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How's the China politics look like in my eyes.


二战后其实中国人以德报怨,并没有为难数百万日本移民返回日本也未要求战争赔款。日本人got away from every crime you committed in China。中国人实在是不爽日本把战犯放在靖国神社来供奉。



Listen, my friend, I understand your feelings, and I really empathize with you and other Chinese. The actions by Japanese soldiers in China during that war was very regrettable, in fact, it is very shameful to many of us. I blame not Japanese people , but I blame the military government for using the armed forces in a quest for military expansion. First the failed campaign in Russia in 1939, then the improper decision to invade China proper in 1937, then the futility of Ten Goh. In those days the military government had utilized propaganda, there was no freedom of the press. In fact, many democratic politicians in the Diet were either imprisoned or summarily murdered if they even chose to go against the military government. Those who paid the price for the military government's rise to power in the late 1920s were the Japanese people (who suffered the insufferable) , and the many millions of Chinese who were killed in the China Theater.

There was trade between Japan and China for over two thousand years, and to say that China did not benefit from this relationship is unfair. Surely there were economic benefits on both sides. In the current era, Japan had helped China develop financially, and a conduit to capitalism. Japan had, early on, invested in China's infrastructure and manufacturing as early as the 1980s, and helped China become the manufacturing power house that it is today. Japan, too, benefited from China's efficient chain.

I'm sorry this issue of the war is sensitive for you, but I hope we can try to evade such topics in the future. I don't want to cause or make unnecessary pains when it is not intended or even thought about. Gotta think positive, my man. We can't hold on to past grudges, else we will never heal and progress. Positive mind, positive thoughts, leads to positive actions. Remember the Confucian culture...!

Let's stick to the basics dude and not some fairy tales about your life:

You didn't lie to me? You lied about me? There's a difference. PHD not working? Oh right, candidacy.....you'll fail if you'll display this sort of comprehension. :lol:

You lied to your fellow countryman where he should post? The lie was, that in this section no opinions are posted, when infact the most replied topic in last few days is an opinion. I mean come on, how stupid do you think people are to not see through these charades?

Nope, it is the norm in this forum to post news alone, and occasionally, open discussion topics. When other posters, such as Genesis, post their personal opinion to discuss, I tell them the same thing, regardless if I agree with them or not. I'm telling them the conventions - not the rules. There are many conventions elsewhere that are not rules, yet newcomers are advised to follow. I don't want to silence anybody. I argue with @LeveragedBuyout and @Okemos all the time and welcome them challenging my ideas - if their arguments are valid.

See, the reason you're mad and half your total posts consist of immature insults is because you don't like people who 1.) have opinions different from yours, 2.) have the audacity to defend their own viewpoints. You don't actually want discussions.
@Tang Yi

I think you are very wrong to think that HK young people problem is in economy.

I tell you the truth, that HK young people main problem is snobbish, that they, since born, are better and luckier than mainland.

That HK is a free city.

They will defend it, refuse integration and down-gradation to the lowly level as in "draconian" mainland.

Foreign controlled HK media play a role too, by writing "we and them", "HK and mainland" kind of narrative.

As well as the bad China in the international stage, the next evil country after USSR.

Yes, HK have free press, but HK is dominated and bombarded by anti-China foreign controlled media, which they able to control HK political and public atmosphere and opinion.

Yes, HK have so many kind of media, but young people flock to the most flashy, trendiest, sophisticated media, that easier to understand and fun to read,... over the "ugly" "outdated" "clumsy" "kinda stupid" pro-mainland media.
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only 31. But have read more than 4 boxes of book and magazine print in 1960-1985, like <harvest>《收获》,<October>《十月》, <Selected works of Mao Zedong>(version in culture revolution)《毛泽东选集》(文革期间版本哦). Dude, I know what happened in those days, my family was attacked by those teenagers because my grandma was a Member of the Standing Committee of Hengyang city. The students even robbed my father's hat because he is a army man( a real army hat is a very important sign for red guards to show his or her identity, but in fact there were not so many places, many red guards was only "claim to be" guys. They eager to the hat for pretending).
So you become a shadow of your elders?You actually still immature.
I agree with you that the fourth point,I do not believe there is an absolute right or wrong.There is reasonable.Historical events are not subjective formation.In some cases generally occur around the world.Media around the world are sounding for the government.Even in the so-called democratic countries too.
I agree with you that the fourth point,I do not believe there is an absolute right or wrong.There is reasonable.Historical events are not subjective formation.In some cases generally occur around the world.Media around the world are sounding for the government.Even in the so-called democratic countries too.

That's right, buddy. Like the saying: 开放的心态. 开放路径.
Hong Kong people are a combination of low self-esteem and pride.Hong Kong was a British colony,Democracy for Hong Kong to become a mental disorder.
Hong Kong people are a combination of low self-esteem and pride.Hong Kong was a British colony,Democracy for Hong Kong to become a mental disorder.

That's a gross generalization of over 7 million Chinese , don't you think ?
yes, I can only give such a general evaluation.Sometimes very proud and sometimes very low self-esteem.

You know, one time i got into an argument with a poster from Tokyo at a japan defense forum; he was making rude generalizations of people from Hokkaido as being backwards, slow. I really dislike elitist mentality , FYI.

If I were a Hong Konger and someone from other parts of China, let's say someone from Chongqing, were to make a very harsh generalization of someone from Hong Kong, imagine how I would feel? It doesn't brood well.
Hong Kong people are a combination of low self-esteem and pride.Hong Kong was a British colony,Democracy for Hong Kong to become a mental disorder.

HK have a problem where mainland is catching up...

To keep HK ahead, young people pushed democracy agenda.

As well as fear of being a "barbaric" city like those in mainland.

It's not a mental disorder, it's actually very easy to understand if you are HK young people too, or at least in Taiwan.

This problem is actually easy to solve if mainland have a better propaganda department.

Like @Tang Yi mentioned above, Mainland propaganda department is less-organized, lack of sophistication like understand people psychology and sociology.

Their stupidity is not just making mainlander angry, but also destroying and disappointing China image aboard.

Chinese netizens even better to bring a good China image aboard and defending Chinese interest.

To be honest, Chinese previous empires and kingdoms had better propaganda than this communist peasant!
You know, one time i got into an argument with a poster from Tokyo at a japan defense forum; he was making rude generalizations of people from Hokkaido as being backwards, slow. I really dislike elitist mentality , FYI.

If I were a Hong Konger and someone from other parts of China, let's say someone from Chongqing, were to make a very harsh generalization of someone from Hong Kong, imagine how I would feel? It doesn't brood well.
You said it right.Hong Kong people will have their own evaluation.I respect everyone's opinion.
HK have a problem where mainland is catching up...

To keep HK ahead, young people pushed democracy agenda.

As well as fear of being a "barbaric" city like those in mainland.

It's not a mental disorder, it's actually very easy to understand if you are HK young people too, or at least in Taiwan.

This problem is actually easy to solve if mainland have a better propaganda department.

Like @Tang Yi mentioned above, Mainland propaganda department is less-organized, lack of sophistication like understand people psychology and sociology.

Their stupidity is not just making mainlander angry, but also destroying and disappointing China image aboard.

Chinese netizens even better to bring a good China image aboard and defending Chinese interest.

To be honest, Chinese previous empires and kingdoms had better propaganda than this communist peasant!

@Kolaps , what's Taipei's opinion of Leung ?
yes, I can only give such a general evaluation.Sometimes very proud and sometimes very low self-esteem.

Thanks to censorship, mainlander are ignorant and arrogant too.

It's true that ALL HK people dislike and look down on communist.

But ALL HK people are Chinese, decedent of HuangDi.

Mainland can win both HK and Taiwan if they are smart enough to play their CHINA card, and hide the communism.

Many Chinese around the world are traumatic with communism, as well as in the mainland.
HK have a problem where mainland is catching up...

To keep HK ahead, young people pushed democracy agenda.

As well as fear of being a "barbaric" city like those in mainland.

It's not a mental disorder, it's actually very easy to understand if you are HK young people too, or at least in Taiwan.

This problem is actually easy to solve if mainland have a better propaganda department.

Like @Tang Yi mentioned above, Mainland propaganda department is less-organized, lack of sophistication like understand people psychology and sociology.

Their stupidity is not just making mainlander angry, but also destroying and disappointing China image aboard.

Chinese netizens even better to bring a good China image aboard and defending Chinese interest.

To be honest, Chinese previous empires and kingdoms had better propaganda than this communist peasant!
Spirit is commendable.Do you think that kids do understand democracy.Hong Kong is a society based on the rule of law area.
Freedom is not explained can open defecation Or you can play mahjong on the road. There in the street barbecue bath.
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