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How Russia and China are winning the vaccine diplomacy race | DW News

How Russia and China are winning the vaccine diplomacy race | DW News

Russia and China have been challenging the West for years. Their military build-ups, infrastructure projects and targeted economic support have bolstered their geopolitical clout. Critics say they're threatening the international order. And now, as the deadly coronavirus pandemic disrupts the world, the two powers are casting themselves as global saviors. They offer what everyone desperately needs: COVID-19 vaccines. Russia and China say they'll send their vaccines around the world. And this while the United States puts all its efforts into vaccinating its own citizens before looking outward. The European Union is also focusing inwards, scrambling to inoculate its own people. China and Russia are taking the opportunity to suggest they can rescue the rest of the world. There's is not much help in sight from the US. And here in Brussels, the European Union might have promised to share its vaccines with poorer nations, but right now it's preoccupied with trying to look after its own citizens. So shouldn’t we be applauding Russia and China for their efforts?
They are not winning it. There is a shortage of vaccine so other countries have to go to other sources. You have European countries arguing with each other, threatening to ban exports of the vaccine because they have regulations and didn't want to go fast in approving the new vaccine and implementing it.
They died after taking those vaccines, you can claim they died of other causes as some US media did.
They died, yet Norway is willing to keep doing it. Maybe because they gave it to old seniors where 400 die each week.
vaccine diplomacy
Its funny when these US state propaganda mouthpieces like DW bend their necks to pretend to be foreign and independent institutions but then follow the US state propaganda handbook dictating how to address foreign countries and matters of foreign countries down to the letter and write all their articles from Washingtons perspective and as if that wasnt obvious enough go out of their way to sell out Europeans or any spefic non-American country out while pretending to be a newspaper from there, like glorifying and excusing Washingtons interferrence in domestic German affairs and sanctions on German companies for working with Russia to secure German energy interests conflicting with Washingtons hegemony or parotting blatant US state propaganda lies about Chinas vaccines being ineffective or having low efficacy just to promote inferior and prone to sideffects proven, yet more expensive American products
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Actual Quote I read from a medical expert- 'injecting the Chinese vaccine is no different than Injecting mineral water'
Actual Quote I read from a medical expert- 'injecting the Chinese vaccine is no different than Injecting mineral water'
Then why countries around the world now inject Chnese vaccines? can you answer this simple quesiton with your Indian intelligence?
There is no need to promote vaccines as there is a worldwide shortage.
The shortage will continue way beyond 2021~2022.

Most of the available vaccines are already booked and taken up by the developed nations leaving none for the poor.

China has allocated 58% of her 2 billion doses in 2021 for her own population leaving 42% for the rest.

Even EU are considering Chinese and Russian vaccines today as vaccines manufacturers have failed to meet their delivery obligations. :coffee:
Then why countries around the world now inject Chnese vaccines? can you answer this simple quesiton with your Indian intelligence?

most countries around the world aren't injecting chinese vaccines. Including iron friend pakistan which is trying a backdoor entry through COVAX for the Astra Zeneca vaccine.
most countries around the world aren't injecting chinese vaccines. Including iron friend pakistan which is trying a backdoor entry through COVAX for the Astra Zeneca vaccine.
At least 40 countries purchase Chinese vaccines by January, how many are using your Indian mineral waters?
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