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How Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could be jeopardised

must be a pretty idiotic defense analyst who believes that.. If tomorrow India launches a nuclear attack on Pakistan out of the blue, do you expect Pakistani military to spend hours and days ferrying the parts to a common place and assembling them before responding..

You are right about the time taken for mobilizing the nuclear assets...but there is a thing called intelligence alert...

Pakistan's intelligence agencies will definitely know if India is planning a nuclear attack because:
The situation has to be very tense at that time...its not like Monday; we have a Siachen talk...Tuesday; OMG! nuclear attack from India...it has to be like in the aftermath of Mumbai events...

India did this...The situation got tense when the Indians gave a deadline after the Mumbai events...the day when 2 IAF Sukhois intruded into Pakistani airspace,PA decided to mobilize the nuclear assets...somehow, the Indians got the news...and they changed their tone...
Rogue Commanders

Another scenario is the “rogue commander”. Militant groups have had varying degrees of success in infiltrating the Pakistani military, but it’s unclear how deeply they go.

In addition to mechanical safety systems, Pakistan says its nuclear weapons are secure because of rigorous background checks and continuous monitoring of personnel for extremist sympathies.

This is the part I fear most; I personally believe they exist
why people think that army has been infiltrated after mehran base attack??, at high level. people may have their reservations in the army, but no one in the army serving has any doubt about if to kill the taliban or not,
The interpretation of Pakistan's stance on mobilization of Nuclear weapons is that our weapons are not in one-component form...means its broken down into warhead and weapon...However we also say that our weapons are close to 'delivery means'....the ambiguity of this statement holds the answer about operational status of our Nukes. :cheers:
enough with the nukes,

Pakistan never had and never will have any problem with the nukes,

even usa had some unusual problems with nukes, and india's uranuim was stolen,

stop with this stupid topic,
enough with the nukes,

Pakistan never had and never will have any problem with the nukes,

even usa had some unusual problems with nukes, and india's uranuim was stolen,

stop with this stupid topic,

It shows how world view our program...There is not even a small mishap at our end ever since its inception.

Oh BTW i remember Condolleiza Rice once showed her good sentiments about Pakistan's Nuclear program...now that statement has been wiped out from internet... similarly the remarks of NATO's chief will become extinct soon...

In this propaganda campaign, finding pro-Pakistan remarks of people who have their say in West is impossible....any such thing is removed within months of release....
It seems like people have nothing better to do now a days except Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes Pak nukes- Captured Captured Captured Captured Captured Captured Captured Captured Captured- USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA- ga ga- bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Three nabbed with uranium in Navi Mumbai (Lead)

Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:39:47 AM by IANS

Mumbai, Dec 8 (IANS)

The Maharashtra police and atomic energy officials here are in a tizzy following the recovery of around 5 kg of uranium from three people in Navi Mumbai.
The police arrested three people when they were attempting to carry the material from an unidentified location in Navi Mumbai last Sunday, Police Commissioner (Navi Mumbai) Gulabrao Pol told IANS.

The trio - whose identity and motives are not revealed by the investigators - were remanded to police custody till Dec 17 by a local court Tuesday afternoon.

The material was sent to the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) for tests and was confirmed as “depleted uranium”.

Following this, the BARC summoned officials from the Atomic Minerals Directorate (AMD), Nagpur, to inquire into the matter.

AMD officials arrived here and lodged a formal complaint with the Navi Mumbai police, an official of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) told IANS here Tuesday.

“The depleted uranium is usually used as an excellent ‘radiation shielding material’ used in various applications. But it is a banned item and cannot be transported without following proper safety and security protocols,” the official explained.

He added that in the form it was recovered - in pieces similar to stones - it cannot be inhaled or ingested and did not pose harm to humans or environment, though more tests would be required to come to a final conclusion.

The official suspects that it may have its origins in some scrap market, but it was up to police to investigate it.

Pol said that investigations were on to find out from where the material could have been sourced and how it landed in the hands of the accused.

The DAE official declined to comment on the estimated value of the depleted uranium.

More at : Three nabbed with uranium in Navi Mumbai (Lead)

Three nabbed with uranium in Navi Mumbai (Lead)

And u say our nuke facilaties are unsafe.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
This is one of the most hare brained analysis! This guy must be smoking something when he wrote this. Pak tactical nukes hijacked by a bunch of brigands from the battle area? Ok, even if they succeed what next? What would be the target?

They will need a nuke for nuclear blackmail. But the question is will they ever be able to get hold of one? Simple answer – NO! But then, it's not a nuclear missile they require. Its fissile material to make a bomb!

Hypothetically speaking, even if they succeed in hijacking a tactical nuke during its move to forward launch sites, will they take a fully armed nuke missile to North Waziristan through the mall roads of Pakistan?

What they require is NOT a tactical nuke but fissile material- enriched Uranium/Plutonium which they would acquire by force from one of Pakistan’s nuclear plants. This is the most important component which is impossible to produce without sophisticated equipment. Once several kilograms of this fissile material is obtained, the militants would then whisk it away to the mountains in Pakistan’s North West and proceed to make a low yield ‘suitcase bomb’. Instructions on how to make one is easily available on line. Just Google it!

The Most Likely Militant Plan

In the first phase, they would conduct a raid on one of the nuclear reactors and procure the fissile material, most likely with inside help and take it away to their hideout somewhere in the North West.

In the second phase, proceed to assemble a nuclear bomb.

In phase three, commence nuclear blackmail.

Demands would include:

1. Insist on a halt in the Pakistani offensive against the TTP/Taliban/Al Qaeda/HUJI and their affiliates.

2. Withdrawal of all Pakistani troops from the North West.

3. Handing over of all FATA/Waziristan/areas contiguous to the AFPAK border to the militants.

4. Demanding an immediate cessation of American drone strikes.

5. Immediate withdrawal of all foreign Forces from Afghanistan (and probably from other Muslim countries as well).

5. Subsequently, handing over all of Pakistan’s nuclear reactors that produce fissile material to the militants and probably asking the Pakistan government to hand over the reigns of governance to the militants. (This is what the TTP had said a few weeks ago that soon they would take over Pakistan).

Nuclear blackmail is the ultimate weapon of the militants. 'Comply with our demands or face the consequences'.
Well there are some Pakistani's too who are really on Pay by your Agencies................Give me a singal example of any leakage in Pakistan NUKES Security.........except the Dr. Qadir's propganda.............I am 100% sure you will not find any of such leakages about Pakistani Nukes Info............so you can imagine how much they are under tight security........even mostly Generals from Army don't know where they are ............Just the peoples reated to them and 3 or 4 Star Generals knows..................so if you are talking that somebody can get info from those hight profile peopels then the whole country's security will collapse.

And at the end Please stop this and change your habbits.............You peoples are always sniffing to find something against Pakistan and post it here without wasting a second.

Nuclear scientists met Al-Qaeda leader, OBL, just few weeks before 9/11.

But I guess for you this is not a security leak, rather a continuation of policy in other means.
both have good missiles and pak example is hatf ix and India's Brahmos missile
Brahmo's is cruise while hatf ix is tactical ballistic missile which can change trajectory !!!
we must face truth that both have good fissiles!
Brother, the one who wrote this piece is neither an Indian nor a Jew, he is a Pakistani.

Stupidity has no limits or boundaries, we have ample of stupidity within Pakistan.

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