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How to counter tactical nukes?

Isn't it stupid to use within own country and condemning it for decades.Why can't you use multiple conventional missiles to stop the invading army.
It is a low yield neutron bomb with very little amount of radio active material. It kills life in a short radius while disables permanently in a larger radius but the radiations die very quickly and the area and materials are usable within a few a hours depending upon the exposure and target materials. For example if a div of indian armoured corps penetrates into thaar desert, we have no problem in roasting the invader with fast neutrons from a tactical warhead. It kills all the life in that radius and most of the tanks and armoured vehicles will be perfectly working only the crew inside will be roasted and the rest will be suffering with blindness, extreme radiation burns and dying shortly with more pain. However after few hours the area will be fit for life and Pak army will use the same tanks and artillery but in other direction.
It is a low yield neutron bomb with very little amount of radio active material. It kills life in a short radius while disables permanently in a larger radius but the radiations die very quickly and the area and materials are usable within a few a hours depending upon the exposure and target materials. For example if a div of indian armoured corps penetrates into thaar desert, we have no problem in roasting the invader with fast neutrons from a tactical warhead. It kills all the life in that radius and most of the tanks and armoured vehicles will be perfectly working only the crew inside will be roasted and the rest will be suffering with blindness, extreme radiation burns and dying shortly with more pain. However after few hours the area will be fit for life and Pak army will use the same tanks and artillery but in other direction.

Lets for moment assume, this is true, You are assuming Indian forces will invade from deserted areas and wont it require large scale evacuation of citizens as well as pull back of forces who will countering the invasion.Even if Pakistan miraculously able to achieve that, what is guarantee that so called is able to penetrate the forces who will be well protected inside tanks and BMPs and top of that none of Indian forces infrastructure will also be armed.

In fact pulling of forces of back to avoid radiation, can completely seal the fate of war.
It is a low yield neutron bomb with very little amount of radio active material. It kills life in a short radius while disables permanently in a larger radius but the radiations die very quickly and the area and materials are usable within a few a hours depending upon the exposure and target materials. For example if a div of indian armoured corps penetrates into thaar desert, we have no problem in roasting the invader with fast neutrons from a tactical warhead. It kills all the life in that radius and most of the tanks and armoured vehicles will be perfectly working only the crew inside will be roasted and the rest will be suffering with blindness, extreme radiation burns and dying shortly with more pain. However after few hours the area will be fit for life and Pak army will use the same tanks and artillery but in other direction.
It Not Easy At is Looks in War that's Why Many great powers Deserted this idea of Tactical Weapons Including US. What if the Invasion happen in Airborne Form Supposed IA Dropped 50,000 Soldiers in Border Cities of Pakistan What Will you do Nuke your own Population
low yield tiny tactic nukes.
That even on short range missiles.
A very low proportion of Indian Population leaves near border.
Simply no threat to us.
And our single high yield city busting nuke.
Their game over. :)
But they are still dreaming winning war on tactical nukes.
It is a low yield neutron bomb with very little amount of radio active material. It kills life in a short radius while disables permanently in a larger radius but the radiations die very quickly and the area and materials are usable within a few a hours depending upon the exposure and target materials. For example if a div of indian armoured corps penetrates into thaar desert, we have no problem in roasting the invader with fast neutrons from a tactical warhead. It kills all the life in that radius and most of the tanks and armoured vehicles will be perfectly working only the crew inside will be roasted and the rest will be suffering with blindness, extreme radiation burns and dying shortly with more pain. However after few hours the area will be fit for life and Pak army will use the same tanks and artillery but in other direction.

Kid you're like a Grandama telling kids old fantasy stories... So what If IA penetrate Into Thaar!! PA is going to use the missiles right aaway??? Don't have too much dream.. It's only likly to be used when PA can't hold and only When IA threatenes the existence of PA and Pakistan, I'm sure PA isn't that stupid to use the tactical which will end the existance of Goa and which in later will lead to th End of the world. and IA is not stupid enough to give a chance to pa to use them.. we'll not penetrate in Thaar but in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and clear the terror camp..
It Not Easy At is Looks in War that's Why Many great powers Deserted this idea of Tactical Weapons Including US. What if the Invasion happen in Airborne Form Supposed IA Dropped 50,000 Soldiers in Border Cities of Pakistan What Will you do Nuke your own Population
Then we will butcher them and people of Lahore for example will like new sport "Butcher a Hindu Soldier" in the street and tag the pic on facebook :) We won't any tactical nuke there :)
Then we will butcher them and people of Lahore for example will like new sport butcher a hindu soldier in the street and tag the pic on facebook :) We won't any tactical nuke there :)
Yeah Civilians will Able to butcher 50,000 Professional armed Soldiers Like that People who get easily Scared by Few armed jihads will overpower 50 k professionally trained Soldiers Like that.

Wars are Fought on Strategic Level you assuming you enemy will be Stupid is Sin in War you Paid Heavily for it in 71.
Kid you're like a Grandama telling kids old fantasy stories... So what If IA penetrate Into Thaar!! PA is going to use the missiles right aaway??? Don't have too much dream.. It's only likly to be used when PA can't hold and only When IA threatenes the existence of PA and Pakistan, I'm sure PA isn't that stupid to use the tactical which will end the existance of Goa and which in later will lead to th End of the world. and IA is not stupid enough to give a chance to pa to use them.. we'll not penetrate in Thaar but in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and clear the terror camp..
You are mistaken kiddo there...the moment you threaten PA's or Pakistan existence, it will be the time for big daddies.... triple action very big daddies. NASR is for cold start, the moment sufficient number of indian soldiers and weapons have crossed that the NASR use is worthy, it will be used the rest is next. I think your strategists are aware of this fact very well and that is why tried to use US pressure on Pak but in vain.
There is no way you can counter them. These are fast, can not be detected by air defence system and will annihilate India army.....roasted in Neutrons.... But you can avoid them. Just don't do anything stupid.

Source: How to counter tactical nukes?
There is no difference in the weapons but rather were they are used that make them tactical or strategic. Yes, they can be detected by Indian air defence.
1.Deterrent >> Stick to the MAD option (Which India is Doing)
2.Built a Tactical nuke with extended Range (Which India Already has)
3.buy Iron Dome From Israel.

Source: How to counter tactical nukes?
first 2 options are alredy being done. number 3 is only possible of Israel but even they do not pretend to have a nuke shield. Nothing is 100%. They idea is just to make it expensive for the other side since ABM is now becoming cheaper than nuclear weapons and missiles.
Only way to counter Tactical nukes is to avoid them. Don't invade Pakistan, save your self from Radiation bath.............

Source: How to counter tactical nukes?
Stupid logic. What if Pakistan invades India?
India can buy Iron Dome to Counter Nasr....

but still can one say which missile is carrying Nuclear warhead and which is carrying Conventional one??

Source: How to counter tactical nukes?
I doubt Nasr will actually use nuclear weapons even on tactical level. Think about it. The vulnerability of the system, the protection required, the range not mention the number of warheads required for a working regiment all of which would need to be deployed eaarly in the conflict meaning during peacetime, the weapons/warheads have to placed somewhere close by and thats a security risk. Using longer range missiles with nuclear warheads, dropped on armoured columns is better than a short range MBLR systems dropping tactical nukes. A lot safer too.
No India does not have Tacticla nukes as they are difficult to build. the prroof is that there is no Indian missile built to carry Tactical nukes. Even Prithvi has 500Kg warhead capacity which is not Tactical,

Source: How to counter tactical nukes?
IDK if India has smaller warheads or not but regardless, they can have tactical nukes.
But who can stop indians from hallucinating :). Tactical weapons are really a mess when it comes to defend...these are very fast and short range means extremely short reaction times which get too difficult as they are really difficult to detect and appear on radars very rarely and only when very close. No Iron Dome can protect indians from them.

Source: How to counter tactical nukes?
A lot of people are wet dreamers. Your one of them.
Prahaar is a tactical missile with ragng of 150km can carry around 200kg both Conventional and Nuclear

Source: How to counter tactical nukes?
Again, why would India spend millions or billions on tactical nukes, when nuclear weapons for India is on the limited. The delivery vehicles at least can be proper.
Nasar is supposed to drop within 10km of Border (inside Pakistani territory in case bhartiies are able to cross the border), Are you going to deploy Iron Dom in Pakistan to counter it?

Source: How to counter tactical nukes? | Page 2
Your gonna nuke Pakistani territory? Sounds stupid. wait I know what it is. Its a bluff.
You see, while "cold start' seems like a good idea, the expense and everything around it is workable. However, even if you consider that Pakistan has tactical nuclear weapons or will use nuclear weapons tactically to destroy Indian armoured columns headed towards Pakistan. The Indian army still doesn't believe this. The reason they do not buy Pakistan's "tactical nuclear" weapons program is because, it has failed to work for anybody. You don't see Israel doing this even though they have miniature warheads too. So long as the PA arms itself conventional to coutner India's conventional force. The IA will not believe this and will call it bluff.
IE if Pakistan wanted to make the "tactical nuclear" doctrine a reality they would have opted to reduce conventional forces. After all, if your gonna nuke India at the first sign of trouble. Why have so many Al Khalid tanks, JF-17 or even submarines? So long PA has 1:2 ratio with India on conventional military front the IA won't believe. Not that it wants the PA to believe it either even if it is true.
It is a low yield neutron bomb with very little amount of radio active material. It kills life in a short radius while disables permanently in a larger radius but the radiations die very quickly and the area and materials are usable within a few a hours depending upon the exposure and target materials. For example if a div of indian armoured corps penetrates into thaar desert, we have no problem in roasting the invader with fast neutrons from a tactical warhead. It kills all the life in that radius and most of the tanks and armoured vehicles will be perfectly working only the crew inside will be roasted and the rest will be suffering with blindness, extreme radiation burns and dying shortly with more pain. However after few hours the area will be fit for life and Pak army will use the same tanks and artillery but in other direction.

Source: How to counter tactical nukes? | Page 4
lol it its a low yeild than India armoured columns with NBC don't have anything to fear right?
I don't think you know what your talking about, so i would recommend reading the Soviet/American experiment with tactical nuclear doctrine and learn why that didn't work. Would also recommend reading on the Pakistani nuclear program, there are views from the scientist confirming that perhaps the "tactical nuclear" doctrine is just a bluff meant to serve only as bluff.
Yeah Civilians will Able to butcher 50,000 Professional armed Soldiers Like that People who get easily Scared by Few armed jihads will overpower 50 k professionally trained Soldiers Like that.

Wars are Fought on Strategic Level you assuming you enemy will be Stupid is Sin in War you Paid Heavily for it in 71.
Just come to the street of Lahore, and you will know that. It is very different to fight in battle field and cities. The police is there too and it is 9 million people with cow slaughtering tools and guns and then Pak army and rangers are there too.
You are mistaken kiddo there...the moment you threaten PA's or Pakistan existence, it will be the time for big daddies.... triple action very big daddies. NASR is for cold start, the moment sufficient number of indian soldiers and weapons have crossed that the NASR use is worthy, it will be used the rest is next. I think your strategists are aware of this fact very well and that is why tried to use US pressure on Pak but in vain.

Kid.. the cold start itself threatens the PA's existence.. and Nasr development shows how weak and scared is PA.. again let me tell you... Using Nasr innstead of BM is the most stupidest thing PA will ever do. and once again I hope Pa is not consisted of broken minds like you to use a tactical which will end the existence of Pakistan
low yield tiny tactic nukes.
That even on short range missiles.
A very low proportion of Indian Population leaves near border.
Simply no threat to us.
And our single high yield city busting nuke.
Their game over. :)
But they are still dreaming winning war on tactical nukes.
Pakistan also have city busting nukes. tactical nukes will not be used on Indian civilians but Army alone.
If in reply India wants to start a Nuclear holocaust involving civilians,that wont go down well.
You are mistaken kiddo there...the moment you threaten PA's or Pakistan existence, it will be the time for big daddies.... triple action very big daddies. NASR is for cold start, the moment sufficient number of indian soldiers and weapons have crossed that the NASR use is worthy, it will be used the rest is next.

I think your strategists are aware of this fact very well and that is why tried to use US pressure on Pak but in vain.

Kiddo your these Assumption is Also Premature What do you think we won't take out your batteries before Invading in your Territory and we won't Plan for that

The Range of Nasr is Limited that Makes it Vulnerable in Battlefield Our Strategic Systems Like Brahmos Prahaar and Shaurya with conventinal warheads will easily takeout these Systems With help of Vast Satellite Surveillance Cover we Enjoy over Pakistan with are own GPS guided Tactical Systems

And Once again I Tell you Don't take your Enemy as Stupid. An enemy which Conventionally Stronger than you
Disproportionate retaliation is the core of our nuclear policy from day one even if those tactical nukes used in pakistani punjab against indian mechanized infantry/armor.

T like new sport "Butcher a Hindu Soldier" in the street and tag the pic on facebook :) We won't any tactical nuke there :)
My friend i have heard that so many time that indian hindus will cease to exist in nuclear strike by pakistan but islam will endure and as you already suggesting a religious angle here so let me educate you about Israeli nuke policy which makes entire muslim world a legitimate target including holy macca because if their civilization is threaten they will make sure that nothing survives in the middle east off course they won't recognize it openly.
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