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How to DELETE Israel

By deleting riba from muslim economies ------
Israel has territorial ambitions over Arab lands. Its Achilles heel is the Zionist plans of expansion. If it captures Lebanon, Syria or Jordan, it can be drawn into a long term guerrilla fight especially in the Lebanese mountains and Syrian deserts or the Sinai. All the Arab countries and Iran will finance such guerrilla movements comprising Hezbollah, Sunni and Wahabi groups. If such a war continues for 10 years, Israel will lose its strength, will to fight, finances, American support and media favor. At that time the neighboring Arab states can easily attack and destroy Israel.

The same thing happened to USSR in Afghanistan and now to USA. Why do you think Russia annexed Crimea? the answer is simple. USA is now not in a position to do anything about it. USA is weakened thanks to Afghanistan.

The continuous insurgency will cause the recent European citizens of Israel to lose hope and go back to Europe.

The strategy has to be coupled with public pressure on multinationals and banks not to support Israel. In addition to that, a media campaign should be launched in US and UK to turn the public opinion against Israel and make it loose its financial and military support.

Very easy. you can delete word Israel from your writing.
In the next 20 years, tiny little Israel will have to deal with 1) modernized and massive Egypt possibly with Islamists in power 2) massive modernized Turkey with its dominating Navy that can impose a naval blockade on Israel 3) nuclear armed Iran which will create a ring of fire with precise ballistic missiles encircling Israel from all directions 4) declining support from the USA
First 3 won't matter, last one could be a possibility.
2 state solution :coffee: simple
DPRK-ROK and India-Pak border situation will occur. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Why to delete Israel ? Most countries including Pakistan believe in two state solution with Jerusalem as the capital. This will ensure long lasting peace in the region.
Israel has territorial ambitions over Arab lands. Its Achilles heel is the Zionist plans of expansion. If it captures Lebanon, Syria or Jordan, it can be drawn into a long term guerrilla fight especially in the Lebanese mountains and Syrian deserts or the Sinai. All the Arab countries and Iran will finance such guerrilla movements comprising Hezbollah, Sunni and Wahabi groups. If such a war continues for 10 years, Israel will lose its strength, will to fight, finances, American support and media favor. At that time the neighboring Arab states can easily attack and destroy Israel.

The same thing happened to USSR in Afghanistan and now to USA. Why do you think Russia annexed Crimea? the answer is simple. USA is now not in a position to do anything about it. USA is weakened thanks to Afghanistan.

The continuous insurgency will cause the recent European citizens of Israel to lose hope and go back to Europe.

The strategy has to be coupled with public pressure on multinationals and banks not to support Israel. In addition to that, a media campaign should be launched in US and UK to turn the public opinion against Israel and make it loose its financial and military support.
Loool...Arabs are the reason Israel is killing Palestinians without a care in the world. There is no ummah shumma. Its all bullshit and Arabs will not fight Israel ever. Iranians are self serving as well. No one cares.
You must be young
Israel has territorial ambitions over Arab lands. Its Achilles heel is the Zionist plans of expansion. If it captures Lebanon, Syria or Jordan, it can be drawn into a long term guerrilla fight especially in the Lebanese mountains and Syrian deserts or the Sinai. All the Arab countries and Iran will finance such guerrilla movements comprising Hezbollah, Sunni and Wahabi groups. If such a war continues for 10 years, Israel will lose its strength, will to fight, finances, American support and media favor. At that time the neighboring Arab states can easily attack and destroy Israel.

The same thing happened to USSR in Afghanistan and now to USA. Why do you think Russia annexed Crimea? the answer is simple. USA is now not in a position to do anything about it. USA is weakened thanks to Afghanistan.

The continuous insurgency will cause the recent European citizens of Israel to lose hope and go back to Europe.

The strategy has to be coupled with public pressure on multinationals and banks not to support Israel. In addition to that, a media campaign should be launched in US and UK to turn the public opinion against Israel and make it loose its financial and military support.
Press Ctrl +Del and later go to recycle bin and empty it.
Why to delete Israel ? Most countries including Pakistan believe in two state solution with Jerusalem as the capital. This will ensure long lasting peace in the region.
Pakistan isn't made on a stolen land with bunch of European outsiders invading the lands if natives and kicked them out. Our ancestors lived on this land for thousands of years back and later decided not to become part of artificial indian state. There is absolutely no comparison between Israel and pakistan.
1. right click USA on the map
2. hit delete
3. right click Israel on the map
4. do whatever the hell you want
Why to delete Israel ? Most countries including Pakistan believe in two state solution with Jerusalem as the capital. This will ensure long lasting peace in the region.

That's not ever gonna happen, dear brother. The Zionist State wants Jerusalem and will have it all, we can see it unfolding right before our eyes.
That's not ever gonna happen, dear brother. The Zionist State wants Jerusalem and will have it all, we can see it unfolding right before our eyes.

There are no alternatives, you cannot kill all jews to vacate that area. The two have to live in peace and harmony. Its the duty of the developed world to push for it and create conducive environment.

Our stance has been very objective and we should stick to it.
Press Ctrl +Del and later go to recycle bin and empty it.

Pakistan isn't made on a stolen land with bunch of European outsiders invading the lands if natives and kicked them out. Our ancestors lived on this land for thousands of years back and later decided not to become part of artificial indian state. There is absolutely no comparison between Israel and pakistan.

Nothing to do with Pakistan. I am just narrating official stance of Pakistan on Palestine -Israel conflict.
If Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan can unite and break away from US control.Make friends with China but don't make alliances with China.Because China will not support such behavior, but China can remain neutral.

And then, you can do it.
There are no alternatives, you cannot kill all jews to vacate that area.

Those Jews who oppose the illegal state of israel, aren't in this fight. Also, Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam has stated,

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
I heard Allah's Apostle [Muhammad] saying, "The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!' "

Those who support the illegal state of israel, will be the ones fighting Muslims and will perish.

The two have to live in peace and harmony. Its the duty of the developed world to push for it and create conducive environment.

Yeah tell the israeli that dear brother. Their idea of a Two State Solution, is the extermination of the Palestinian people. They have already colonized large swathes of West Bank lands. As for the "developed world" they are under the ownership of their zionist masters in america, britain, france, netherlands, australia, canada, germany, najdi-sauds, najdi-emiratis and etc.

Our stance has been very objective and we should stick to it.

We should stick to our stance, while the zionist-israelis rampage through East Jerusalem, take over West Bank and imprison Palestinians in Gaza, the open air prison of israel.

When none of the players in the game are playing by the rules, then it is time for us to change tactics and make them play by our rules.

Mark my words, zionist-israelis will annex East Jerusalem, take over the entire West Bank and demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa/Qubrat-ul-Sakhra to build their Temple Mount.
Someone had said that historically the Crusader State in Palestine was much stronger than the present Zionists as compared to the Muslim states/provinces around it but the Muslims under Salahuddin Ayyubi were able to defeat them.

Secondly, end of Israel will mean that the Jews would run away to Europe and USA in droves.
1. right click USA on the map
2. hit delete
3. right click Israel on the map
4. do whatever the hell you want
By following Chairman Mao's book on Guerilla Warefare, the Arabs can delete Israel just like the Afghans have defeated NATO and US. It will just take some time to wear the Zionists down. They were defeated by Hizbollah in Lebanon.
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