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Sep 20, 2006
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United Arab Emirates
With the passage of time the situation for Pakistan's security and even existence is getting worse. One can expect a three pronged simultaneous attack on Pakistan from India, Iran & Afghanistan which will without doubts will break Pakistan into pieces. There are chances that with the following chaos, Pakistan will be nuked by India & Israel to finish it off for once and for all. Does the situation not demand that the government and armed forces leadership start arming and training its citizens to help armed forces in such an all out attack which they can't stand due to millions of trained Iranian and millions of Indian fighters, soldiers, militias available.
Please give your thoughts as the attack looks imminent, what steps Pakistan needs to take for its ultimate survival, should it ask for Chinese cover to prevent getting nuked?, should it take any kind of help from Turkey or get Turkey involve to counter attack Iran in such a scenario to divide Iranian forces? What help Pakistan can ask from Saudi as there will be no Saudi once Iran finishes Pakistan?
Is Pakistan's current Air Defence Missile System covers Afghan & Iranian borders as well?
Is there any big military base near Iran for swift deployment in case of Iranian aggression?
How Pakistan will divide the lesser number of regular army personnel and military hardware in such a scenario?
Can the forces of Islamic Alliance will help Pakistan in such a scenario?
What ARE Pakistan's options?

...and I mean, like, long long term. Like 30-40-50 years from now.

For example, you see, not much has changed today, in ten years, from when I first came to this forum in 2008.

...and the way things seem to be going, I don't see them changing in my lifetime at least.

Pakistan and Pakistanis have to realize a few things and behave with some maturity:

1. Forget Kashmir. No point chest beating about something you're never gonna wrest from a 6 times bigger country with 10 times the economy and growing. Forget it. Move on.

2. Keep religion in your homes. That's how Europe did it. That's how America did it. That's how China did it. I wish that's how India does it. Islam is not in danger. You're not the sole proprietors of Islam. Europe reigned church in. The Muslim world, including Pakistan, needs to reign the Mullahs and the Wahhabis in.

3. Army belongs in the barracks, not in the political corridors, and certainly not in every other TV show 'rejecting' civilian authority. Civilian authority is supreme and no matter how crazy your politicians may be/seem, there is literally no excuse for army to interfere in internal and foreign policy. The present state of your country is proof of it. Let civilian authority flourish. It will take anywhere from 20-30 years. The the institutions become stronger and then you will see the real fruits of democracy.


Dead men tell no tales, eh! :D
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Is Pakistan's current Air Defence Missile System covers Afghan & Iranian borders as well?
Is there any big military base near Iran for swift deployment in case of Iranian aggression?
How Pakistan will divide the lesser number of regular army personnel and military hardware in such a scenario?
Can the forces of Islamic Alliance will help Pakistan in such a scenario?
No one wants Pakistan to go,instead of spending on all the above if a part of it is spent on eradicating terrorists using your soil which effects its neighbours you won't have to worry about others
What a ridiculous proposition. Why would Iran attack Pakistan in a war with India? Neither do I see Afghanistan doing that. They barely have their own country in their control and neither do they have the capacity. In the long run difficult to see either Iran or Afghanistan getting into any kind of pact with India to attack Pakistan. Iran's fight is to it's west and Afghanistan's economy relies on Pakistan
With the passage of time the situation for Pakistan's security and even existence is getting worse. One can expect a three pronged simultaneous attack on Pakistan from India, Iran & Afghanistan which will without doubts will break Pakistan into pieces. There are chances that with the following chaos, Pakistan will be nuked by India & Israel to finish it off for once and for all. Does the situation not demand that the government and armed forces leadership start arming and training its citizens to help armed forces in such an all out attack which they can't stand due to millions of trained Iranian and millions of Indian fighters, soldiers, militias available.
Please give your thoughts as the attack looks imminent, what steps Pakistan needs to take for its ultimate survival, should it ask for Chinese cover to prevent getting nuked?, should it take any kind of help from Turkey or get Turkey involve to counter attack Iran in such a scenario to divide Iranian forces? What help Pakistan can ask from Saudi as there will be no Saudi once Iran finishes Pakistan?

Not an anther thread on the same topic!
With the passage of time the situation for Pakistan's security and even existence is getting worse. One can expect a three pronged simultaneous attack on Pakistan from India, Iran & Afghanistan which will without doubts will break Pakistan into pieces. There are chances that with the following chaos, Pakistan will be nuked by India & Israel to finish it off for once and for all. Does the situation not demand that the government and armed forces leadership start arming and training its citizens to help armed forces in such an all out attack which they can't stand due to millions of trained Iranian and millions of Indian fighters, soldiers, militias available.
Please give your thoughts as the attack looks imminent, what steps Pakistan needs to take for its ultimate survival, should it ask for Chinese cover to prevent getting nuked?, should it take any kind of help from Turkey or get Turkey involve to counter attack Iran in such a scenario to divide Iranian forces? What help Pakistan can ask from Saudi as there will be no Saudi once Iran finishes Pakistan?

An improbable scenario but your Saudi friends with their allies like trump and israel are certainly making it difficult for Pakistan to neutralize the indian threat. So, what's your motive my friend?
A three pronged attack doesn't just happen like that.
For starters, our concerns with Afghanistan, Iran and even India at the moment are not significant enough to risk war over. For all the bravado and political sloganeering, states are rational actors and always try to minimize their losses wherever possible and at the moment, they risk a lot more by going to war than by not going to war.
Secondly, there is not enough military and political co-ordination between these three states to be able to engineer a combined offensive on two fronts.
Thirdly, Of these states, Iran has no disputes with Pakistan that could translate to war and Afghanistan lacks the capacity to wage war.
I could go on and turn this into a lecture but I wanted it to be as concise and to the point as possible.
Tensions between states prevail from time to time, they may even lead to conflagrations at the border but they seldom, if ever translate into full scale war, especially in a multiple front war.
War is more expensive than diplomacy... instead of getting equipped for war if we just try to get diplomatic rapprochement things will be better. They only trouble is India. They are spending hell alot money to gain influence in our western neighbours... But despite disappointment all is not lost there. Afghanistan for the time being seems to be under Indian influence but we still have friends there ... former northern alliance will never have solid foundation in Afghanistan and without Pakistan there never will be a stable Afghanistan. Indian investment with them can vanish in thin air once peace is returned to Pakistan.
2. Iran... Iran can't even dare think about it. The moment we started ranting against them we will start getting weapons aid and money from every where.... hostile Pakistan is much much more existential threat for Iran than hostile Iran is for Pakistan.... despite their inherent jealousy and hatred it's in their best interest to remain on good terms with Pakistan.

As for our beloved neighbour India... table will turn again... right now they are turned for them ... but it wouldn't be like that always.... They can't hold Afghanistan indefinitely. They can get cozy with Iran all they want but not at the cost of Pakistan and if CPEC worked as it is intended ... Pakistan will be in a position where India will no longer be able to afford hostility against it... We will be able to pay it back with interest.
What ARE Pakistan's options?
2. Keep religion in your homes. That's how Europe did it. That's how America did it. That's how China did it. I wish that's how India does it.
I would post links if my account was able to, but you can't say India keeps religion in its homes...
There was a law recently banning cow slaughter in Gujarat for Hindus, a place that is nearly 10% Muslim. I would tell more things about how India isn't truly keeping "religion in it's homes" but I don't have time.

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