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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

I am out of here...will just say this though: "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean there is no one out to get you" (paraphrased). Because Pakistanis feel besieged and have to resort to conspiracy theories doesn't mean there are no compelling geo-strategic reasons to neutralize Pakistan's nuclear weapons. And most probably that's why Pakistani planners are rapidly making and dispersing nukes in Pakistan since 2001 like there is no tomorrow!
India will be pushed back decades in an all out war with Pakistan. Yes, I know Pakistan will pay a heavy price. But that should not be a consolation to India. Chinese will be all too happy in this scenario.

As a matter of fact you are more than right. The maximum benefit that an Indo-Pak war would yield is to China. It is in their best interests that India and Pakistan remain rivals and fight.

The maximum benefit of an Indo-China war is to US.
One of the very many reasons why China will never join a fight against India for Pakistan.
These F-16's were without weapons. The story has it that there was a fear that some pilot may go rogue and destroy the C-130 by firing on it. The purpose behind this was to ensure that the equipment made it safe. If the C-130 was to change routes, then the pilots were ordered to smash their plane into C-130's engines and eject.
Then there were fighter pilots told to use their Radars and visuals as the ground control could've been jammed with Israeli F-16's electronic suite or duplicate erroneous communication may have been established. So the pilots were instructed to use their own radar and their visuals around the sites. Due to this, a PAF F-16 belonging to a different squadron was perceived as a threat as it modified its flight path just a little and cause panic, resulting in half a dozen F-16 to be re-routed towards Chaghai.

The bold part is my first time reading it.

The radars and avionics of the F-16s were supposed to be shut down too, to avoid any Israeli interceptor get to know about their presence. It was a time when hell had broken down on PAF. We may complain against the leadership of Army and Air Force being corrupt and selfish, I will not comment on it, but you must admit that fact that the quick yet bold actions taken during the time are laudable. These 'totkay' worked out pretty fine when there was no time for proper planning, war was at gate and time was the biggest enemy, taking this country to stone age with it.
Absolute non sense, this article has been circulated through out various blogs, we Pakistanis love to believe in conspiracy theories. Israel has nothing to with Pakistan, last time any Israeli leader mentioned Pakistan it was Shimon Peres who prayed for Musharaf. Infact, in 2010 Israelis offered Pakistan to sell their guided munitions for PAF for war on terror, an offer which was rejected by PAF. This was stated by Pakistan Air chief in a speech. Recently Pakistan Airforce also bought aircraft refueling trucks from Israel indirectly through Turkey.

I am still wondering how senior and respected members on this forum like "WindJammer" are agreeing with this delusional article.

denying is good but denying what should not be denied is wired .... come out of love of IsraHell...
These F-16's were without weapons. The story has it that there was a fear that some pilot may go rogue and destroy the C-130 by firing on it. The purpose behind this was to ensure that the equipment made it safe. If the C-130 was to change routes, then the pilots were ordered to smash their plane into C-130's engines and eject.
Then there were fighter pilots told to use their Radars and visuals as the ground control could've been jammed with Israeli F-16's electronic suite or duplicate erroneous communication may have been established. So the pilots were instructed to use their own radar and their visuals around the sites. Due to this, a PAF F-16 belonging to a different squadron was perceived as a threat as it modified its flight path just a little and cause panic, resulting in half a dozen F-16 to be re-routed towards Chaghai.

first time i am reading such information .is that so ? you cannot even trust your own country man ? :what:
first time i am reading such information .is that so ? you cannot even trust your own country man ? :what:

It isn't trust or distrust.

Contingencies and back up plans are made in every scenario. Plans A, B and C are all pondered upon. You have to think out of the box and keep a lookout for everything.
The story wrote by Dawn is only declassified article which come out in 85s...the dream of indo-Israel never comes true...I guaranties you:pakistan:
Pakistani's and their military glorified conspiracy theories!

I wonder how many times Pakistani's come up with their theories that show a fierce, brave and fearless Pakistani military that cowed down adversaries like India/Israel and nowadays US.

The last awesome one i heard was that Musharraf told Vajpayee or some other Indian leader that if we die there are hundreds of millions of Muslims left, but if you die there are no Hindus left. And ofcourse, the shaking Indian leader left with a wimp and ofcourse..never attacked.

You missed one.

(+) Su-30mki locked by F-16's after 26/11 over Lahore.
Learn your history first......the super duper, untouchable, invincible, Raptor of East was actually locked in the vicinity of Lahore while the Mirage-2000 over Kashmir sector. !!

I don't have any problem with your fairy-tale theories, they may be good for your ego - boasting , but please don't force us to believe your self made glorifying BS !!

No one buy this crap of Immortal F-16's lock down no matter How many more times you'll repeat it!!
an imaginary attack prevented by mighty PAF. yet unable to stop tiny drones ;)

leave the drone this is US and our problem ...cross the boarder and face the music.....:guns:
Pakistan is reported to have conveyed that an attack on Kahuta would force Pakistan to lay waste to Dimona, Israel`s nuclear reactor in the Negev Desert.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...k-pakistans-nuclear-assets.html#ixzz2EHbKMPnU
Really? :woot: How so? Did the PAF have any mid-air refueling capabilities then? How were they supposed to reach Israel? With how many aircraft? Was it a suicide mission? Did they ever plan on getting all the way back to Pakistan after entering deep into Israeli air space?

This story is nothing but baloney! Though it makes for a good movie script! :P
I don't have any problem with your fairy-tale theories, they may be good for your ego - boasting , but please don't force us to believe your self made glorifying BS !!

No one buy this crap of Immortal F-16's lock down no matter How many more times you'll repeat it!!

have IAF any crap in his fleet....can u tell me or I inform you what carp IAF has???:bounce:
I don't have any problem with your fairy-tale theories, they may be good for your ego - boasting , but please don't force us to believe your self made glorifying BS !!

No one buy this crap of Immortal F-16's lock down no matter How many more times you'll repeat it!!

You are just a minute something as far as this incident is concerned, hence who gives two monkeys what some fan boy thinks or rants.....those that matter are well in know how of the facts....period.
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