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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

This is what they are more concerned about than the well being of their people and interests of the so called delusional " Ummah" ... Remember the fate of Ben Ali ? The man who literally did everything to eradicate Islam from Tunisia , looted billions and ruined the country for decades , In the end he got asylum in the KSA and Riyadh is refusing to extradite him despite several Interpol warrants ... Their throne is what they care about the most !

Which also means that nations states have their own interests and they guard these interests irrespective of their religion, caste or creed.

That's what we should be doing when our national interest demand it.
why our spy agents does not take action in Gulf States and Kill them ? as Israel did last time in UAE.
Nice post. UAE & Qatar they cannot be trusted at all, Qatar has done worse by recognizing Israel as a state & they have allowed Israel Embassy to open in Qatar, UAE & some other Mid East countries are also trying to start new relation with Israel. So in this case Mid East can't be trusted in any thing or any way. UAE (100% confirmed by my source) is supporting terrorism in Balochistan & they were also against Gawadar port.

Pakistan Army & the Intelligence agencies are aware of this valid threat & I am sure they must have designed a counter strategy against these evil countries.

The other problem here in Mid. East is that there is a huge population of Indians living in Mid East & they successfully spread propaganda & lies against Pakistan & Balochistan province (I can confirm this to you that this is 100% true because I live in Mid East & have faced such problems directly).

KSA cannot do anything to stop all these evil moves by Mid East countries because they themselves need US on their side & they need their support. So we can safely exclude Mid East countries from our friend list because they are no good & a direct threat to Pakistan, in case of war in Pakistan or Military operation in Balochistan we will see the Mid East support to the Terrorists in Balochistan & support to the US & her allies. As we had seen in Libya, that how Mid East had supported US & her allies against Libya.
Which also means that nations states have their own interests and they guard these interests irrespective of their religion, caste or creed.

That's what we should be doing when our national interest demand it.

Indeed , But can we change the thinking of 90% emotional Pakistanis to think along those lines of " Pakistan First " instead of caring more-than-they-do-for-themselves for delusional " Ummah " when no such thing exists ? :azn: ... Ahh , my friend I wish !
Pakistan from its creation has made very unnatural alliances based on religion only. We have nothing in common with Arabs other than we are all muslim but as history has shown it time and time again that religion is never a binding force. All of us who are living outside Pakistan know that we interact more with Indian (hindus included) than we interact with Arabs or persians because we share same language, art, culture and music. So, Our natural alliance should have been with India but we screwed it up. We gave too much importance to Arabs who dont even consider us human now that they have petro dollars.

I have never met any Pakistani who has favorable opinion of Arabs yet at govt level we treat them like our brother. Its time to realign our foreign policy and have better relations with Iran and India for they are our neighbors and we have to live with them not with Arab badus

+1 mate
First of all, what a thread...Nice work OP....
xyxmt, U totally nailed it....Pak should have been natural ally to India not Arabs...If there havent been those unfortunate incidents on partition and our politicians and armies didnt screwed it up for a piece of land....
I hope time will come when Pak starts looking up for strategic depth from india and can work a way through with these "Kings of interest"....I noe long way to go (just a wish, guys)....
Someone needs to come up with a meticulous if-then-else scenario to deal with these Gulfees. Getting emotional, and going ballistic won't help us. We need people with ice-cold emotions to carve the best possible way out of this quagmire.
This thread has really taken off since last night.

BTW, just a couple of weeks back, some people were deported from UAE for speaking things against the state. So i think I should keep quite perhaps!:D
This thread has really taken off since last night.

BTW, just a couple of weeks back, some people were deported from UAE for speaking things against the state. So i think I should keep quite perhaps!:D

Wise choice - stay in the game and observe!
This thread has really taken off since last night.

BTW, just a couple of weeks back, some people were deported from UAE for speaking things against the state. So i think I should keep quite perhaps!:D

only 1 deported so far and that to Thailand (Thailand has nothing to do with the deported individual nor is he a Thai national, it is something pre-arranged by the relevant authorities) and around 50+ are under state security custody and the highest one among them is the uncle of RAK ruler and is under house arrest since more than a month now.

And one more thing, don't believe what you will read in the media in coming days.
+1 mate
First of all, what a thread...Nice work OP....
xyxmt, U totally nailed it....Pak should have been natural ally to India not Arabs...If there havent been those unfortunate incidents on partition and our politicians and armies didnt screwed it up for a piece of land....
I hope time will come when Pak starts looking up for strategic depth from india and can work a way through with these "Kings of interest"....I noe long way to go (just a wish, guys)....

Its not necessary at all that we should hug india too with all the bad things it is doing to harm us.

here we should work with Iran as the are against arab elites, china can use its soft power. But the better option is to not depend on other and work on detail plan to crush this anti Pak movement by making the federation strong and eliminating few Sardars.
Its not necessary at all that we should hug india too with all the bad things it is doing to harm us.

here we should work with Iran as the are against arab elites, china can use its soft power. But the better option is to not depend on other and work on detail plan to crush this anti Pak movement by making the federation strong and eliminating few Sardars.

i would say dont trust iran they will be worse . Give the countries a clear message in the next OIC meeting. We will support you.
why our spy agents does not take action in Gulf States and Kill them ? as Israel did last time in UAE.

Mate Israel and UAE are not in good terms. So there is no fear of breakdown of diplomatic relations in case a spy is caught. Same is not true between Pakistan and UAE. UAE has an upperhand when it comes to relation with Pakistan. So any Pakistani spy activity in UAE might result in net loss to Pakistan.
i would say dont trust iran they will be worse . Give the countries a clear message in the next OIC meeting. We will support you.
nobody is trustworthy that is why i mentioned to take measure ourselves.
nobody is trustworthy that is why i mentioned to take measure ourselves.

The Turks have always supported Pakistan.

Mate Israel and UAE are not in good terms. So there is no fear of breakdown of diplomatic relations in case a spy is caught. Same is not true between Pakistan and UAE. UAE has an upperhand when it comes to relation with Pakistan. So any Pakistani spy activity in UAE might result in net loss to Pakistan.

I am sure Pakistani spies are in the UAE based on the large population of Pakistanis alone.

Someone needs to come up with a meticulous if-then-else scenario to deal with these Gulfees. Getting emotional, and going ballistic won't help us. We need people with ice-cold emotions to carve the best possible way out of this quagmire.

The best way is to lower the number of consulates in Pakistan from suspicious states. They can have all the money in the world but if they have no way of distributing it then there is no point. :coffee:

They should only be allowed one embassy (in Islamabad under ISI watch of course) and no consulates IMO. :smokin:
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