Whole world has seen your secularism in 1984 in 1991 and in 2002 and in Orissa you are secular only by name
1984--- It happened in Delhi.. and it was not perpetrated by a religion. It was perpetrated by a
particular political party that had people of different religions inciting hatred
1991 & 1993 --- there were riots that were perpetrated in the name of a particular Holy place..
Who incited it ? A particular political party.. What happened to it ? the court cases are going on and the party never won any election on the basis of Babri Masjod issue
2002 -- Both Hindus and Muslims were killed.. There were riots.. It was incited by people from a partcular religion and subsequesntly riots took place..
Who lost out ?
Not secularism but the Indian police which were not strict..
court cases are going on
Orissa-- You convert tribals in the name of hating Hinduism.. what happened next ?
Killings are murders
Who lost out ?
Not secularism but Indian police
Court cases going on..
Conclusion : Indian secularism is intact.. We have the mechanisms to weed out hatred..
Hatred can be against Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism etc etc
The Indian constituion targets that hatred not any particular religion.. It is staunchly secular.. We are proud of it