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How to destroy India's S-400 missiles depots

Good thing is that China and Turkey are also buying the S400, Pak
can work out a way to destroy India's S400 batteries.

The Koral system from Turkey might be a good bet to jam the radars.
How much according to you classifies as high speed and what is the high speed to J-31?
I believe anything that can go beyond Mach 2 or 3 is capable of destroy s-400. J-31 top speed is 2,200 km.
I believe anything that can go beyond Mach 2 or 3 is capable of destroy s-400. J-31 top speed is 2,200 km.
How did you come to this conclusion? Secondly do you know what is the speed of the S400 interceptor missile? Speed of F-16 is more then Mach2 so as per your analysis we dont need to add another aircraft.
@Khafee @Tps43
I believe anything that can go beyond Mach 2 or 3 is capable of destroy s-400. J-31 top speed is 2,200 km.

"The 48N6E missile fired by the system's launcher hit an aerodynamic target [simulating an aircraft] flying at a speed of more than 600 meters per second."

FYI: https://thediplomat.com/2019/01/report-china-completes-user-trials-of-s-400-air-defense-system/

How to defeat an S-400 system?

Radar-evasive techniques + jamming techniques (airborne) OR standoff munitions (saturation strike package) from a safe distance - both are expensive solutions. And S-400 systems will not be stationed alone as I pointed out earlier. Good planning is important; we cannot take these systems for granted.

J-31 is mostly news with little substance at the moment.

J-16 + J-20 combo could come in handy but these are very expensive aircraft and China might not lend them to PAF. Therefore, Pakistani armed forces need to invest a large sum in expanding/improving cruise missile platforms and also focus on potential instruments of diversion - contingency measures on our end.
Yup and later it sank right? pyaaz or aloo kaise hai apke ider? Suna hai petrol se bhi mehenga bik raha hai?
Start worrying about your own onions and potatoes, your farmers are committing suicide at the rate of one per hour and unemployment is at an all-time high in 45 years. Your IT industry is all hyperbole, you cannot even produce problem solvers to beat the Russians or the Chinese in IT. Yeah, you'll instead turn to Uncle Mordechai for your AI.
Start worrying about your own onions and potatoes, your farmers are committing suicide at the rate of one per hour and unemployment is at an all-time high in 45 years. Your IT industry is all hyperbole, you cannot even produce problem solvers to beat the Russians or the Chinese in IT. Yeah, you'll instead turn to Uncle Mordechai for your AI.
Even if we fail at what we do, we learn from our mistakes, I dont give a damn to what is happening in India, there are 1.4 billion people, they are going to take care of themselves, govt is not a baby sitter, if they have any problems regarding cost of crop, they should fight for it and not die for it....
Depends upon how Indian armed forces configure their defenses. They will provide cover to S-400 systems with additional set of defenses such as SPYDER, AKASH and BARAK 8 just in case. An S-400 system can take out helicopters and drones on its own as well. Therefore, not an easy task in our case.

WE need to expand our inventory of cruise missiles of every type on a priority basis.
Man S-400 is no joke.Actually there is no direct alternative or competitor of S-400 in the whole world.S-400 is even giving nightmares to americans.
But in my humble opinion pakistan can use it,s superior ground intelligence and special ops in war time to destroy S-400 batteries.
India have more money to buy systems like S-400 but trust me pakistan has a much better ground intelligence and we just proved that on February 27 ;)
Even if we fail at what we do, we learn from our mistakes, I dont give a damn to what is happening in India, there are 1.4 billion people, they are going to take care of themselves, govt is not a baby sitter, if they have any problems regarding cost of crop, they should fight for it and not die for it....
1947 to 2019: 1/3 population is still without toilets. It's getting better slowly. Keep improving. :tup:
How did you come to this conclusion? Secondly do you know what is the speed of the S400 interceptor missile? Speed of F-16 is more then Mach2 so as per your analysis we dont need to add another aircraft.
@Khafee I@Tps43
I am not the one making crucial decisions, I am only highlighting in ways to find seek solutions by raising the topic in destruction of S-400s.
How to destroy India's S-400 missile depot's


Russia may target Ukrainian S-300 missiles depots using Ka-52.

Russia has already plans to take out S-300 Ukrainian missiles depots as counter measurements. They have specific helicopters designed for these types of offensive. The ka-52 attack helicopters.
The alternative to helicopters is to send swarm of drones equipped with beacon radars homing device zero in on s-400 missiles depots inside Indian territory.
China has supplied Pakistan with specialized drones for this purpose but need to be tested.

Some military experts were pointed out that in the event of active hostilities, Russia might use Ka-52 helicopters to destroy surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites in the South of Ukraine.

Babak Taghvaee, a military analyst based in Malta, claimed in a tweet that at least several consecutive days the 3rd Squadron of the 39th Helicopter Aviation Regiment has practiced Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) mission using Ka-52 attacks helicopters.

He added: “It means, in case of war with Ukraine, its 16 Ka-52s might be used to destroy SAM sites near the frontline.”

During a SEAD mission, pilots fly into enemy airspace to find and suppress surface-to-air missile systems, radars on the ground. This unique mission set is important because without it all the other aircraft are essentially unprotected from surface-to-air missiles.

In modern warfare SEAD missions can constitute as much as 30% of all sorties launched in the first week of combat and continue at a reduced rate through the rest of a campaign.

Helicopters can certainly perform the SEAD mission given the right terrain, positioning, and avenues of attack; but these numbers are somewhat misleading — SEAD constituting “30% of all sorties” doesn’t mean all those strikes are going to be going against S-300’s. That includes SEAD packages going after AAA and older-generation SAMs as well. And while the Ka-52 can certainly threaten the S-300 with the right tactics and a Kh-25 package, they would be extremely vulnerable and likely lose a lot of aircraft against a prepared defender with supporting MANPADS and SHORAD defenses. If Russia wants to kill Ukrainian S-300’s, they are best off using Flankers or ideally Su-57s.

Yeah, especially given the flat flat terrain in Southern Ukraine. It would be difficult for the alligators (Ka-52) to hide, whereas S-300s are routinely deployed behind earth berms (with S2S missiles in mind). Indeed, Su-57 might have a good shot, but the risk to lose face is also significant. Ukraine does have a serious engineering base in electronics, after all.

Isn’t it somewhat common practice to place SHORAD and/or some MANPADs around the longer range Anti-Air to help negate raids like this?

While the US used attack helicopters to take out some SAM sites in the 1991 Iraq War, this job is normally handled by specialized fighter jet units. I would think the Russians would have done likewise too.

Source https://www.quora.com/q/bjdjvnuigzn...rainian-S-300-with-Ka-52?ch=10&share=6c04043d

Same way their Barak and S-300s were neutralized on feb 27th
Use bait (e.g UAVs) to soak up the heat, whilst missiles swoop in for the kill.
Use swarm robotics. small nimble UAVs with a large cross section. use research in swarm robotics to make the swarm appear like a jet fighter/cruise missile. the indians will waste their missiles on the swarm.

Then use whatever PAF/army has in the arsenal to take them out, cruise missiles, stand off glide bombs, special forces etc. etc. fix longer range CMs on subs, increase the number of subs and use them to launch CMs deeper into india, and for insertion and exfiltration of special forces.
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