I beg to differ with you here,as more and more confrontations with China is increased,Vietnam will be pushed towards the extreme which is US and ultimately will join with US and so will most of the Southeast asian countries who don't want to be under dominating China.
As far as Russia is concerned its true it wont take sides when it comes to China,but it doesn't want China to outgrow Russia to an extent that it becomes a threat.
US should start accommodating the concerns of other nations bullied by our communist saint (who can do no wrong) and encourage the affected parties to have some kind of strategic dialogue to increase co-operation between these countries.
By the way congratulations on Scotland Referendum.
Yes i do hope Vietnam sides/joins with the U.S with time as you said as much of south east Asia has done, However, im not sure Vietnam that will happen, since Vietnam still finds it hard to abandon/anger their old patron Russia and theres also officals in VCP who are still kind of pro China(want a closer partnership with China and the party, so this complicates matters).
Vietnam should understand that in politics/geo politics, there are no permanent friends only permanent interests. So if your ineterests doesnt match anymore with one country, move towards the one with whom you both have common interests. Theres no shame in that, thats how politics works. So Vietnam doesn't owe Russia anything. so it shouldn't feel beholden to Russia or whatever, allying with the U.S will be to its interests.
And thanks for the referendum congrats. we are still the UNITED KINGDOM.(U.K flag).