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How Vietnamese still suffer thanks to America. Documentary

Vietnamese abandoned traditional foods for banh mi and bread, which are now part of Vietnam's breakfast. Do Chinese eat bread? No. Coffee is a beverage which is different - even the US drinks vodka as the #1 spirit. Unlike vodka, coffee is also not limited to certain countries. Vietnam abandoned its language for Latin letters.
And I see McDonald's in China, buddy.

As for the Vietnamese language, I see nothing wrong with breaking away from China and adopting the Latin alphabets as foundation for our own language. That is the point you do not like. It is not about using the Latin alphabets, it is about abandoning the Chinese language.

And no, many Vietnamese here have indeed forgiven the US, despite its lack of any apology for wrongdoing. That means they have accepted that the US was justified and right. You yourself have tried justifying the war by saying it was China that started it all, pushing the responsibility for the atrocities away from those who actually committed them. I have ridiculed no one. I find it sad, not amusing.
I 'justified' nothing for what the US did. For what it is worth, I know and understands more about the Vietnam War than anyone on this forum, including the Vietnamese members here. You just do not like the truth: That if China did not get involved in Viet Nam post WW II, the war would not have happened. The political reasoning for the US involvement and the conducts of its forces are separate issues.

But look around your China and see 'the West' all everywhere while in 'the West' China is mainly confined to the typical 'Chinatown' areas in the large cities. Feel sad for that.
Japan had no choice - it was a defeated and occupied nation and any resistance would be futile.

China trades with Europeans on a voluntary, profit motivated basis. There's no charity here. There's no forgiveness here. It is purely because of the profit motive and no one has any illusions that Europeans like Chinese or Chinese like Europeans. Chinese are still trying to recover cultural relics looted in the 19th century from European museums.

Vietnam, on the other hand, is free. It is baffling why a free people would choose to reconcil with a nation that attacked its present, future, men, women, children, even the land itself and the unborn, with absolutely no apology, admission of guilt or wrongdoing on the part of the attacking nation. Vietnam, whatever happened to it, posed absolutely no threat to the life, liberty or property of Americans that did not go to war with it. The Vietnam war was fought with extreme and unnecessary brutality and cruelty to the Vietnamese. And what is even more baffling is that some victims of this cruelty are defending it, ignoring it, and essentially spitting on the face of the victims. This is not just government to government, this is on the people level, which is sad.
Viet and japanese have a colonist mindset. It's a lost cause to reason with them. In this world, power is worshipped. Good thing Chinese learn quickly. Respect truly does come from the barrel of a gun.
And I see McDonald's in China, buddy.

As for the Vietnamese language, I see nothing wrong with breaking away from China and adopting the Latin alphabets as foundation for our own language. That is the point you do not like. It is not about using the Latin alphabets, it is about abandoning the Chinese language.

I 'justified' nothing for what the US did. For what it is worth, I know and understands more about the Vietnam War than anyone on this forum, including the Vietnamese members here. You just do not like the truth: That if China did not get involved in Viet Nam post WW II, the war would not have happened. The political reasoning for the US involvement and the conducts of its forces are separate issues.

But look around your China and see 'the West' all everywhere while in 'the West' China is mainly confined to the typical 'Chinatown' areas in the large cities. Feel sad for that.

All I see is, around China, the Chinese language being used, Chinese culture being taught in schools with Chinese as the sole language of instruction including science vocabulary, Chinese food being eaten (with zero external influences on the contents of that food), people still buying in outdoors markets like they did in the past, etc. And for what westernization exists, Chinese continually question it - why? Why do we do it? Why is it better? Chinese also are very conscious of what is bought - why do we choose this brand over a domestic brand? Does the domestic brand perform just as well? Why or why not? There are entire forums and websites devoted to domestic brands.

That is why foreign smartphones had over 50% market share 6 years ago and now it is 18% market share. That is why domestic companies control 80% of the internet traffic. Domestic companies fill domestic demand niches.

Do Vietnamese have this? What is the market share of Vietnamese products and services in Vietnam itself? Vietnamese demand niches are unsatisfied, and only the parts that correspond to "global" culture - Western culture - are fulfilled. Vietnamese are allowing foreigners to tell them what is best for them, rather than having their own culture with their own demands. Unfortunately, Vietnam's demands are either not being fulfilled, or being fulfilled only because they fit the plan for other markets.

And guess what: the existence of Chinatown itself means something. Go look around Little Saigon in Westminster. How much does that really represent Vietnamese culture?
All I see is, around China, the Chinese language being used, Chinese culture being taught in schools with Chinese as the sole language of instruction including science vocabulary, Chinese food being eaten (with zero external influences on the contents of that food), people still buying in outdoors markets like they did in the past, etc. And for what westernization exists, Chinese continually question it - why? Why do we do it? Why is it better? Chinese also are very conscious of what is bought - why do we choose this brand over a domestic brand? Does the domestic brand perform just as well? Why or why not? There are entire forums and websites devoted to domestic brands.

That is why foreign smartphones had over 50% market share 6 years ago and now it is 18% market share. That is why domestic companies control 80% of the internet traffic. Domestic companies fill domestic demand niches.

Do Vietnamese have this? What is the market share of Vietnamese products and services in Vietnam itself? Vietnamese demand niches are unsatisfied, and only the parts that correspond to "global" culture - Western culture - are fulfilled. Vietnamese are allowing foreigners to tell them what is best for them, rather than having their own culture with their own demands. Unfortunately, Vietnam's demands are either not being fulfilled, or being fulfilled only because they fit the plan for other markets.

And guess what: the existence of Chinatown itself means something. Go look around Little Saigon in Westminster. How much does that really represent Vietnamese culture?
Do not delude yourself into thinking your China is pure from foreign influences. Guess who was the most ardent in exhorting Chinese to abandon the old ways: Mao. :lol:

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Your entire leadership dress like their Western counterparts. Why not the traditional Chinese changshan ? Too dated ? Who forced them ? They cannot even bear to wear the 'Mao suit'.

What about the hilarious 'Chinese skinheads' ?

Do you really want a list of all the Western influences that we see in China today ? Of course not. YOU can see that for yourself everyday in China. So do the same for China as you said the Viets should do for Viet Nam: Feel sad that your China is slowly abandoning the 'old ways', from dress to religions, and thereby 'justifying' everything wrong the Europeans did to China.

Viet and japanese have a colonist mindset. It's a lost cause to reason with them. In this world, power is worshipped. Good thing Chinese learn quickly. Respect truly does come from the barrel of a gun.
I guess we can conclude that there is something in the Chinese mindset that gravitate the Chinese people towards dictatorships.
Most Viets here love the US, it is useless to call over them.

WoW, this is Gotterdamerung, Chinese Xinhua agency's journalist stationed in Berlin. Russian skinhead don't troll like this.

How Chinese send their children to US now, mostly from officials of CPC. ?
Do not delude yourself into thinking your China is pure from foreign influences. Guess who was the most ardent in exhorting Chinese to abandon the old ways: Mao. :lol:

Four Olds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your entire leadership dress like their Western counterparts. Why not the traditional Chinese changshan ? Too dated ? Who forced them ? They cannot even bear to wear the 'Mao suit'.

What about the hilarious 'Chinese skinheads' ?

Do you really want a list of all the Western influences that we see in China today ? Of course not. YOU can see that for yourself everyday in China. So do the same for China as you said the Viets should do for Viet Nam: Feel sad that your China is slowly abandoning the 'old ways', from dress to religions, and thereby 'justifying' everything wrong the Europeans did to China.

I guess we can conclude that there is something in the Chinese mindset that gravitate the Chinese people towards dictatorships.

There is nothing wrong with taking good practices from elsewhere and putting them into use. Even the USSR leaders wore suits and ties, drove cars and when talking about the economy, used the language of shareholders, profits, etc. The language itself, the tools itself, etc. are not what is important, it is how they are used.

Vietnam's case is different. It is a passive blind acceptance. Like I asked before: what is the market share of Vietnam's own products and services in its own country? Vietnam has many neglected needs and demands - why are not Vietnamese, whether in the private sector or the government - fulfilling those needs, and rather waiting for global corporations and foreign donors to help them? Why do so many Vietnamese talk in the language of dependency - loans, aid, tech transfers - rather than in the language of self reliance, as Chinese have? They are even proud that Vietnam can finally recieve aid from NORTH KOREA of all places. Vietnam Military News & Discussion | Page 160

Look at the begging for other countries to give them SSBNs!

That, my friend, is the difference. One is selectively taking the best, and using it for yourself. The other is literally begging countries ranging from the US to even North Korea to give them aid to spite another country. One is recognizing its own needs and wants, and creating entirely new industries catering to those markets. One is ignoring its own needs and wants, to fit into the cog of some multinational marketing scheme. If the difference now is not clear, I don't know what is.
Vietnamese are beggars and leechers. Hopefully they can leech off some wooden boats fron zjapan to counter China.
I don't want to generalize, but I found the begging for NORTH KOREA to help them, of all countries, was funny as hell. North Korea itself needs help, how the hell are they going to help Vietnam?
lol @Americans try to damage control. They know they made the biggest genocide in history after ww2. Do you see afghans being killed by soviet mines these days? Do you see afghans with defected babies from our Wars?

We are morally superior to Americans, we are and always have been.
Vietnam's case is different. It is a passive blind acceptance.
In what ? How is normalizing diplomatic relation equals to 'justifying' what was done wrong in the past ? Blind acceptance of what things ?

Face it, you have no good arguments, just overly simplistic criticisms in the need to belittle Viet Nam masked by a false 'sadness' for the Viets. Whatever 'difference' you tried to pass off, it is a difference without distinctions from what your China is doing. In other words, the difference is in your mind. :lol:
In what ? How is normalizing diplomatic relation equals to 'justifying' what was done wrong in the past ? Blind acceptance of what things ?

Face it, you have no good arguments, just overly simplistic criticisms in the need to belittle Viet Nam masked by a false 'sadness' for the Viets. Whatever 'difference' you tried to pass off, it is a difference without distinctions from what your China is doing. In other words, the difference is in your mind. :lol:

Do you see Chinese begging for other countries to give them aid to fight against an imaginary foe? Do you see Chinese talk about "when we get donations of IRBMs from North Korea we will get back at you" "please give us SSBNs to get back at *those guys* " etc?
Do you see Chinese begging for other countries to give them aid to fight against an imaginary foe? Do you see Chinese talk about "when we get donations of IRBMs from North Korea we will get back at you" "please give us SSBNs to get back at *those guys* " etc?
Same as what you said about China adopting foreign things, buddy. Nothing wrong with it.
Vietnamese are beggars and leechers. Hopefully they can leech off some wooden boats fron zjapan to counter China.

what is wrong with you.?

Chinese is true beggar when you begged UdSSR and USA in cold war.
Forget the Past and look towards the future.
If japan and US can be allies after WWII then Vietnam can too,and by the state of affairs in the South China Sea $hitstorm,Vietnam-US relations will be beneficial to both the countries.
US should Change Trade and Military policies to help Vietnam and in response Vietnam should give US access to certain things;)(if you know what i mean).
what is wrong with you.?

Chinese is true beggar when you begged UdSSR and USA in cold war.
Yeah...But when China does the begging, it is 'different'.

Forget the Past and loot towards the future.
If japan and US can be allies after WWII then Vietnam can too,and by the state of affairs in the South China Sea $hitstorm,Vietnam-US relations will be beneficial to both the countries.
US should Change Trade and Military policies to help Vietnam and in response Vietnam should give US access to certain things;)(if you know what i mean).
The criticisms the Chinese leveled at the Viets have next to nothing to do with the US. It is more about NOT being in an alliance with China and subservient to China.
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