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How's the China politics look like in my eyes.

@Kolaps , what's Taipei's opinion of Leung ?


But not all Taiwanese look him that way.

Inside several houses, families and community... whatever how NOISY outside with big media... we are a very realistic and true Chinese!

In my opinion CY Leung is a good and very patient leader.

He listen all the opposition complain and media accusation with very patient.

And solve it everything right.

But in term of economy and development, he is not that good, lack of future vision.

HK under him is like don't have future target and development plan.

Rising HK people income, fixing and improving public services are too common, cliche, flat and plain.

No wonder if young people attention was robbed by democracy, rather than real HK development.
Thanks to censorship, mainlander are ignorant and arrogant too.

It's true that ALL HK people dislike and look down on communist.

But ALL HK people are Chinese, decedent of HuangDi.

Mainland can win both HK and Taiwan if they are smart enough to play their CHINA card, and hide the communism.

Many Chinese around the world are traumatic with communism, as well as in the mainland.
We do not often mention communist slogans,Do you know of China 's stuck in the past.We talk about politics not because of fear,
We are more concerned about whether the result of ideal.You often talk about democracy ,Where to find democracy.
We do not want to talk about ideology.Perhaps you feel important but we feel unimportant.There are too many failed democratic countries in the world.
Spirit is commendable.Do you think that kids do understand democracy.Hong Kong is a society based on the rule of law area.
Freedom is not explained can open defecation Or you can play mahjong on the road. There in the street barbecue bath.

HK young people really understand democracy, far more than what you think.

Although they have reasonable and childish parts all together.

You can't make a comparison with what they do on the street passing the time, with their future vision of "great" HK under democracy rule... that made "mainland look like even more barbaric".

Thanks to failure, clumsy, funny, stupid and flat mainland propaganda.

Even Islamic propaganda from the backward poor desert of Middle East do better! Turning Western propaganda upside down and make them on fire.

But not all Taiwanese look him that way.

Inside several houses, families and community... whatever how NOISY outside with big media... we are a very realistic and true Chinese!

In my opinion CY Leung is a good and very patient leader.

He listen all the opposition complain and media accusation with very patient.

And solve it everything right.

But in term of economy and development, he is not that good, lack of future vision.

HK under him is like don't have future target and development plan.

Rising HK people income, fixing and improving public services are too common, cliche, flat and plain.

No wonder if young people attention was robbed by democracy, rather than real HK development.

Thanks, just wanted to know a general consensus of Taiwan's view on this. Has there been any DPP remarks on this movement?
HK young people really understand democracy, far more than what you think.

Although they have reasonable and childish parts all together.

Did not you see the scene it?Live camera lens.Incredible.Some children moved to Malaysia on the road to bed to sleep.These are the so-called democracy and freedom ?en ... Sleeping on the street and is more freedom.
Ok, I shall ask some other people here to confirm it.

Thank you for a well-written article.

I would urge you to continue posting your views. This is a discussion forum. which means people present their ideas and opinions, and we debate them.

I have much more respect for a well-thought out opinion piece, than a simple cut-and-paste job.
We do not often mention communist slogans,Do you know of China 's stuck in the past.We talk about politics not because of fear,
We are more concerned about whether the result of ideal.You often talk about democracy ,Where to find democracy.
We do not want to talk about ideology.Perhaps you feel important but we feel unimportant.There are too many failed democratic countries in the world.

Don't blame everyone.

But blame your propaganda and public control department who made mainland China look bad!

To be honest, Pew Research is doing better propaganda for China by showing everybody about 85% of satisfaction.

May be you can show HK young people and everyone here,

How DEMOCRATIC mainland is!

How 85% of satisfaction is not a joke!

How life in mainland is SUPER AWESOME!

Wrote your own experiences, as well many great democratic stories in mainland.

A comparison between living in mainland and other developed countries is also help a lot too.

Stop opinion, people want real story!

Did not you see the scene it?Live camera lens.Incredible.Some children moved to Malaysia on the road to bed to sleep.These are the so-called democracy and freedom ?en ... Sleeping on the street and is more freedom.

When people talk about democracy...

In the past people talk about economy, because it was promoted that way against communist.

Today people talk about democracy, it's all about ACCOUNTABILITY.

Can you explain, what if CCP decided to return back to Mao's Communism?

Can mainland people stop it? Can HK young people stop it?

Do mainland have equal or even superior Accountability than any democracy system?

I know that Democracy propaganda don't have consistency and cheap, but they attack at the right spot based on public knowledge and believe at the time.
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Don't blame everyone.

But blame your propaganda and public control department who made mainland China look bad!

To be honest, Pew Research is doing better propaganda for China by showing everybody about 85% of satisfaction.

May be you can show HK young people and everyone here,

How DEMOCRATIC mainland is!

How 85% of satisfaction is not a joke!

How life in mainland is SUPER AWESOME!

Wrote your own experiences, as well many great democratic stories in mainland.

A comparison between living in mainland and other developed countries is also help a lot too.

Stop opinion, people want real story!
Your prejudices on behalf of your own immaturity,Do you think the West is reported is the truth?
85% satisfaction is indeed a joke.I have not seen this reported in China.Does this count as a joke of jokes?
Perhaps you are manufacturing fake news media but you take it seriously.
Your prejudices on behalf of your own immaturity,Do you think the West is reported is the truth?
85% satisfaction is indeed a joke.I have not seen this reported in China.Does this count as a joke of jokes?
Perhaps you are manufacturing fake news media but you take it seriously.

Do you want to say DEMOCRACY have better average satisfaction? :-)

Do you think your democracy's economy failure excuse kinda not in the place?

Then you are losing propaganda war in HK, Taiwan and the world.

The UGLY China then. :lol:

Democracy is a system to ensure ACCOUNTABILITY and DEMOCRATIC.

No doubt, there are poor and failure democracy countries, (because of their own stupidity).

But there are also the EXTREME wealthy and ULTRA advanced democracy countries too.

Taiwan and HK are belong to the EXTREME wealthy and ULTRA advanced side of democracy. <-- Everyone know this!
(But Beijing the troll interfere make Taiwan and HK can't maximize their potential).

Unless you can offer better propaganda and reality!
I do not know what kind of person the smartest,I only know that Dumbest smart aleck.Unfortunately you.
I do not know what kind of person the smartest,I only know that Dumbest smart aleck.Unfortunately you.

I think most mainland lack knowledge outside China.

Many members here can easily understand my posts,

But you can't.

I ask you simple questions,

Is living in mainland SUPER AWESOME?

Or all of you want to move to democracy TAIWAN?

Plz answer it!
I would like him to walk around and see if you have a different continent views.You judge for yourself the quality of it.China is indeed a problem of freedom of speech.It makes us uncomfortable.But better than that lived in Taiwan.Taiwan is too small.China large colorful.
Foreign words small European countries , Sweden , New Zealand , I heard that good.
I would like him to walk around and see if you have a different continent views.You judge for yourself the quality of it.China is indeed a problem of freedom of speech.It makes us uncomfortable.But better than that lived in Taiwan.Taiwan is too small.China large colorful.
Foreign words small European countries , Sweden , New Zealand , I heard that good.

I think you don't understand what I wrote above.
Do you want to say DEMOCRACY have better average satisfaction? :-)

Do you think your democracy's economy failure excuse kinda not in the place?

Then you are losing propaganda war in HK, Taiwan and the world.

The UGLY China then. :lol:

Democracy is a system to ensure ACCOUNTABILITY and DEMOCRATIC.

No doubt, there are poor and failure democracy countries, (because of their own stupidity).

But there are also the EXTREME wealthy and ULTRA advanced democracy countries too.

Taiwan and HK are belong to the EXTREME wealthy and ULTRA advanced side of democracy. <-- Everyone know this!
(But Beijing the troll interfere make Taiwan and HK can't maximize their potential).

Unless you can offer better propaganda and reality!
HK has a high living standard, but I don't think HK is ever a democracy.

The general election that China central government offer to HK in 2017 is the MOST democratic system HK has ever had.

You are right about one of the main factor involving cross strait and HK-Mainland friction is pride.

Or rather the bruise ego of HKer and Taiwanese's superiority/inferiority complex. And I believe the superiority/inferiority complex apply to mainlander as well. This is unavoidable because one of the foundation of Chinese culture is honor/ego/pride. This problem can only be solved if all of us admit that although there are major political differences, but culturally we are one, we are one family, our fate is intertwined, 一荣俱荣,一辱俱辱.

You know during the initial decades of the reforms and opening up, the hundred of millions of peasant in rural China has to suffer in order to finance the development of the coastal city region. I can still remember that when the peasant population start to get into the city, there are a lot of friction between the city people and their poor backward cousin from the rural area. I can still remember the viciousness and contemptuous criticism that many directed towards them as a group.

But at the end, they all get along. The coastal urban and rural people did not become enemy. The Chinese people exercise patient and understanding and recognize that each and everyone of us in our struggle to strive for a better life contribute to the betterment of all.

Today China is paying the rural people back for their sacrifice. And all mainland people applaud the government effort in developing the rural area even though they know the fund comes from their collective pocket.

And I wish the HKer and Taiwanese could be as magnanimous and gracious towards their mainland cousin as well.

And I think it is obvious that we need each other, you just would not admit it.
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