happened to Pakistani-Turk Ummah Brothers? I thought Turkey is on Pakistani side and wont even dream of supplying weapon systems to India.

But they have again proved (and rightly) countries work on mutual interest and not on some imaginary shared brotherhood.

But personally disappointed. If India can do an AC and 10k plus tonnes ship designing it will be easy for inhouse design experts. Perhaps this shipyard dont have the expertise to build huge ships.
China was supposed to be on Pakistan's side as well, but it recently abandoned Pakistan causing it to be isolated and exposed internationally.

Their is no such thing as "brotherhood" among countries. There are simply interests, and interests change.
The tender price is $ 2.3 billion... for 5 fleet support tanker, so it is a great deal. Btw as far as I know we Turks dont Export lethal weapons to India, It is banned by law. so fleet support tanker is not seen as a lethal weapon I believe...
The tender price is $ 2.3 billion... for 5 fleet support tanker, so it is a great deal. Btw as far as I know we Turks dont Export lethal weapons to India, It is banned by law. so fleet support tanker is not seen as a lethal weapon I believe...

Sure are supporting some very lethal assets. :D

Anyway, I dont think they'll win anyway.
Sure are supporting some very lethal assets. :D

Anyway, I dont think they'll win anyway.

Correct, and I dont like it neither. But There is some trade gap between Turkey and India, this kind of aggrements are welcome because of this... and it is not like this kind of ships are special weapons that India cant buy from somewhere else.

Note' some Pakistanis might think India is trying to get closer to Turkey for a isolated Pakistan. This might be True, India might really try to do that. But we will not favor India or hurt Pakistan for money. Some billions will not gonna make a difference for our support in kasmir neither.
Btw as far as I know we Turks dont Export lethal weapons to India, It is banned by law. so fleet support tanker is not seen as a lethal weapon I believe...
India has also previously received MKEK 40mm UBGLs.Has the policy changed,afterward?
India has also previously received MKEK 40mm UBGLs.Has the policy changed,afterward?

That was an indirect sale through Israel. We were fine with them at that time.

For this time, offensive defence materials are not allowed, but defensive.
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Support ships for India, real boats (frigates, corvettes, fast attack crafts, submarines etc. under TOT, manufacturing knowhow and production lines ) for Pak!! Not a bad deal....
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