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How should Iran respond to recent Terror attack in Iran?


Oct 24, 2013
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How do you think Iran should respond to recent terror attack?

Should we stick to going after the individual group(s) responsible?


Should we also go after the people that funded them? Either with direct conflict OR with covert actions?


I think Iran needs to gear up and be ready for full war BUT when it comes to actions we respond in kind!
For one we can arm Yemen with more sophisticated weapons like a hundred Armed Saegheh UAV's
Controlled release alkyloximephosphate ester warheads on rockets/BM fired on Camps of such groups would do the job. RV can contain 2 precursors that forms the esters during delivery. There are many many ways to modify structure to make the molecule even more sustaining or persistent. Age of conventional warheads is gone. IRGC should become brutal with these groups. Few will froth from mouths and others will be cautious.

Few should be transferred to Yemen as well. So far none of the interceptions made were directed at warheads. If the RV separates and deploys itself on population targets in Saudi Arabia and UAE, these ugly rodents will not dare again to support anything against Iran.

Assassinations of leaders of such rebel groups should continue.

I am personally against CBRN warheads though.
I quote what dear Mohsen has translated:

IRGC issued a statement and promised a deadly and unforgettable revenge in near future.

in this statement, IRGC reiterated that they will spare no effort to hunt and punish these criminals in the geography of the region and beyond.

IRGC also said that they will use the experiences which were gained by their recent decisive attacks against terrorists (most probably missile attack)

بیانیه سپاه درباره حادثه تروریستی اهواز
انتقام مهلک و فراموش ناشدنی از تروریست‌ها در آینده نزدیک/ تعقیب جنایتکاران در منطقه و فراتر از آن
Iran should unveil the culprits with detailed Investigation instead of covert action for revenge. Anyone who have done it should be exposed. or else more conspiracy theories will be born. Then take action against them as much as Iran can in its capacity.
Just like for today their are two theories regarding the attackers. Either they are Kurd Militants or Jihadis. Both of them are polar opposite in their ideologies and operations. Irani Authorities and Agencies should expose the group that carried such planned attack
Iran should be looking to overthrow the sunni regime in bahrain and replace it with a shiite government and bring it within the iranian sphere of influence,either that or a direct political and economic union with iran.The next step would be to break apart saudi arabia by making the shia areas ungovernable with the ultimate aim of either creating a new shiite state in arabia or perhaps a union of the shiite populated coastal areas of saudi with iran.
There needs to be a new non western backed status quo in the region to replace the crumbling western backed one,ideally the sooner the better.
How do you think Iran should respond to recent terror attack?

Catch their leaders if it's possible . if it's too expensive or impossible then be patient and wait

Improve intelligence forces or make them more efficient .

Improve life quality of our people especially the ones that living in Khozestan , Sistan and Balochestan .turn saltwater into freshwater by building 10s of 30-50 MW power plants as Mr khamenei proposed recently or by following similar plans .

Make more good movies/documentaries about war heroes such as Mohammad Ali Jahan ara and other Iranian Arab heroes.
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Iran should move fully forward with plans to control Jordan. That will send a message to the Emirates. Furthermore, Iran should begin toppling of Bahrain.

As we know Quds Force has extensive plans for Jordan. A nation that is beginning to shown signs of cracks.

Few understood why Qatar signed security pact with IRGC a few years ago, but now you see why.

If Iran can topple Jordan and Bahrain, then they will have accomplished what no other nation has been able to do since the early 1900’s which is reshape the Middle East completely.
Iran should unveil the culprits with detailed Investigation instead of covert action for revenge. Anyone who have done it should be exposed. or else more conspiracy theories will be born. Then take action against them as much as Iran can in its capacity.
Just like for today their are two theories regarding the attackers. Either they are Kurd Militants or Jihadis. Both of them are polar opposite in their ideologies and operations. Irani Authorities and Agencies should expose the group that carried such planned attack

Personally I think what Ideology they have is irrelevant. What's relevant is the people that give them money!
You think Saudi's give money to the MKO because they hold the same ideology? NO!

Iran should move fully forward with plans to control Jordan. That will send a message to the Emirates. Furthermore, Iran should begin toppling of Bahrain.

As we know Quds Force has extensive plans for Jordan. A nation that is beginning to shown signs of cracks.

Few understood why Qatar signed security pact with IRGC a few years ago, but now you see why.

If Iran can topple Jordan and Bahrain, then they will have accomplished what no other nation has been able to do since the early 1900’s which is reshape the Middle East completely.

Having plans for something and doing it are two different things. And I would of put Bahrain and after that UAE higher on my list. In Jordan if you have large Jordanian population willing to topple their Monoecy that's one thing but the demographics political view needs to be taken into account and of course a democratic government there will be in Iran's favor in the long term but in Bahrain a republic there will be beneficial to both Iran and the Bahraini people both in the short and long term and it should be much easier to accomplish than in Jordan.
This time ACTUALLY help Yemenis. don't be a bystander to war crime.

I think the best way Iran can help the Yemeni's is to give them the weapons and training needed to help themselves with a large number of sophisticated low cost weapons. It's not like we can give them a Gadir sub because they simply wont be able to maintain it for very long.

If Iran was to get involved directly at the very least we would need to take out the UAE Air Force and Navy in a sudden blitz attack or else we'll just be asking for more trouble. Beh doshman nabayad forsat dod If Iran want's to get involved directly the most tactically sound decision at the very least would a massive missile and UCAV strike on the very 1st day to take out UAE Air Force, Navy, top Air Defense sites & maybe even a few of their leadership and that would required nearly 500 various type of missiles & UCAV's with 1000's of additional missiles on stand by and ready to strike Saudi Arabia or U.S. assets if they get involved. And that's a very costly war for the tiny UAE!
the best and easiest way would be to significantly escalate in yemen. not only would you be helping out near defenseless people stop a war against humanity, but directly striking and spilling the blood of those 2 cockroaches who pay filthy terrorists to spill Iranian blood.

yemen needs to get flooded with ATGMs, Manpads, missiles,AShMs and IRGC Advisors.

If possible train small infiltration teams to conduct psycological operations in Saudi territory. Tape as much as possible (especially ATGM shots, Close range combat, enemy casualties etc...) for maximum propaganda value and to demoralize the Saudis...

id like to see escalation along those lines
How do you think Iran should respond to recent terror attack?

Should we stick to going after the individual group(s) responsible?


Should we also go after the people that funded them? Either with direct conflict OR with covert actions?


I think Iran needs to gear up and be ready for full war BUT when it comes to actions we respond in kind!
For one we can arm Yemen with more sophisticated weapons like a hundred Armed Saegheh UAV's

به نظر من بهترین کار جبران کمکاری ها در خوزستان هست ....
Catch their leaders if it's possible . if it's too expensive or impossible then be patient and wait

Improve intelligence forces or make them more efficient .

Improve life quality of our people especially the ones that living in Khozestan , Sistan and Balochestan .turn saltwater into freshwater by building 10s of 30-50 MW power plants as Mr khamenei proposed recently or by following similar plans .

Make more good movies/documentaries about war heroes such as Mohammad Ali Jahan ara and other Iranian Arab heroes.

Iran gave India the contract to build and operate a major port out of Sistan Baluchestan which will slowly turn that area into a major industrial port and what your suggesting is the correct long term fix but not really a short term one.

Iran's Kurdistan and Kermanshah provinces where Iranian Kurds live between them have 8 or more new universities, bunch of new powerplants, new dams,.... And yet as long as foreigners keep medaling nothing will really be enough to satisfy everyone because you will always have a few thousand unsatisfied people in an area with nearly 3 Million people and if people start arming them it really doesn't take any more than a hundred or so armed terrorist in an area that size to cause problems.

As for Ahvaz and Khuzestan area here:

This is what it looked like in the early 90's


And this is what it looks like today:


So the notion that Iran has ignored these area's because they are Arab or Sunni is frankly NONSESE!
Khuzestan Universities

And that's more universities than the Pahlavi's built in all of Iran over a 50 year timespan in just the Khuzestan Provence alone!

Catch their leaders if it's possible . if it's too expensive or impossible then be patient and wait

Improve intelligence forces or make them more efficient .

Improve life quality of our people especially the ones that living in Khozestan , Sistan and Balochestan .turn saltwater into freshwater by building 10s of 30-50 MW power plants as Mr khamenei proposed recently or by following similar plans .

Make more good movies/documentaries about war heroes such as Mohammad Ali Jahan ara and other Iranian Arab heroes.

Early 90's


vs Today

early 90's

vs Today

VS Today

So they are far from being a poor under developed area that Iran's government has ignored

به نظر من بهترین کار جبران کمکاری ها در خوزستان هست ....

Kam Kari ha?? Khoob beh post e ghabli neghah kon!
The Islamic Republic built more Universities in Khuzestan Province in the past 40 years than the Pahlavi's built over a 50 year timespan in ALL OF IRAN!

We developed the Ports there, We built dam's and powerplants, various industrial factories & even started construction of a Metro in Ahvaz!

Kodoom kam kari azizam?
Catch their leaders if it's possible . if it's too expensive or impossible then be patient and wait

Improve intelligence forces or make them more efficient .

Improve life quality of our people especially the ones that living in Khozestan , Sistan and Balochestan .turn saltwater into freshwater by building 10s of 30-50 MW power plants as Mr khamenei proposed recently or by following similar plans .

Make more good movies/documentaries about war heroes such as Mohammad Ali Jahan ara and other Iranian Arab heroes.
These are the best course of action in my mind.

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