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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

@Aeronaut With NS being so close to the Saudi royal family and the likely next PM for five years, how can that help us with the BLA problem?

He is going to give the progress report to Badshah Salamat in Riyadh. Lets see, what bheek he gets in return.
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He is going to give the progress report to Badshah Salamat in Riyadh. Lets see, what bheek he gets in return.
@Aeronaut Yaara bheek mangna buraa to hey, magar agar mulk ka waqaiye kuch faida ho jaye to koi haraj bhi nahi.

IF NS can improve the energy situation and get law and order under control, then he is on the right track I think. But, like you said, let us see what he gets in return for his subservience to the King.
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@Aeronaut Yaara bheek mangna buraa to hey, magar agar mulk ka waqaiye kuch faida ho jaye to koi haraj bhi nahi.

IF NS can improve the energy situation and get law and order under control, then he is on the right track I think. But, like you said, let us see what he gets in return for his subservience to the King.

You can be hopeful, i have forgotten how it feels like to be hopeful.
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You can be hopeful, i have forgotten how it feels like to be hopeful.

You will remember hope again. I was never too excited before the election, and I am not too depressed after it either. With time you will learn to see that most things in life are gray shades only, almost never black or white.
You will remember hope again. I was never too excited before the election, and I am not too depressed after it either. With time you will learn to see that most things in life are gray shades only, almost never black or white.

I cant be a middle man,im not made that way.
I cant be a middle man,im not made that way.

You may not be made that way, but please do try to emulate our beloved prophet if you can:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. Always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course, whereby you will reach your target." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Hadith 470

Aagey aap kee marzi.

PS: @Aeronaut In solidarity with your current stance, I am changing my flags to North Korea too. I hope to be able to change them back soon when you get over it and change your flags back.
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I am really glad to see this thread good to see Pakistanis waking up out of this fantasy naive "brother" crap and looking at what can be done to help Pakistan.
Yes its a controversial topic , a thorny one , one of those topics which are usually hard to digest for an emotionally charged nation that is blinded by the jet wash of those fake emotions.

I have been recently looking into the role some Gulf states are playing in risking Pakistan's integrity. Its hard to believe given the smooth ride we have had with these states in the past. We have had great relations , they have helped us in every time we were in need and so did we.

But now the situation is weird , i see some of the gulf states , nominally UAE , Bahrain and Qatar are quite visible in harboring/sheltering BLA terrorists and their financiers [Saudi Arabia is not involved on any level] . UAE has been actively funding BLA terrorists while using PAF Base Shamsi as a base which was given as a "gift" to UAE's monarchy by Pakistan for hunting trips which facilitated their private planes. UAE lent that air base to Americans and because the drone strikes the issue came into light.

Speaking to some SSGs revealed that during targeted night strike ops against BLA , they discovered "sacks" of cash in their hideouts , most of that was the currency belonging to the gulf states i have mentioned. We also know they have been "gifting" super expensive cars to the sardars in the past.
Many of the top BLA terrorists are either living freely in above gulf states , have their financiers there or get unrestricted transit to other countries ie India or Europe.

The most striking case was that of Brahumdagh Bugti , the terrorist head of BRA. It was well known by Pakistani Intelligence apparatus that he was being sheltered by Americans through Karzai govt in Kabul to use him as a bargaining chip to bring Taliban to the negotiating table. However Karzai was forced to banish him , but not without an "Indian Passport".

He flew to Dubai to get a transit to Zurich from Kabul international air port. Mind you , BB was on ISI's terrorist watch list and they share intelligence with UAE. What "should" have happened is that as soon as they had an ID on BB , he should have been apprehended , put on the next military plane to Chaklala. But that didn't happen , he instead flew to Zurich Switzerland on a "Fake" Indian Passport.Qatar is playing its part through fabricated media reports to hype up the issue and Bahrain has a reasonable number of the BLA members hiding there who are financing their terrorist activities.

Now Pakistan must not have any doubts that we are NOT on the same page with the Gulf states on this matter. By sheltering the BLA members and financiers , they are posing a direct threat to Pakistan's national integrity and this is how exactly it needs to be taken and dealt with accordingly.As far as i am concerned , Gulf states are part of a Indo US plan to disintegrate Pakistan , these countries have no foreign policy of their own , moreover they are concerned over Gwadar port and its potential according to some reports.

There are a few things Pakistan can do.

1: Directly engage them diplomatically to make them stand down.
2: Ask Saudi Arabia at the same time to use its leverage over these kingdoms.
3: Engage with Chinese who have huge business interests in the gulf.
4: Diversify relations with Iran and synchronize strategy on BLA for help on Jindullah in return to counter these states diplomatically.

Please , share your thoughts.

* Don't forget to report Trolls & see the magic happen. :D

For GOD sake their is no proof that UAE and Qatar are funding BLA terrorists some of their people fund religious organisations and institutions but not Baloch guys
Yes its a controversial topic , a thorny one , one of those topics which are usually hard to digest for an emotionally charged nation that is blinded by the jet wash of those fake emotions.

I have been recently looking into the role some Gulf states are playing in risking Pakistan's integrity. Its hard to believe given the smooth ride we have had with these states in the past. We have had great relations , they have helped us in every time we were in need and so did we.

But now the situation is weird , i see some of the gulf states , nominally UAE , Bahrain and Qatar are quite visible in harboring/sheltering BLA terrorists and their financiers [Saudi Arabia is not involved on any level] . UAE has been actively funding BLA terrorists while using PAF Base Shamsi as a base which was given as a "gift" to UAE's monarchy by Pakistan for hunting trips which facilitated their private planes. UAE lent that air base to Americans and because the drone strikes the issue came into light.

Speaking to some SSGs revealed that during targeted night strike ops against BLA , they discovered "sacks" of cash in their hideouts , most of that was the currency belonging to the gulf states i have mentioned. We also know they have been "gifting" super expensive cars to the sardars in the past.
Many of the top BLA terrorists are either living freely in above gulf states , have their financiers there or get unrestricted transit to other countries ie India or Europe.

The most striking case was that of Brahumdagh Bugti , the terrorist head of BRA. It was well known by Pakistani Intelligence apparatus that he was being sheltered by Americans through Karzai govt in Kabul to use him as a bargaining chip to bring Taliban to the negotiating table. However Karzai was forced to banish him , but not without an "Indian Passport".

He flew to Dubai to get a transit to Zurich from Kabul international air port. Mind you , BB was on ISI's terrorist watch list and they share intelligence with UAE. What "should" have happened is that as soon as they had an ID on BB , he should have been apprehended , put on the next military plane to Chaklala. But that didn't happen , he instead flew to Zurich Switzerland on a "Fake" Indian Passport.Qatar is playing its part through fabricated media reports to hype up the issue and Bahrain has a reasonable number of the BLA members hiding there who are financing their terrorist activities.

Now Pakistan must not have any doubts that we are NOT on the same page with the Gulf states on this matter. By sheltering the BLA members and financiers , they are posing a direct threat to Pakistan's national integrity and this is how exactly it needs to be taken and dealt with accordingly.As far as i am concerned , Gulf states are part of a Indo US plan to disintegrate Pakistan , these countries have no foreign policy of their own , moreover they are concerned over Gwadar port and its potential according to some reports.

There are a few things Pakistan can do.

1: Directly engage them diplomatically to make them stand down.
2: Ask Saudi Arabia at the same time to use its leverage over these kingdoms.
3: Engage with Chinese who have huge business interests in the gulf.
4: Diversify relations with Iran and synchronize strategy on BLA for help on Jindullah in return to counter these states diplomatically.

Please , share your thoughts.

* Don't forget to report Trolls & see the magic happen. :D

1. Dubai is an autonomous region and hence dealing with the UAE govt. is a very tedious process as they shift blame. Dawood Ibrahim had his daughter's marriage over there and we couldn't do zilch about it.

2. It is easier to exchange Dirhams in UAE rather than dollars and is easier to hide inbetween the public because of the presence of a lot of people from the sub-continent there.

3. The Iranians might be helpful but the crackdown on the Junadullah group and Ant-Iranian groups must be serious but the problem is the tribal areas of Pakistan is a huge headache already.

4. Saudi Arabia is fine as long as the snake comes to their backyard...they already have too many problems with the middle east countries and I dont think the upper echelons of the Royal kingdom are going to get off their high horses.

5. Chinese will be interested in further explorations only if the region is stabilized.

So in the end it is the Pakistani establishment that has to do something about all these...and is anyone willing to do it there is the big question.
All we Pakistani are getting bad name because of these arabs. Baharini Shikhs hired ex Pakistani soldiers to control the Anti Monarch demonstration . Now Bahrini people hate Pakistani, because they involve in killing of number of demonstrator . Arabs are arabs, at the end of day arab stand with arab. Not with you ...Pakistanis ...
you are your own friend no one will come for your rescue they all are backstabbers

so i will say one thing :pakistan::pakistan:pakistan first:pakistan::pakistan:
Disgusting camel riding Arabs are it again...who the are the biggest terror exporters in the history.

A biased Indian article nevertheless.

How India's strategic partnership with UAE will hit Pakistan

The India-UAE relationship is a ‘strategic partnership’. In case there were still any lingering doubts about the matter, the joint statement signed by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi and Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan mentions this upgraded relationship status no less than six times. But what does it actually mean?

India has established over 20 strategic partnerships over the years with countries that include Russia, the US, France, Japan and China. The final name on that list should be proof enough that this sort of bilateral partnership is not a one-size-fits-all alliance that “bind(s) nations to support each other on all strategic issues in all situations”, rather a bespoke agreement to collaborate in areas of common interest. In terms of the actual content of these partnerships, they comprise a variety of areas ranging from defence and space research to bilateral trade and investment.

This sort of deal has a two-fold advantage: It allows India to maintain its sense of strategic autonomy in areas where interests may not necessarily converge, and simultaneously, keep open lines of communication for further diplomatic engagement on military and defence issues should the need arise.

While trade, investment and energy appear in the India-UAE joint statement, the dominant theme of the agreement by far, is security and counter-terrorism.

As has already been noted by numerous media outlets and publications already, the statement reads like it was drafted with India’s concerns about Pakistan in mind. Specifically, parts of sections II and III from point 11:

II. Coordinate efforts to counter radicalisation and misuse of religion by groups and countries for inciting hatred, perpetrating and justifying terrorism or pursuing political aims.

III. Denounce and oppose terrorism in all forms and manifestations, wherever committed and by whomever, calling on all states to reject and abandon the use of terrorism against other countries, dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they exist, and bring perpetrators of terrorism to justice.”

The growing threat and capacity of the Islamic State in West Asia, and the chaos engulfing Yemen and Libya means that jihadi terror is now in the UAE’s neighbourhood, if not yet at its doorstep. If properly implemented, the benefits of the agreement to counter terrorism and its infrastructure, financing networks and host nations will be massive for India — a frequent victim of terror attacks and perhaps the most vocal advocate of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism at the UN. This is especially so because a crackdown on fund-raising activities, facilitated by intelligence-sharing and half-yearly meetings of national security advisers (NSA), could severely deplete the coffers of numerous groups and entities that target India.

But why would the UAE — Pakistan’s largest trade partner, and its biggest source of investment among Gulf countries — sign off an agreement that targets a country with which relations were said to be “emerging into trust-worthy strategic partnership”? As a matter of fact, Pakistan was the first country to formally acknowledge the UAE as an independent country in 1971. So what went wrong?

As has already been noted by numerous media outlets and publications already, the statement reads like it was drafted with India’s concerns about Pakistan in mind. Specifically, parts of sections II and III from point 11:

II. Coordinate efforts to counter radicalisation and misuse of religion by groups and countries for inciting hatred, perpetrating and justifying terrorism or pursuing political aims.

III. Denounce and oppose terrorism in all forms and manifestations, wherever committed and by whomever, calling on all states to reject and abandon the use of terrorism against other countries, dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they exist, and bring perpetrators of terrorism to justice.”

The growing threat and capacity of the Islamic State in West Asia, and the chaos engulfing Yemen and Libya means that jihadi terror is now in the UAE’s neighbourhood, if not yet at its doorstep. If properly implemented, the benefits of the agreement to counter terrorism and its infrastructure, financing networks and host nations will be massive for India — a frequent victim of terror attacks and perhaps the most vocal advocate of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism at the UN. This is especially so because a crackdown on fund-raising activities, facilitated by intelligence-sharing and half-yearly meetings of national security advisers (NSA), could severely deplete the coffers of numerous groups and entities that target India.

But why would the UAE — Pakistan’s largest trade partner, and its biggest source of investment among Gulf countries — sign off an agreement that targets a country with which relations were said to be “emerging into trust-worthy strategic partnership”? As a matter of fact, Pakistan was the first country to formally acknowledge the UAE as an independent country in 1971. So what went wrong?

Sure enough, investment and trade continued through the 21st Century, but a trust deficit was palpable between the leadership of the two countries. According to a July 2009 cable made public by Wikileaks, the Crown Prince referred to then President AsifZardari as “dirty but not dangerous", while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was described as “dangerous but not dirty”, adding that he “cannot be trusted to honor his promises”.

But the UAE has apparently been wary of Pakistan for a while, judging by 2005 cable leaks that “US forces had made use of Sheikh (Crown Prince) Zayed's private airstrip in Balochistan” allegedly as a base for American drones. Considering the (arguably legitimate) outrage in Pakistan about drone strikes, it’s no surprise the UAE wanted a tight lid on the details. Support to US drones targeting terrorists (and unfortunately, many civilians) in Pakistan was an early indication of Abu Dhabi’s lack of faith in Islamabad’s ability to crack down on terrorism.

The joint statement reflects an amplification of this very lack of faith.

A decade ago, Sheikh Zayed was quoted in a leaked cable as saying that “a new personality (leader of Pakistan) may emerge but for the time being the UAE position was to play a helpful role by supporting the PM”. Whether the UAE continues to take this position, after Pakistan decided not to intervene in Yemen, remains to be seen.

But as it presently stands, India is assembling a dossier on Dawood Ibrahim ahead of NSA-level talks between India and Pakistan on 23-24 August. Intelligence shared by the UAE in this regard could be critical in building a solid case, and could very well be the “heavy price” alluded to by Dr Gargash.

these scums run away faster than their 100 meter sprinters on the first sign of threat, they are not worthy enemies

Yes its a controversial topic , a thorny one , one of those topics which are usually hard to digest for an emotionally charged nation that is blinded by the jet wash of those fake emotions.

I have been recently looking into the role some Gulf states are playing in risking Pakistan's integrity. Its hard to believe given the smooth ride we have had with these states in the past. We have had great relations , they have helped us in every time we were in need and so did we.

But now the situation is weird , i see some of the gulf states , nominally UAE , Bahrain and Qatar are quite visible in harboring/sheltering BLA terrorists and their financiers [Saudi Arabia is not involved on any level] . UAE has been actively funding BLA terrorists while using PAF Base Shamsi as a base which was given as a "gift" to UAE's monarchy by Pakistan for hunting trips which facilitated their private planes. UAE lent that air base to Americans and because the drone strikes the issue came into light.

Speaking to some SSGs revealed that during targeted night strike ops against BLA , they discovered "sacks" of cash in their hideouts , most of that was the currency belonging to the gulf states i have mentioned. We also know they have been "gifting" super expensive cars to the sardars in the past.
Many of the top BLA terrorists are either living freely in above gulf states , have their financiers there or get unrestricted transit to other countries ie India or Europe.

The most striking case was that of Brahumdagh Bugti , the terrorist head of BRA. It was well known by Pakistani Intelligence apparatus that he was being sheltered by Americans through Karzai govt in Kabul to use him as a bargaining chip to bring Taliban to the negotiating table. However Karzai was forced to banish him , but not without an "Indian Passport".

He flew to Dubai to get a transit to Zurich from Kabul international air port. Mind you , BB was on ISI's terrorist watch list and they share intelligence with UAE. What "should" have happened is that as soon as they had an ID on BB , he should have been apprehended , put on the next military plane to Chaklala. But that didn't happen , he instead flew to Zurich Switzerland on a "Fake" Indian Passport.Qatar is playing its part through fabricated media reports to hype up the issue and Bahrain has a reasonable number of the BLA members hiding there who are financing their terrorist activities.

Now Pakistan must not have any doubts that we are NOT on the same page with the Gulf states on this matter. By sheltering the BLA members and financiers , they are posing a direct threat to Pakistan's national integrity and this is how exactly it needs to be taken and dealt with accordingly.As far as i am concerned , Gulf states are part of a Indo US plan to disintegrate Pakistan , these countries have no foreign policy of their own , moreover they are concerned over Gwadar port and its potential according to some reports.

There are a few things Pakistan can do.

1: Directly engage them diplomatically to make them stand down.
2: Ask Saudi Arabia at the same time to use its leverage over these kingdoms.
3: Engage with Chinese who have huge business interests in the gulf.
4: Diversify relations with Iran and synchronize strategy on BLA for help on Jindullah in return to counter these states diplomatically.

Please , share your thoughts.

* Don't forget to report Trolls & see the magic happen. :D
For GOD sake their is no proof that UAE and Qatar are funding BLA terrorists some of their people fund religious organisations and institutions but not Baloch guys

Would you like one of the Sheikhs to come on TV with his corporate account statement in your hand and highlight a transaction worth millions going through international wires to the BLA terrorists? You think these things are THAT black and white?

The Arabs (from the UAE specifically) had a serious cow over the CPEC, when the deal was first announced and the initial news came out that the Chinese premier would visit Pakistan. I don't want to indulge in starting a new issue but what if I told you that Shuja came in with money provided by the UAE? Also, where does Altaf and his militia get funded from? UAE.....and YES, before you ask, the Indians and Arabs from the UAE have been in bed for a long time. It has increased a LOT since the announcement of the CPEC, and resolve of the Pakistani leadership + the military that it will be done.

Disgusting camel riding Arabs are it again...who the are the biggest terror exporters in the history.

How India's strategic partnership with UAE will hit Pakistan

The India-UAE relationship is a ‘strategic partnership’. In case there were still any lingering doubts about the matter, the joint statement signed by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi and Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan mentions this upgraded relationship status no less than six times. But what does it actually mean?

You have to understand the situation. The UAE, Iran and Afghanistan do not like Pakistan and are opposed to it, specially the growth!! Afghanistan is open about it. While Iran and the UAE play it behind the scenes as Iran has a few projects with Pakistan it would like to get profit from, and same with the UAE. But that doesn't mean there is "love" and "care" for Pakistan.

But, who has forged "strategic" alliance with all three, the Iranians, the UAE and Afghanistan???? India has. And a smart move on their end. These guys were in bed for years. Its openly coming out now since the work is ongoing on the CPEC project. This was all going on behind the scenes for years.

Remember, Gawader is a huge deal to Dubai, to Iran and to Afghanistan. None of these guys + India want to see Pakistan grow. Imagine UAE labor.....so you are telling them that 10 years from now, Average Pakistani's income would be equivalent to around $ 10-20K per year????? Meaning these guys won't get Pakistani labor at the same cheap, abusive rates that they are used to?

Not to mention, when Gawader picks up, why would Pakistani labor go to the UAE or elsewhere when you'll have the same and MORE opportunities in Baluchistan???? So all these are causing pain in many rears. Pakistan's population, educated labor, supported by a better economy, would take the country way above UAE and Iran.

The UAE initially though they'd get a piece of the Chinese trade, if there was no Gawader. So there are a lot of hurt and hateful feelings. Arabs are super racist towards Pakistan and there is nothing new about it. So how does this look to them, when a "client state" is bound to become a bigger economy and a military power....compared to them????? Imagine Arabs, and imagine them thinking Pakistan will have the power to tell us what to do.....how do you think this goes with them??? Just common sense!

Here, check this link out below. Take a look at the LAST table to the right. Fastest growing economies in 2014-15. And there is Pakistan, currently projected to be at number 19 in the near future. So why would the UAE, Afghanistan, Iran or India like it?

World economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These conversation at this point, are besides the point. Pakistani nation needs to stick together like glue (even with disagreements) and go forward and be at the number 14 or 11 top economy of the globe. That should be the only focus. No other issues or drama going on that would derail this progress internally.

To Pakistan's credit, Pakistan has done some serious diplomacy too. Russia....who we never thought would ever do trade with Pakistan is offering serious equipment to her, investing into Pakistan's steel industry and all. The Chinese obviously, the US, who de-hyphenated India vs. Pakistan and now is dealing with both separately. The French, now thinking about offering avionics for the JFT (again), and other investments into electric and aviation industry, Turkey, Germany and all. So it's not that bad. You continue making progress and do the hard work. It'll all workout for Pakistan.
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