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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

Indians here can't take it

From denying combat aircraft interception after 26/11 to the fact that India can counter any missile Pakistan gets (hint: refer to CM400AKG thread), they have figured it all.

Not to mention their overly jingoistic general staff which stated that India was capable of doing a raid similar to US did with OBL. LOL.....and Indians keep begging to put Hafiz Saeed or bla bla bla mullah behind bars and extradite them.

Good joke of a nation.
This story doesnt seem to be true. Its only in 1991, India recognised Israel. Only Kargil War bought India Israel closer. And it had been reported that MOSSAD(though limited) along with CIA and ISI also operated out of pakistan against Soviets in Afghanistan.
So how come will they ever even plan this? Before 1991 there was no relation between India n Israel , and so we can forget the Joint operation or co-op between RAW and MOSSAD.
Its an another conspiracy theory to inflate 'some' pakistani's great self ego's and marcial prowess.
:rofl:dude pakistan has still not recognize israel even today.
In April 1974 India banned pia flights to use indian airspace.
sorry to bust your Tissue paper theory !!

That was in 1971

Then there was a Basanti, who got married into a fishing community.... initially, she moaned and complained about all the fish smell....after a few weeks she got used to it thus accepted the reality but being the drama queen, she couldn't resist standing in the village square and shouting, "since i have arrived, all the smell is gone". !! I guess some people even after knowing the truth, tend to wave high and whisper to the hallow wind.
HAHAHa well done
This is what they really r!!!
U just hit a Bulls eye.
Oh sorry Bull is Holly Thing in their Religion :lol:
Actually the Indo-Israeli Nexus against Pakistan is no myth. I wrote a brief, immediately after when India conducted its last nuke tests and when Pakistan was under pressure to do the same, and submitted it to the highest office in the land. It was called the POKHARAN BRIEF in which I had laid out the exact methodology of how the Israeli's intended to attack Pakistani nuclear assets in reaction to the Indian Nuclear tests. This was further strengthened by an earlier incident of a Long Range Surveillance Indian Mig that had been detected by PAF radars over Punjab and it went super sonic breaking the sound barrier that was heard over a wide area in Islamabad/ Rawalpindi at the time. The Indian Mig was mimicking the Israeli F-15's to test Pakistan early detection abilities during such a perceived attack. I had also laid down in my brief the air corridor for the flight of the Israeli F-15's to Pakistan airspace. Later and after Pakistan had conducted its tests, ISI had presented photographs to its top echelons of unmarked three F-16's and four F-15's parked on the tarmac of an air base in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Too bad for the Indo-Israeli Nexus team, it was the following 'consequences' on Indian soil turning into radiating red powder by the reactionary attack of Pakistan with full nuke ability (on trained suicidal mission nuke tipped Mirages and F-16's at the time), that deterred them to re-consider the act and simply fizzle away back to their respective nests!

Indian's and perhaps some Israeli's here may want to call it a fantasy or fiction bed time story to satisfy their own purposes (just as the Jewish Nukes are global fantasy too!), but the fact of the incident remains for those who would like to learn from it and for those who would like to consistently deny it!
Thanks to Allah Almighty for protecting Pakistan from its enemies in the past. After long years of planning some failed attemts they have realized well that they can not attack our strategical assets without consequences and hence are now trying the same in hte guise of "Terrorists". They have already started to implement their plan by first spreading propaganda against our nukes falling in hte hands of terrorists and then starting attacks on our millitary installations.

This way when they do attack our nuclear installations through proxy terrorists, they think no one will point fingers at them. Pakistan should make it very clear both to india and israel that even if Taliban attacked any of outr nuclear installations, we will consider it an attack by india and israel as only they had tried it in the past, only they have concerns about it, only they would directly benefit form it, hence in any such eventuallity, Pakistan will hold them responsible and retaliate.

This would make them think before backing terrorists to carry out any such stupid move.
The fact of the matter remains. That the event of 26/11 will ALWAYS be denied by India until documents are unclassified.
And that event of interception will always be ingrained in my mind thanks to a nice shot of the AVTR video from the interception that Ive had the privilege to see.. BUT.. I cannot prove it until that is released to the public.
Any further discussion on that matter then, is CLOSED.
The fact of the matter remains. That the event of an invisible pink elephant nesting under my bed will ALWAYS be denied by the world at large until the invisible pink elephant decides to show itself in public.
And that event of nesting will always be ingrained in my mind thanks to a nice shot of invisible video from the nesting that Ive had the privilege to see.. BUT ..I cannot prove it until that invisible pink elephant shows itself to the public.
Any further discussion on that matter then, is CLOSED.

Do you see where I'm going with this....
Ohhhh Pakistanis with which typ of people you r arguing .... you know they will not accept this......
You also have the experiance of 1965 war which they still consider their victory knowing their a** was kicked in battelfield.....:D
and why will they accept the top secret operations in form lik PDF??
The fact of the matter remains. That the event of an invisible pink elephant nesting under my bed will ALWAYS be denied by the world at large until the invisible pink elephant decides to show itself in public.
And that event of nesting will always be ingrained in my mind thanks to a nice shot of invisible video from the nesting that Ive had the privilege to see.. BUT ..I cannot prove it until that invisible pink elephant shows itself to the public.
Any further discussion on that matter then, is CLOSED.

Do you see where I'm going with this....

U really write like how u have uploaded yr Avatar.
A perfect match:kiss3:
The fact of the matter remains. That the event of an invisible pink elephant nesting under my bed will ALWAYS be denied by the world at large until the invisible pink elephant decides to show itself in public.
And that event of nesting will always be ingrained in my mind thanks to a nice shot of invisible video from the nesting that Ive had the privilege to see.. BUT ..I cannot prove it until that invisible pink elephant shows itself to the public.
Any further discussion on that matter then, is CLOSED.

Do you see where I'm going with this....

Ever heard of logical fallacy called "False Analogy"? ..Anyways , you're Indian.
Can somebody (especially Indian Military or Govt official) explain this **** why not Indian AF did Surgical strike after 26/11!

It is self evident to the whole world including Indians. Admitting, however, is another matter.
Scary....Can somebody explain to me what was the wrath of God that would have been unleashed on India by the PAF ?
The PAF would have destroyed India to smithereens. Didn't you know?

All IAF pilots headed for the hills to escape retribution from the PAF just in case the Israelis attacked! :cheesy:
Unbelievable , 2 squadrons of f16 deployed in India and Indians don't even know it ...?:lol:
every source i'v come across this incident says there were plans to strike but it never materialised , but these Pakistanis are blowing it out of proportions saying Israel positioned its fighter aircraft's in India .

karans story fits well in this case ...:lol:
Just does not make sense for such an extreme measure. Why send just 4 falcons for escort if the threats were so real, why not 8 or 12 or 16?

If there was any doubt in the minds of the higherups that the C130 pilot would desert, why not simply assign the task to some die hard patriotic above such doubts? and why not place a counter team on the C130 to shoot the pilot if he deviates from the route?

No! I don't think the C130 pilots were suspect, or there was that great a risk of C130 being hijacked from within our borders with a reasonably good sized and efficient airforce on guard, had there been a real risk, there would have been more falcons in hte escort team with potent weapons to bring down treasure cove rather than going the extreme way of ramming it down.

If I were to really believe in that story, then PAF is not even 10% of what we believe it to be in terms of professionalism and capability.

That was in case the C-130 was hijacked or otherwise.. and a hostile force had come to escort it out.
If the F-16's ran out of ammo or were not able to bring the bird down due to being engaged by hostile forces... they were to ram it to bring it down over Pakistani airspace.
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