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How to stop These UAV's From Attacking???

well my simple Question is How to stop These (US)UAV's From Attacking???

In case Pakistan army has permission from GOV to Destroy These UAV's
But we still dont have any good Air defence missile systems!!! which can destroy These Birds....!!!
Moreover we cannot rely on Expensive PAF flights and as far as paf air defence is concern we only have crotale missile systems which are only used to protect airbases in Pakistan!!!

we cannot destroy these Uav's From Anti Aircraft Guns as they are not capable!!!

I may be wrong in this regard plz do correct me!!!

We need to get hold of modern Missile Defence systems....such as

Tor missile system
Wiesel 2
Or we can Make Stinger Sites on top of the Mountains

Well in my point of View best Option Is to Procure TOR-M1 Or ADATS

Pakistan could shoot them down with no problems if they wanted to. What you seem to not understand is The U.S. has an understanding with Pakistan to use them in targeting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
Then take them down with one of your other fighters, one not purchased from the USA. That's a pretty lame excuse. There MUST be some OTHER reason the PAF does not take down the USA drones .....What is it? (Hint: the GoP might want the drone strikes to continue ...)

what a good suggestion you have given, what ever the case if we use F-16's or other Fighter planes, the end result would be the same.

so we have no other choice, we have to sit silently and wait for the economic recession to take DEWALIA of America. ;)
As i have seen that you are in America, and talking against America is very strange..

I'm being sarcastic. I don't really think that the US economy is going to implode and satisfy your fond wishes. I think you are going to be very disappointed. Inshallah.
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Originally Posted by martial20
so we have no other choice, we have to sit silently and wait for the economic recession to take DEWALIA of America.

Originally Posted by TruthSeeker
Good luck with waiting for that ....(Inshallah)

Originally Posted by martial20
As i have seen that you are in America, and talking against America is very strange..

Originally Posted by TruthSeeker
I'm being sarcastic. I don't really think that the US economy is going to implode and satisfy your fond wishes. I think you are doing to be very disappointed. Inshallah.

Very sharp turn Truth Seeker.

I am not waiting for the Ocasion When America announce to be as defaulter, but many economic analysts are saying that the signs clearly visible showing that very in near future America will be defaulter if he didnt take out his hand from war against terror immediately.

So let see, what happen in near future.:azn::undecided:
baseless arguments,,,
look at the topic of the thread once more and post appropiate information if you have any!!

baseless arguments,,,
look at the topic of the thread once more and post appropiate information if you have any!!


thanks for pointing out about the thread,

FYI, we are on the topic but talking the reasons that why PAF not stopping UAVs?
well my simple Question is How to stop These (US)UAV's From Attacking???

In my view,there is one of effective ways which has been showed from Pakistani army, and that's the C4ISR system. but now,why don't they make it get freedom? to show it how it works?!!! I think now it's time to crack the tactical which named 'sensor -To -Shooter' .PAKISTAN GO!:pakistan::pdf:
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I think there is a understanding betwee both gov the extent of the strikes most of time they do try to get some talibans heads but its a damn missile , every time it take out 40-50 more ppl not just 1-2 ppl of interest ...

Very unethical - but then again ... every one knows that

Untill there is S300 batteries in Pak Army , a confrontation with US is not ideal no doubt we can capture 80% Nato forces in few days but long term consequences are unpleaset from diplomatic and strategic prespective.

I mean terroist are no one's friends, but what should happen is some common senseo ther airstrkes

Hopefully the soliders will pull out , knowing there is nothing but sheep left in Afghanistan 11 trillion dollars wasted on bombing caves with sheeps and lambs inside, and can't come up with 100 billion for health care:coffee:

This By the way is the portait of you know who , after age 50 years old
CIA just released this out , they released the first image it was some spanish MP so he sued so they released this at least now they won't be sued

The drones are just political show for politicians , nothing more , so they can tell in next election hey we bombed the place daily ... just a vote and election issue nothing mroe we all know the drones are 100% ineffective just makes more ppl pissed off to join the dark side

Because every one in Pentegon is in crisis control mode no one knows what to say if asked so where is the guilty ad where is all the 10 trillion dollars ??? So now the strategy is when American public asks - where the money went just point to predetor , it ate 10 trillion dollars or show them predetor with mustache , design and called it beat of Agraba or somethig like that

Similarly is the issu of pulling out troops knowing nothing is there to be foud who wats to be in power to do the pull out , history remembers it in america election even if it was Republicans fault , democrats do not want to be the ones to call the pull out ideally , Palin was smart she found job in Fox hell with terroist she will be interviewing celeberties now
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The US just want to guarantee that there are no safe haven for someone who wish to plan another 9/11 attack. Also, its obvious that Pakistani gov and mil support and assist US strikes as the terrorist are enemies of both.:usflag::pakistan:

So the best way to stop these UAV attacks is for US to provide more assistance to Pak military to help them wipe out the insurgents. These are Pak terroritories and Pakistani gov and mil should be in control, instead of Osama.
send F 16 airborne and u see wreckage of predator uav on the ground in 5 seconds
Why would we want to stop these UAV's when they are infact helping us out? Just recently they injured that bast*** Hakimullah Mehsud, so lets all stop acting like a bunch of kids and accept the fact that these drones have been extremely helpfull to Pakistan.
Why would we want to stop these UAV's when they are infact helping us out? Just recently they injured that bast*** Hakimullah Mehsud, so lets all stop acting like a bunch of kids and accept the fact that these drones have been extremely helpfull to Pakistan.

Wonder why our people are so gullible; they go emotional like "we could use our F-16zzz and blow them out of the skyiezz"

Damn it people; the drones are using our airbases for **** sake; and they're actually helping out by eliminating these scoundrels :smokin:

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