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How Open is the Pakistan Army


Sep 8, 2008
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I have just seen a documentary on a BBC Channel about troops fighting the Taliban. I haven't seen any PAK Army documentaries on Youtube or any Pak TVs.

I am just interested to know if PAK Army are open just as US, British are to allow filming to take place by documentary makers without any censorship and allow soldiers to view their opinions about the war, show the way they live and die!

I would appreciate you views.
go search on ISPR web and pakarmychannel on Youtube
I have just seen a documentary on a BBC Channel about troops fighting the Taliban. I haven't seen any PAK Army documentaries on Youtube or any Pak TVs.

I am just interested to know if PAK Army are open just as US, British are to allow filming to take place by documentary makers without any censorship and allow soldiers to view their opinions about the war, show the way they live and die!

I would appreciate you views.

Embedded Journalism during war like that of US can show only what the army wants to show. It has nothing to do with openness.
go search on ISPR web and pakarmychannel on Youtube

I think he mean documentaries by private tv channals, like Geo, Dawn, etc.

P.S i too want to watch it but had never find one like BBC shows of British troops or CNN on US troops.
With so many unidentified enemies of pak army, i think its best to keep them a secret.
@OP you need to get better understanding of these documentaries.PR Corps People are always present during such interviews and soldiers only toe the official line.You'd be delusional if you think any Army would allow soldiers to say whatever they want in front of media - Remember What happened to General Stanley Mcchrystal?
I have just seen a documentary on a BBC Channel about troops fighting the Taliban. I haven't seen any PAK Army documentaries on Youtube or any Pak TVs.

I am just interested to know if PAK Army are open just as US, British are to allow filming to take place by documentary makers without any censorship and allow soldiers to view their opinions about the war, show the way they live and die!

I would appreciate you views.

Few years ago, when Operations in Swat, Bajaur, etc. were launched, IG FC Tariq Khan said that Media is allowed complete freedom in OP areas. - Remind me to provide you with the link once YouTube is unblocked.
media is not allowed in war zones unless accompanied by army personnel. top clearence is required. no media is 'embedded' with forces like with US/UK forces in iraq/afghan
also depends on what we mean by 'open'
gen musharraf gave complete archive access to shuja nawaz when he was writing his book on PA - crossed swords. similarly, john fricker was given full access to 65 air-war records by then PAF chief AM-Nur Khan. DAWN's documentry on PA was cut-short because the jurno (forget his name) breached the terms of the agreement between PA and DAWN. in general PA dosnt want to be viewed in a negative light.
I have seen those documentaries, and trust me they are nothing but propaganda campaign to hide their war crimes and present their positive side, also helps them to recruit more soliders who think they are fighting for right cause
I remember many occasions when video/ still cams were confiscated from journalists in iraq on plea of “security concerns”. Yes relatively speaking US and European countries do stand for a “free media coverage of military operations” slogans but seldom do they allow it inside a modern conflict zone as rules of engagement at times surpass the normal wisdom of a civilian judging it while sitting in his living room.
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