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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

Pakistan should also bring economic prosperity in Balochistan, most Balochs are demanding for economic developments, jobs, infrastucture, improved life style, etc.

Trust me if this is acquired in every state of Pakistan specially Baluchistan everything else will be sorted out automatically
Correction: Abudhabi relies on Oil exports, and Qatar on Gas!

Don't generalize all of UAE, we are discussing Qatar and Dubai. (rest are collateral damage)

Dubai have developed in such a way, that all companies have regional headquarters there.... In ports, Gwadar is just a starting.. It even havent beaten Karachi in port handling yet.. Y dubai will be afraid of a new port just coming up? Moreover, even without considering port, Dubai wins ten miles in development, considering its comparison with gwadar...
Or is there any other reason?

They don't deserve it. When they practice their version of Islam they are not committing bombings and murders.

It's Pakistanis fault for the way we follow it.

People like to blame Wahabi this Wahabi that. What a load of crap.

Pakistani extremists are almost all primarily Deobandi. Thank India for that. Not GCC countries.

Ur blind hatred for India is shown in this thread !!
So u mean ZIA obtained money from India, to develop these so called deobandis?
Pakistanis obtained and still getting money from Arab sheiks and now paying the price of it...
People in city will realise the danger of it, but the people in rural areas, wont...
This is a great thread going on, and am glad, majority of pakistanis are realising the effect of petrodollar money on their system as a whole. !!
Nice post. UAE & Qatar they cannot be trusted at all, Qatar has done worse by recognizing Israel as a state & they have allowed Israel Embassy to open in Qatar, UAE & some other Mid East countries are also trying to start new relation with Israel. So in this case Mid East can't be trusted in any thing or any way. UAE (100% confirmed by my source) is supporting terrorism in Balochistan & they were also against Gawadar port.

Pakistan Army & the Intelligence agencies are aware of this valid threat & I am sure they must have designed a counter strategy against these evil countries.

The other problem here in Mid. East is that there is a huge population of Indians living in Mid East & they successfully spread propaganda & lies against Pakistan & Balochistan province (I can confirm this to you that this is 100% true because I live in Mid East & have faced such problems directly).

KSA cannot do anything to stop all these evil moves by Mid East countries because they themselves need US on their side & they need their support. So we can safely exclude Mid East countries from our friend list because they are no good & a direct threat to Pakistan, in case of war in Pakistan or Military operation in Balochistan we will see the Mid East support to the Terrorists in Balochistan & support to the US & her allies. As we had seen in Libya, that how Mid East had supported US & her allies against Libya.

Dubai have developed in such a way, that all companies have regional headquarters there.... In ports, Gwadar is just a starting.. It even havent beaten Karachi in port handling yet.. Y dubai will be afraid of a new port just coming up? Moreover, even without considering port, Dubai wins ten miles in development, considering its comparison with gwadar...
Or is there any other reason?

Ur blind hatred for India is shown in this thread !!
So u mean ZIA obtained money from India, to develop these so called deobandis?
Pakistanis obtained and still getting money from Arab sheiks and now paying the price of it...
People in city will realise the danger of it, but the people in rural areas, wont...
This is a great thread going on, and am glad, majority of pakistanis are realising the effect of petrodollar money on their system as a whole. !!

Please - leave this thread to the Pakistanis and the handful of others who have dropped their guard and are discussing a difficult subject with maturity and balance.

Those who have introduced silly elements have been brought to heel very directly and effectively. No need for us to point out the obvious. Look through past posts. They are policing it very well. Our interjecting a comment here or there wil tempt somebody to side up with a mischief maker simply because of his nationality.

Just leave them to talk things through and watch. It is a fascinating, very high level debate. Let none of us be blamed for introducing a discordant element.
Joe is right, among very few of those threads, where people are actually more interested in understanding the problem at hand rather than having same old hateful posts.

All Pakistani members are giving equal respect to Indians' opinion and solutions. So should we and keep this thread clean.

BTW Aeronaut will take strict action, just to remind you all.
Actually Sir, Balochistan already have districts in it, if you mean province than i think it is good idea too. South of Balochistan which is relatively peaceful than other parts of Balochistan should be made new province namely Makran. The Central part & the region bordering Sind province should be made Qalat province(Kalat) & rest part should remain Balochistan. If this is done there will be troubles only in(new) Kalat province, the (new) Balochistan may have problems but will mostly be sectarian related & the (new) Makran province will be turned into a mighty economic hub. It will also be easy to clean BLA terrorism mess in the region.

Yes I meant provinces however what they call it is irrelevant. They have to break Balochistan up for obvious reasons but they should not stop there.


The formation of 16 provinces in the whole of Pakistan will not only decrease the amount of influence politicians (corrupt) have it will also allow for better policing of Pakistan in whole. This however should start in Balochistan.

Indian posters do not have a fit because Kashmir is included. Thank You in advance.
There is an easy explanation here.

We all know Arab states are British/American creatures, so the way to view their actions is in that context.

One of the points about alleged Arab friendliness to Pakistan is the past and old gestures.

Well REMEMBER - Pakistan used to have good relations with the west because Pakistan fought the wests war in Afghanistan, hence the gulf helped Pakistan.

Now, west is against is, therefore gulf states will fall in line, remember they are creatures, useful to function as the CIA mi6 Islamic patsies, hosted and paid for by Saudi.

The Arab gulf states have been a conduit for American actions, so kindness or bad actions, always puppets!!

This is all the part of the new game, orchestrated by the new rulers (carpetbaggers) of the world.

They pose China and Pakistan as a threat to India to make Indians as their foot soldiers against these nations.

They pose Iran as a threat to Saudi Arabia and Gulf states to sell them their weapons and keep their resources secure.

They pose Gwadar/Karachi as threat to Gulf emirates to use them as a conduit of terrorist financing in Pakistan.

Few decades ago, US used Saudi money in the same way by presenting USSR as an existential threat to their oil and religion. Even if Saudi Arabia is not directly involved in terrorist financing in Balochistan, it's gesturing shows how it is working as a puppet of US. Here Saudis are warming up to India for joint armament production and research, there they are handing over a 'Wanted Pakistani Terrorist' to India.

The situation may look bleak but it can be turned into an opportunity by co-operating with the nations who think that they have a
stake in the region. Co-operate with China to make the dream of Western China - Gwadar trade corridor a reality. This will automatically bring prosperity and security in the region. Strategic alliances with Russia & Iran will also act to counter-balance the negativity that is being sown in our minds. Keyword - SCO.

Yes, Peninsular Arabs are our Muslim brothers, but our real life (biological) brothers will also be more faithful to their business partners than their actual brothers. The largest customers of Gulf oil happen to be US and it's allies. All the oil wealth is then again invested in to US and (mainly) Western nations. The private Saudi investments in USA totaled $400-800 Billion. We can not blame Arabs for everything, we need to bring our house in order first to merit their attention and investment. Just like the real brothers, they still come to our rescue in the times of need (earth quakes/floods/other disasters etc). Once we get better, I am sure trust levels (and a positive co-operation) will increase, Insha Allah.

For Saudi investment in US, watch this video at 5:05.....

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This is all the part of the new game, orchestrated by the new rulers (carpetbaggers) of the world.

Mate, I must say, very few people have the reasoning abilities that you show. You deserve to be an 'Opninator'!
Yes I meant provinces however what they call it is irrelevant. They have to break Balochistan up for obvious reasons but they should not stop there.


The formation of 16 provinces in the whole of Pakistan will not only decrease the amount of influence politicians (corrupt) have it will also allow for better policing of Pakistan in whole. This however should start in Balochistan.

Indian posters do not have a fit because Kashmir is included. Thank You in advance.

This is a better proposition. There seems to be no ethnic divisions in this map and is more administrative in nature. Once the ethnic barriers are broken, I am sure there will be a gradual rise in association with Pakistan only, not on linguistic basis.
This will also help in reducing political parties and others from using diverse backgrounds for their personal gains and also eradicate ethnic violence and disintegration.
off topic: When i become PM , expect the outdated concept of states and provinces evaporate in the air. Pakistan needs to abolish the provincial governance structure. I want either 30 or so small provinces or no provinces at all , they must be substituted with SAZ [Special Administrative Zones]. Basically dividing Pakistan into 100 small SAZ will completely outgun the provincial sardars and Chahudris when the rule of law and all civil services be provided on a Tehsil level directly linked to the federal govt or alternatively the same arrangement linked to the federal govt through a provincial govt with no real power.

With E-govt we actually don't need these many politicians or elected representatives to run the show. There are many examples available and we can learn from it.
:angry:Its a deeply disturbing but important issue.But pakistan should treat them as an elder brother do to his younger brother when he is wrong and doing something to destroy the family .
off topic: When i become PM , expect the outdated concept of states and provinces evaporate in the air. Pakistan needs to abolish the provincial governance structure. I want either 30 or so small provinces or no provinces at all , they must be substituted with SAZ [Special Administrative Zones]. Basically dividing Pakistan into 100 small SAZ will completely outgun the provincial sardars and Chahudris when the rule of law and all civil services be provided on a Tehsil level directly linked to the federal govt or alternatively the same arrangement linked to the federal govt through a provincial govt with no real power.

With E-govt we actually don't need these many politicians or elected representatives to run the show. There are many examples available and we can learn from it.

100 is way too much and probably unrealistic. 16 provinces is a good start however no province should be broken down on ethnic or linguistic lines like the current politicians are advocating for obvious reasons.

Looking forward to being Interior Minister in your cabinet. :whistle:
....I sympathize with Baloch cause. But talks of secession are out of the question let me assure you on that. I see your country's support of BLA and BRA as an act of war. indian are best advised to modify their thinking b/c as i said in my previous post --- 2 can play at these games.

India would have had no power whatsoever to create problems for us if we were not already suffering from internal divisions.

But why do we suffer from these sharp internal schisms?

I feel the main reason why we have so many divisive lines all across Pakistan (Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch, Balawaristani, Kashmiri, Pashtun, Shia, Sunni, Barelvi, Deobandi) is because we have still (even after 65 years) not managed to develop a strong consensus about any cohesive foundational narrative for our country.

Perhaps the thread linked below is in the wrong place, but it may help us evolve such a consensus around a strong, cogent and cohesive narrative that we can formalize universally.


Once such a narrative is in place, I feel a lot of our factionalistic problems will slowly start to disappear and the Baloch (& all others) will begin to feel more "Pakistani".
The concept of Muslim Ummah has no relevence in the inter state relations; especially in modern times. Guarding of self pro-claimed national interests by Muslim countries is usually played in opposite swings of muslim brotherhood; which is boosted horrendously and shamefully through the two kisses on each other's cheeks. Why should these princely states bother about us as they appallingly, over the period of time, have developed an attitude of arrogance towards us. Their nefarious plans may be out of jealousy which they harbour collectively in their national psychic against the status which Pakistan enjoyed due to various geo-pol realities, its strong armed forces and being a nuclear state. We should not get involved in a counter game rather put first our house in order through political engagements and addresseing of the deprivations in Balochistan. I agree to the measures which you have enumerated, however KSA and Chinese Card may play the trick. Economic interests over rule and subside the religious belongings; which the Sheikhs are actually proving. As faith and collective muslim interests has remained relevant only to us (Shops get close in Pakistan even on trivial disturbances in any part of Arab World), but not to these wealthy and self-centered Sheikhs. May their selfishness ends before it gets too late for all Muslim Countries.
Yes I meant provinces however what they call it is irrelevant. They have to break Balochistan up for obvious reasons but they should not stop there.


The formation of 16 provinces in the whole of Pakistan will not only decrease the amount of influence politicians (corrupt) have it will also allow for better policing of Pakistan in whole. This however should start in Balochistan.

Indian posters do not have a fit because Kashmir is included. Thank You in advance.

no offence taken, we had our own version.

Great thread... dividing Pakistan in 16 to 20 provinces would be a great idea, I personally think one unit state policy had hurt Pakistan more than India. BLA problem had many angles and I do think that from time of Mrs. Indria Gandi RAW is playing it's role in that region and still continuing the same ( with the help of consulates in Afghanistan, which are quite to many).

Free flow of petrodollar and inputs of RAW + MOSSAD (Israel had every reason and motives against Pakistan) scenario seems like Pakistan + USA + Arabs against USSR. If USA and China don't play active role in favor of Pakistan than She will be facing very difficult odds.
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