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How to Cool Buildings Without Electricity? Beam Heat into Space

Stop trolling we have enough indians filling that job!

Of course, you had to drag in Indians unnecessarily to imply that trolling somehow is an exclusively an 'Indian' thing!

Well, for a change - the lead researcher in the OP, Aaswath Raman, is of Indian origin! Not a troll apparently!
Did you read before commenting?

Dont know any mirrors made of that

That is how mirrors are made. Silicon dioxide in this case is glass. Ordinary glass is molten sand - SiO2. Hafnium dioxide is also transparent solid. Mirror is silver coated glass (Aluminum for cheaper versions). So it is simply a special variety of mirror, but mirror nonetheless!
That is how mirrors are made. Silicon dioxide in this case is glass. Ordinary glass is molten sand - SiO2. Hafnium dioxide is also transparent solid. Mirror is silver coated glass (Aluminum for cheaper versions). So it is simply a special variety of mirror, but mirror nonetheless!
Mirror doesnt reflect specific wavelengths :ashamed:

Of course, you had to drag in Indians unnecessarily to imply that trolling somehow is an exclusively an 'Indian' thing!

Well, for a change - the lead researcher in the OP, Aaswath Raman, is of Indian origin! Not a troll apparently!
When the Scottish food factory labeled some Haram food as Halal your indian friend said he isnt indian....coz he isnt in india...Likewise Apply your friend's logic

Mirror doesnt reflect specific wavelengths :ashamed:
Depends on mirrors. All mirror reflect some wavelengths better than other.

You can have mirrors for specific wavelengths:
A dichroic mirror is a mirror with significantly different reflection or transmission properties at two different wavelengths.
Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology - dichroic mirrors, laser mirror

The definition of mirror you are using is too narrow.
You have them in Pakistan? but their prototype is only a small thing and it was only published last year...

The panel that is being researched on is a reflective surface that is thinner and could also mirror more than what is available presently while also possibly having long lasting abilities. I fail to see the breakthrough in this since the cost would definitely be many times more. I will post images on the material with reflective strength once i get the materials delivered.
The panel that is being researched on is a reflective surface that is thinner and could also mirror more than what is available presently while also possibly having long lasting abilities. I fail to see the breakthrough in this since the cost would definitely be many times more. I will post images on the material with reflective strength once i get the materials delivered.
Nature journal lied to me :(
When the Scottish food factory labeled some Haram food as Halal your indian friend said he isnt indian....coz he isnt in india...Likewise Apply your friend's logic


First, you provoke Indians by suggesting that they are trolls. Then, you mention some random Indian as my friend about some random incident that I honestly have absolutely no idea about. I don't speak for every Indian but when you unnecessarily paint every Indian as a troll, I obviously reserve my right to respond.

And the fact remains - the lead researcher in your own OP is of Indian origin!

And we wouldn't be having this whole conversation had you not provoked Indians at large by equating them with trolls. Now can we get back on topic?

Seriously so? He is contributing to science not sitting on his laptop trolling

Did you read my comment before rushing to respond?

Here it is, again! You first provoked Indians by equating Indians with trolls! Was that necessary?

We wouldn't be having this conversation had you not suggested Indians at large as being trolls.

First, you provoke Indians by suggesting that they are trolls. Then, you mention some random Indian as my friend about some random incident that I honestly have absolutely no idea about. I don't speak for every Indian but when you unnecessarily paint every Indian as a troll, I obviously reserve my right to respond.

And the fact remains - the lead researcher in your own OP is of Indian origin!

And we wouldn't be having this whole conversation had you not provoked Indians at large by equating them with trolls. Now can we get back on topic?
Unfortunately I did...
You answered it yourself ....

Try disproving it by sticking to the topic and quit derailing! Thank you :enjoy:

You don't provoke somebody and then not expect them to respond to your indiscretion. So you would do well to keep in mind - unless your whole motive is to start a troll fest.

Yes, lets get back to topic! An interesting topic, that is close to my heart as well. Thank you too :enjoy:

On topic, I fail to understand how they hope to beam the reflection away from other buildings, to outer space - especially in a crowded urban space!

The last thing you want to do is to reflect all that heat to your neighbor' building.
You don't provoke somebody and then not expect them to respond to your indiscretion. So you would do well to keep in mind - unless your whole motive is to start a troll fest.
Its common to say something on PDF and run along....you have been on it long enough...I get more crap than needed....Plus saying indians is unclear if I am referring to each and every- when logically i cant be possible coz I dont know each and everyone of you....even mentioning half is wrong (trolls will rush in to ask me where I got the stat from) so leaving it hanging is the best option with only those who practice it get offended :enjoy:

Yes, lets get back to topic! An interesting topic, that is close to my heart as well. Thank you too :enjoy:
Good...enjoy it :) ...I am not into Physics...I just like the interesting bit behind it but not the extreme details!

Summer is approaching and the kids are gonna go around doing shit..I rather them develop an interest for research hence the many threads on different fields of science...

On topic, I fail to understand how they hope to beam the reflection away from other buildings, to outer space - especially in a crowded urban space!
I think for that you might have to read their papers...As they claimed from above roof tops...
Nature journal lied to me :(

Not as much lie but exaggerate how its use would revolutionize doing something that can be done already even if not on the same scale. There was no mention of how much that 8 inch pizza size cost at the moment and how much it would cost later. Which is what a company or person would need to use to calculate the amount of money he would save if he used that product or when that product would pay for itself in savings.
Nature journal lied to me :(

I don't know about lying. I'm still trying to understand how this is that much different from something that's already done here (other than the mirror part). We use white thermoplastic roof membrane on a lot of large commercial building. Check out a Walmart on Google Earth on the west coast. Chance are, if it was built in the last decade, it has a white roof.

@forcetrip - Is your roof flat or steep slope? If it's a steep slope, have you looked into solar shingles? Dow has a line and I believe certainteed (St. Gobain) has a line of these shingles.

Now your world revolves around your roof.

@Akheilos - I thought I saw a thread by you about power outages. This would go well with that thread.
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