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How secular, really, is India?

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These articles were written by ISI agents :lol:
I think i might cry. The troll is back again.......

:what: Are you talking about Marathaman? The one I said was burried beneath the ground but still returned? I never knew you fear the troll as much as i do. His reprisals maketh me fear for my life! I am scared!

May i ask if you are a troll too?:lol:
World Sikh News - Indian court now wants Geeta as national scripture
Indian court now wants Geeta as national scripture
Written by Ashok Sharma
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Answer to the subject question is that Hindustan is a two faced country it propagate it self as secular but its attitude towards minorities is no less than Nazis.

It does'nt really matter... no matter what the articles say India is an extremely secular nation and muslims are the "gods of India" as they are always respected by the majority!... :D

It does'nt matter what the facts are! The Indian always has to be right! I am sure these articles were written by "ISI agents and their ilk" or by some "Pakistan sponsered terrorist group" or perhaps by Mushy himself! :lol:
JAMMU, occupied Kashmir, Sept 25 (AFP) - Police fired teargas Tuesday to break up clashes between Hindus and Muslims as celebrations over India's nail-biting Twenty20 cricket win over Pakistan exploded into violence, officials said. More than 35 people including policemen were hurt in the fighting, which broke out overnight in Indian Kashmir and continued on Tuesday, police said. “We have rushed additional forces to Rajouri where the two communities are fighting it out,” said Rafeeq Sheikh, civilian administrator of the district bordering Pakistan.

“A group of people (Muslims) offering prayers n Rajouri alleged they were attacked by people who were taking out a rally to mark India's victory
,” Jammu police chief S.P. Vaid said. In Jammu, some 1,000 fans outnumbered Muslims 10-to-one as they stormed a college, other officials here said. Similar clashes also broke out in Gujarat, where five policemen were hurt after they intervened between rioting Hindus and Muslims on Monday night in the western state, the United News of India said. (Posted @ 17:05 PST)

- DAWN - Latest Stories; September 25, 2007

This is so called secular India.

Shame on them.

Infidels lie. This is a brilliant example.

They kill people, and call it an encounter.

They are sadly pathetic, and need to be thrown out of India, in order to make India secular.

Infidels lie. This is a brilliant example.

They kill people, and call it an encounter.

They are sadly pathetic, and need to be thrown out of India, in order to make India secular.

and fill them with pious lal-masjid type terrorist bast*rds who are the epitome of the non-infedility, right?

P.S: I realize that my above statement will get me an infraction, but I definitely did not stoop down lower than webmaster's post, who as it happens is a much more than a mod, an administrator.
Give the control to the secular Muslims. Like Kalam, those "infidels" need to be ruled and dominated by Muslims.

Now when i say those "infidels". I dont mean average people like you. I mean fanatic infidels (pointing out at the event we are discussing here).

Fanatic infidels means those who hate Indian muslims and other religions like Christians, Buddhists.

Sad, but true. There are more than millions.

P.S: I realize that my above statement will get me an infraction, but I definitely did not stoop down lower than webmaster's post, who as it happens is a much more than a mod, an administrator.

Sad but true. It is a reality in India.
Give the control to the secular Muslims. Like Kalam, those "infidels" need to be ruled and dominated by Muslims.
why should they be dominated by a muslim, even if he is a secular muslim. The moment you have entered that "domination by muslims", you have simply thrown all your "secular" credentials down the drain. You are no better than those fanatic infidels that you talk about in this aspect, sad but true.

No religion is singularly greater or lower in secularism, all are equal. Do you know that because Shiv Sena supremo, Bal Thackerey, used hindu religion during the meetings for election, he was banned from contesting or voting or attending meetings of political parties for six years? He can talk all he wants in his newspaper, interviews during normal times, but the moment the election campaign starts, he has to shut his mouth up about the religions topic.
The same is and should be with every religion.
Now when i say those "infidels". I dont mean average people like you. I mean fanatic infidels (pointing out at the event we are discussing here).

Fanatic infidels means those who hate Indian muslims and other religions like Christians, Buddhists.
what will you call the muslims who hate other religions and want that they dominate others, calling them kafirs, infidels? give them a name...

Sad, but true. There are more than millions.

Sad but true. It is a reality in India.
Even these muslims are many and unfortunately, they are killing more than the other "fanatic infidels" are killing.
what will you call the muslims who hate other religions and want that they dominate others, calling them kafirs, infidels? give them a name...

I dont see any thing wrong with it. Your a kaffir, and infidel. Why should you be ashamed because you dont believe in the only one?

Even these muslims are many and unfortunately, they are killing more than the other "fanatic infidels" are killing.

Let me know who your talking about.
I dont see any thing wrong with it. Your a kaffir, and infidel. Why should you be ashamed because you dont believe in the only one?

Who the hell is ashamed? I am proud to be a kafir in your language and would rather accept death before converting, now that this short point is out of the way,

You dont see anything wrong in hating other religious people, I guess show what you are made up of.

Let me know who your talking about.
Oh! I am talking about the Osama's, the hyderabad, varanasi,kashmir, london, madrid bomb blasters in case you have any doubt.
I dont see any thing wrong with it. Your a kaffir, and infidel. Why should you be ashamed because you dont believe in the only one?

An infidel (literally "one without faith") is an offensive English word meaning "one who doubts or rejects central tenets of a religion or has no religious beliefs", especially in reference to Christianity or Islam.[1][2][3][4] When used in an Islamic sense it serves as a translation of the Arabic word kafir (literally "one who denies the blessings of God") referring to all non-Muslims

Muslim scholars discourage its usage due to the Quran's command to use kind words.[9] It is even a punishable offence to use this term against a Jew or a Christian, under Islamic law.[8

Now all this is from Wikipedia....you are free to diss the source all you want..
Do give me another source! Hindus are kafirs, not jews, christian, or sabians.

You dont see anything wrong in hating other religious people, I guess show what you are made up of.

I dont see anything wrong, when those kafirs kill and rape innocents people in Kashmir.
Do give me another source! Hindus are kafirs, not jews, christian, or sabians.

Sheesh...open a dictionary...

Kafirs refers to all non-muslims, not just Hindus....

Basically its derogatory. And yeah....I'm a Kaffir and proud.
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