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How to carve out more land for Muslims out of India

No such intentions.
If you are committing to do something , at least set a good target, aim higher.
Cave something better that what you have got today. Please do not go backward.

Good luck!

My target would be

Minimum : 5 new Pakistans out of India.

Deccan, Malabar, UP, Bengal and Assam are very much possible and feasible. Kashmir and Kargil will any way join Pakistan as they have a border.

Ideal : 10 new Pakistans out of India.

Anything over 10 is a bonus.
Not a Pakistani problem anymore. Our only problem with India is Kashmir. For the rest of the Indian Muslims the train left the station (literally) in 47. They have to fight their own battles. If they want anything with Pakistan, they have to bring their own land. They should not come to the borders asked to be let it, but I am afraid that will happen.
Anna @Nilgiri , Please take care of this LTTE joker ....

That guy who confused Kannada = Tamil and routinely shows he doesn't actually know Tamil?...and actually used google translate with me... lmao

....the cpl times I got him banned was when I cared more about the forum, so I pitched in time and effort to see that through....and it was somewhat considerable (and there was a worthy mod listening and watching and credible with evidence given etc).

Not so much same situation now for a while on all sides of this.....I prioritise what I do here as far as possible...I don't care to put much considerable energy/interest like back then. There are simply better things to do in here and outside here for me.

You really can't defeat the obsessed, you will only become obsessed with them yourself if you let it.
Kashmir meets all the above criterias and its under indian occupation. Hows that ?

Muslims should work together with other oppressed minorities namely Nagas, Manipuris in the NE , revive Khalistan and Tamil nationionlism in west and south. India will be a dead meat

Awesome brother. I know you Tamils will always support us Muslims in this endeavor.

Kashmir and Kargil are the first to get liberated and merged with Pakistan.

But in Parallel we need to work on Deccan, Malabar, UP, Bengal and Assam.
You were/are on sale that's why converted to Islam by mainly fear or bribe, that's why ISIS Arabs consider you just for cleaning toilets .....
No one wants garbage back

We Muslims are not for sale.

We Muslims have something called Iman.

You low IQ Hindus would not understand.
And in return what did you get Puliraja??

if not for the British theres no India ,

We made Ceylon China vassal , tighten Chinas noose around Indian neck aka String of pearls

The ‘String of Pearls’
Sri Lanka is part of the “String of Pearls,” also known as the Maritime Silk Road, which describes a route of ports, airports, sea-lanes, highways and railroads that connect China to the Indian Ocean and the Horn of Africa. China claims this is just an economic corridor, but India claims the “String of Pearls” is a noose for strangling and subduing China’s neighbor.

China has often used aggressive techniques to stake claims along the trade route. In Sri Lanka, the Chinese are waging a silent war to dominate the nation.

Know what happened to your ex PM , less than 500 rag tag fighters took on and HUMILIATED a super pawa, no hindis dares to mess with us

Muslims make up 30% of Indian population but they are spread out which is being taken advantage by the Hindus.

Following are the steps that Muslims need to take to carve out more Pakistans out of India

Step 1: Create Muslim only neighborhoods/enclaves

Step 2: Keep creating more and more Muslim only neighborhoods/enclaves adjacent to the existing Muslim only neighborhoods/enclaves

Step 3: Once Enough area of the Town/City has been populated by Muslims ask for separate Town/City for that area

Step 4: Get that Muslim area demarcated for Councillor, MLA & MP elections.

Step 5: Get Muslim Councillor, MLA & MP elected for that Town/City

Step 6: Get Muslim administrators (Police, Collectors, Courts, Lawyers, Judges etc) assigned for the Muslim only town/cities

Step 7: Create a Unions of all Muslim only Cities/Towns

Step 8: Get support from Muslim nations to solidify diplomatic support

Step 9: Train all Indian Muslims and Build up defences

Step 10: Declare independence from India
You will have full support from @Imran Khan and @PAKISTANFOREVER.

Rumor has it -(umbrella academy ref :) )Unfortunately some of these false flags are alter egos of quite well known "dubbed" sane voices in the admin purely to drive traffic.


Nice attempt to malign me and the forum too as you are mod on the Indian forum.

I have nothing to do with this forum administration.

In fact I was thoroughly questioned & verified on my flag and was given warnings at least couple of times.

Many of my threads & posts that have been either deleted or locked too.

@Joe Shearer very well knows this from my posts that got deleted and locked on CoC and other similar threads.

You were/are on sale that's why converted to Islam by mainly fear or bribe, that's why ISIS Arabs consider you just for cleaning toilets .....
No one wants garbage back

Don't worry. Arabs are kicking you left and right of their countries due to your low IQ sanghi comments. :agree:

You low IQ sanghis are Allah's (swt) gift to us. :chilli:

You keep on giving us presents one after other. Keep it up and keep doing what you do the best. :enjoy:

Shooting yourself in the head. :smitten:

Atleast you seems to be proud of cleaning their toilets
Don't worry. Arabs are kicking you left and right of their countries due to your low IQ sanghi comments. :agree:

You low IQ sanghis are Allah's (swt) gift to us. :chilli:

You keep on giving us presents one after other. Keep it up and keep doing what you do the best. :enjoy:

Shooting yourself in the head. :smitten:

CPC false flags are pretending to be Indian Muslims seeking to carve out a new homeland.. You may print a map and carve out whatever you like with marker pens.

I warn Pakistanis and Muslims on this forum that allowing such tactics will have bad repurcussions on Islam, and we must now allow Islam to be degraded and used as a tool for covert warfare.

On one hand.. They suppress their own Muslims but they are now trying to use Islam incite communal dissent among their neighbors, a tactic that's bound to backfire.
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