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How to ignore someone who has their profile set to private?


May 24, 2014
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This guy tags me like 5 times a day and nearly every post of mine. First he quotes me in same post and then tags as well, so I receive even more notifcations. I get some 10-20 daily notifications from him, using abusive terms and whatnot. Reporting hasn't stopped him.

The profile is set to private so I don't know how to put an ignore. I ignore the notifications, but it clogs up my alerts.

EDIT: As you can see in posts below, he follows me everywhere. Even after he "supposedly" ignored me, he continues to quote me.
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This guy tags me like 5 times a day and nearly every post of mine. First he quotes me in same post and then tags as well, so I receive even more notifcations. I get some 10-20 daily notifications from him, using abusive terms and whatnot.

In every third post of yours you abuse someone, and you complain about others abusing you? :omghaha:

I assure you I am not too thrilled about having to read your posts either. I am glad this has shown me I can ignore people, so I am just about to ignore you right now.

Ignored! This whole place looks better already!
The "Ignore" function has a minor glitch. I still see this guy's username when I first log in, but then he disappears completely.
It'll do.
You ignore them by not replying to them.
I don't. But I don't want my notification clogged up by dumb comments and attention seeker.

This dude talks to himself when he quotes me. Cries about why i'm not replying to him and he's sorry to quote me but can't help it. Clearly he needs some medical counselling. Like come on, following me on every sections of forum and if I haven't posted in a while, dig an old post of mine to quote, just for the sake of it.

But there is ignore function. Just not sure how it works for someone who has set profile to private.
I don't. But I don't want my notification clogged up by dumb comments and attention seeker.

This dude talks to himself when he quotes me. Cries about why i'm not replying to him and he's sorry to quote me but can't help it. Clearly he needs some medical counselling. Like come on, following me on every sections of forum and if I haven't posted in a while, dig an old post of mine to quote, just for the sake of it.

But there is ignore function. Just not sure how it works for someone who has set profile to private.

All of this is false. Nobody should feel sympathy with this person "WishLivePak", as he is relentlessly rude and constantly intellectually dishonest, and then complains when people criticize him for it. (Just watch, he will complain in a moment that I have criticized him, even though he does not hesitate to criticize anyone at all, for any reason).

WishLivePak, please don't write nonsense like this and then complain about people berating you! This is a public forum; if you do not want your posts evaluated, then don't submit them. There is no reason for me to stop commenting on your posts if I find I have something to say about them.

To answer your baseless slanders against me, I have never once talked to myself --- whatever exactly you mean by that -- when quoting you; I contribute to the discussion with you and other posters in mind.

I can't recall a single time when I have "cried" about you not replying to me; I always have the same policy, in that if people reply to me I read their replies, and if they don't, I let it go. Please do send me an example of my "crying" that you have not replied to me.

I have also never said "I'm sorry to quote you but I can't help it"; are you imagining things about me based on prejudice? I did apologize for quoting you (out of sympathy, though I couldn't imagine why this was a problem for anyone); I then explained it by saying that I want my readers to be able to see the post to which I am responding when I reply, and that is why I quote you and everyone else when I respond to them.

I have been contributing to discussion forums of some kind or another for years, and this is the first time I have ever found anyone complaining about being quoted, (which is a normal and standard aspect of most such discussion forums). Based on this unusual behaviour of yours, perhaps you won't mind if I suggest that you also have a need for "medical counselling". (Just wait everyone, "WishLivePak" is now going to complain that I am going after him, even though he saw no problem in calling my mental health in question on the basis of false accusations).

I definitely don't follow you on every section of the forum; where on earth did you get that idea? You happen to share many of the same interests as I do; then, when I read through posts in a thread that interests me, I respond when I feel like I have something to say.

Now, I might be able to explain all this: it's possible that I end up responding a lot to you just because of your persistent rudeness to everyone and your astonishing level of intellectual dishonesty; I really hate intellectual dishonesty, and I feel I ought to clarify issues when I see it in someone's posts. Since your posts seem to exhibit intellectual dishonesty with a regularity that is quite unusual, that may be the reason why it seems I am following you to reply to you. What is not true is that I am deliberately seeking your posts out to reply to you; again, please do not make such absurd accusations and then complain when you are criticized for it! You are on a public forum, and people are free to call you out for talking nonsense as many times as they please, just like you do not hesitate to berate others whenever you please.

I have some problems with the "Ignore" function myself, though I have not noticed any problem with using it for people who have their profiles set to "private". If anyone can tell me which section of my account I need to go to to fix whatever issue it is that prevents "WishLivePak" from ignoring me, I can see if I am willing to help him out. I have yet to see anything from this person that would give me the slightest reason to trust or respect him, so I am happy to be ignored by him.

I have found the "privacy" section of my account. Now @WishLivePak what do you want me to change so that you can ignore me? Just let me know and we can resolve this quickly.
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Above is awesome example of what I'm dealing with.

That's 728 words. Someone is really desperate. Someone I don't reply to, whose post are not read, is leaving me essays.
Above is awesome example of what I'm dealing with.

That's 728 words. Someone is really desperate. Someone I don't reply to, whose post are not read, is leaving me essays.

Exactly the kind of reply from this person I already predicted above! This person is both rude and intellectually dishonest; then he hypocritically complains about others criticizing him.

I have even offered to help him ignore me above, though since he doesn't read my posts he won't be able to accept my offer of help. I did my best to help him out!

Instead of taking the time to read what I have to say, he spends his time counting the number of words in my post. Is that what this man calls a useful contribution to a discussion? What could be more desperate than trying to make a point by counting words?

@WishLivePak, according to you, 728 words is an "essay"? Really? Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

You made a bunch of false claims, and I explained why they are false. You do realize that this is what is supposed to happen on a discussion forum, right?
Go to top drop down menu .click people u ignore

Type the name in the blanks..

good to go

You are Welcome.

Thank you for helping him out!
I didn't realize that not being able to see that option was his problem (it seemed obvious to me); otherwise I would have told him what to do myself.

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