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How Modi Tried to Solve Pak And Made a Mess of it.


Oct 14, 2014
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As Ufa turns to Uf-fo, kya musibat hai, the perils of personalized diplomacy come into perspective. Modi is driven by a relentless need to be at the centre of the universe. As the sycophantic title of a recently released book calls it, Modi lives in "Modi's World". In that world, he is the sole conceiver, the sole executor and the sole beneficiary. And so, without any prior preparation, he leaps into summitry, leaving desolation in his wake.

What has happened post-Ufa is the consequence of thinking he can do with no institutional back-up. Summits have to be carefully prepared. Diplomats are the sherpas of summitry. It is they who get together in advance, perhaps several times, to hammer out the framework and fill in the details of what is to be agreed, carefully examining each side's preoccupations and priorities and slowly working out the words and formulations which leave both sides satisfied. They are also careful to leave one or two points undecided, so that their respective chiefs can have the satisfaction of dotting the i's and crossing the t's to claim that it is they who concluded the agreement. But if Prime Ministers forget that they are mere Heads of Government and not anonymous undersecretaries, the result is that their efforts go up in smoke before the ink of their signatures is dry on the issues that have been papered over. Every Queen Bee requires hard-working drones (and I am talking of the apiary, not spy-planes!)

Contrast the fiasco of what has happened between India and Pakistan over the past week with the extraordinary success of the US-Iran nuclear deal concluded in the same week. Neither Barack Obama nor Ayatollah Khomeini was in Vienna. It was their Foreign Ministers who hammered out the complex deal; the political leadership remained at home to handle the domestic political fallout. In stark contrast, at Ufa, Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi danced a duet and came home to find the house of cards collapsing around their ears (in Modi's case, even before he, at long last, came home!) In an insightful comment on the US-Iran nuclear deal, Ambassador Chinmaya Gharekhan, the former Prime Minister's special envoy to West Asia, remarked in an article in The Indian Express that "successful diplomacy requires patience, perseverance, clear goals and the political will to offer compromises". Those are words that should be inscribed at the entrance to 7, Race Course Road and over the lintel of the door into the Prime Minister's South Block office. For, if there is any way of succinctly defining "Modi's World" it is by pointing to the total absence of "patience", the glaring lack of "perseverance", the utter failure to spell out "clear goals" and the sheer thoughtlessness with which "political compromises" are suddenly withdrawn and suddenly offered - witness the sudden cancellation of the Foreign Secretaries' talks in August last year and the equally sudden Ufa communique this year.

Relations between the US and Iran are far more fraught than India-Pakistan relations have ever been. Yet, Obama had a clear-headed understanding of his political goals: no getting dragged like Bush (and Carter before him) into a messy and unwinnable war with Iran; at the same time, enforceable guarantees that Iran would not without warning emerge as a nuclear weapon power. The Iranian leadership similarly were clear-headed that they would want to push on with their peaceful nuclear programme without giving up the option to go nuclear at some unspecified date in the future, if required, but immediately needing to get out of the stranglehold of US sanctions. The negotiations were tortured and time-consuming, but the most important lesson for Modi and Sharif to learn is that the negotiations, once embarked upon in earnest, were "uninterrupted and uninterruptible". Deadlines were set and deadlines were overtaken, but, in the final phase, for two relentless months in Vienna, the US Secretary of State and his high-powered team of technical and diplomatic advisers, and a similarly composed Iranian team, painstakingly went over every tiny detail until they could persuade their political masters at home that they had arrived at that fine point beyond which each side stood to lose what it had gained by getting to that fine point. (Mathematicians describe this as the point at which dY/dX equals zero!)

What is remarkable is that the agreement stands whatever the Ayatollah might think of the "Great Satan" and Obama has warned his Congress (Parliament) of the Presidential veto if they threaten to overthrow the agreement so painstakingly arrived at. That is called "political will". The world can, after years, breathe with relief. At the same time, the US and Iran find themselves together in an unlikely, undeclared alliance to separately face a common enemy in ISIS. The world has been transformed as at no time since the fall of the Berlin Wall. And all because of their exemplary adherence to the Gharekhan formula of "patience, perseverance, clear goals and the political will to effect compromises". Bravo!

In contrast, Modi and Sharif do not even know what are the "outstanding issues" between them since they dare not spell them out. They have narrowly concentrated on "terrorism" without realizing that back in 1997 it had been agreed that instead of each side respectively prioritizing "Kashmir" and "terrorism" to the exclusion of everything else, both subjects would be on the table with neither taking precedence over the other. Both PMs seem to have no understanding of the past when Pakistan had a one-point agenda, Kashmir, and it was India that insisted on all matters being discussed together. India also persuaded Pakistan to accept that whatever is agreed upon be implemented without waiting for everything to be sorted out. And Pakistan, abandoning decades of focusing exclusively on the one issue of Kashmir, agreed to take all issues together and simultaneously. Now, we are back to a uni-focus on one subject. Unsurprisingly, Pakistan, as exemplified by Sartaj Aziz, is back to being uni-focal on Kashmir while we bleat on about terrorism. What a mess. Ufa has undone in one miserable blow, success scored after decades of patient behind-the-scenes diplomatic engagement.

Moreover, two great gains of the Manmohan era have been squandered. One, the under-wraps back-channel which Ambassador Tariq Aziz of Pakistan and Ambassador Satinder Lambah of India used with such telling effect as to even bring us to the brink of agreement on Kashmir with both sides agreed that neither would territory be exchanged nor people. And, second, the blurring of clear lines of demarcation that National Security Advisers deal with - you're right, "national security" - while diplomats deal with "diplomacy". The Foreign Secretary and the entire chain of Foreign Office command has been subordinated to a National Security Adviser, who, whatever his personal qualities, has never been in diplomacy (unless the distinction between spookery and diplomacy is also to be blurred). Foreign policy cannot and should not be handed over to the Indian Police Service. That would be to make a khansama out of a bawarchi.

It is time Modi got back to tending the domestic hearth and left it to the Minister of External Affairs to do more with diplomacy than getting cosy cronies off the hook in distant foreign lands.

Modi Tried to Solve Pak Alone. And Made a Mess.
Ofcourse, NDTV will promote a dufus like Mani Shankar Kayer, We all remember the smear campaign of NDTV for Modi in the pre-election phase.

You have no idea,if you have time do watch old NDTV panel dicussions on may 16 last year ,after it became clear that Modi would be PM - they were discussing stuff like "how majoritarianism has changed the idea of india","why hindus must be denied voting rights"(not kidding one panel member suggested this on live) ' "why First Past The Pole System has helped BJP win so we need electoral reforms immediately" (nobody wanted it changed the past 60 yrs when the same system was helping congress win)
You have no idea,if you have time do watch old NDTV panel dicussions on may 16 last year ,after it became clear that Modi would be PM - they were discussing stuff like "how majoritarianism has changed the idea of india","why hindus must be denied voting rights"(not kidding one panel member suggested this on live) ' "why First Past The Pole System has helped BJP win so we need electoral reforms immediately" (nobody wanted it changed the past 60 yrs when the same system was helping congress win)

Yeah I remember that JNU hag. :lol:


Modi's "Modi-Doval Pakistan strategy" is abysmally ineffective and directionless. Only 1% of India not blinded by pseudo-patriotism is sensible enough to see it. I don't blame them however. They are sheep to the media, and after Mumbai, the only service the media has done is to paint Pakistan as the loser and India as the winner...in everything.

The sleep is long and ignorant. Let it be. The awakening will be all the more rude.
Modi's "Modi-Doval Pakistan strategy" is abysmally ineffective and directionless
I think you are completely clueless about "Modi-Doval Pakistan strategy" from Indian perspective
1. Do you think that India could gain anything in Kashmir from Pakistan which it doesn't have now?
2. Pakistan has only one thing which is beneficial to India that it can provide connectivity to ME and Central Asia. But Pakistan and India on "Friendly Terms" is not acceptable to your establishment and Modi-Doval accept this reality and are willing to sacrifice the possible economic benefits which this land route could yield. India has now opted for the more expensive but much safer route through Iran. Same sea route is planned for Gas Pipe Line. Therefore India has made alternate arrangements and can ignore Pakistan for the time being.
3. India is spending heavily on arms as it is growing economically and producing most of Defense Items in India thus giving boost to 'Make in India' and creating Jobs and reducing Import bill. But this Modi-Doval policy will cripple Pakistan as Pak Army will squeeze all your development resources for competing with India.
4. Pakistan Rangers have been facing the brunt of BSF retaliation which will keep on increasing with every ceasefire violation. Modi-Doval policy is to make cost unbearable to Pakistan for each violation. Thereby sending a clear message to your establishment that India under Modi won't be cowed down.
5. Modi-Doval Policy is to make Pakistan irrelevant and it has succeeded so far. It has made separate arrangements with other SAARC nations bypassing Pakistan. It has not even initiated Bilateral Talks and Composite Dialogue with Pak.
6. Even if Modi is under pressure to talk to Nawaz, he will come out as a winner after every such meet. you can very well judge the outcome by reading the Joint statement after Ufa meet.
But if you are a Pakistani then of course, this Modi's "Modi-Doval Pakistan strategy" would appear abysmally ineffective and directionless
All indian policies to isolate pak now isolating themselves sooner they loose iran or USa

USA already warned india not to support iran directly untill they put negosiation of nuke finalused and implemanting or even support or dobt vote for iran until it lay down

Other hand if they go to usa they loose iran

Modi's "Modi-Doval Pakistan strategy" is abysmally ineffective and directionless. Only 1% of India not blinded by pseudo-patriotism is sensible enough to see it. I don't blame them however. They are sheep to the media, and after Mumbai, the only service the media has done is to paint Pakistan as the loser and India as the winner...in everything.

The sleep is long and ignorant. Let it be. The awakening will be all the more rude.

Indian media did not paint Pakistan as a loser. It did by itself. All Pakistan is doing right now is standing on China's shoulder to call themselves tall whereas the reality is that you are being controlled by Islamic fascist and are being kept on the edge of this religious knife. Your major decisions are not your's but China's giving the fact that it serving its own interest rather than assiting you.
And on the article, I don't feel there is a failure of policy or strategy here. The unwillingness of a political confrontation is a major factor. We all know that a resolution between Indo-Pak has always been resorted to a war. Currently, Pakistan doesn't have resources and India doesn't want to lose its new found position is global diplomacy. Which in a long term, if the country improves after limiting all its negations then in next 30-40 years we could see India on the forefront as a global economic and military power whereas Pakistan will struggle or maybe collapse altogether. That would be the correct time for the resolution of such an issue.
All indian policies to isolate pak now isolating themselves sooner they loose iran or USa

USA already warned india not to support iran directly untill they put negosiation of nuke finalused and implemanting or even support or dobt vote for iran until it lay down

Other hand if they go to usa they loose iran
why would USA isolate india & iran for pak

why would india leave iran and vice versa just becuse of pakistan

as for your isolation well no one dares to isloate if you are in their mutualli beneficial buisness interests indian diplomacy is much more advanced and complex than most pakistani internet worriors want it to be dont trust me trust the facts as we are doing buisness already with israel - iran , USA-Russia , China - Japan/south korea UK-france/europe ect ect ever wonderred why and why all of them are investing billions in owr country if according to you they are isolating uf over pakistan :haha:

think about it

as for modi-doval policy over pakistan well it will remain like that until pakistan does according to owr terms till then keep beating the war drum nobody cares :sarcastic:
- India started build dam on Pakistani rivers even Pakistan opposed it a lot - Checked
- There was seas-fire agreement between India and Pakistan and India broke that - Checked
- India lead proxy war with TTP, MQM and BLA against Pakistan - Checked
- Tried to stop progress for Pakistan through blocking CEC - Checked
- Tried to remove Pakistan from Many subcontinent Organizations - Checked
- Pakistani PM came to India for Peace, and invited Indian counter party which was reject by India - Checked
- Even then Pakistani PM joined welcoming new Indian PM, yet india kept their patheticness - Checked
- Tried to bring down Gwadar through chabahar port - Checked

so India was just trying to have peace with Pakistan? :close_tema:tell me more about it:coffee:
I think you are completely clueless about "Modi-Doval Pakistan strategy" from Indian perspective
1. Do you think that India could gain anything in Kashmir from Pakistan which it doesn't have now?
2. Pakistan has only one thing which is beneficial to India that it can provide connectivity to ME and Central Asia. But Pakistan and India on "Friendly Terms" is not acceptable to your establishment and Modi-Doval accept this reality and are willing to sacrifice the possible economic benefits which this land route could yield. India has now opted for the more expensive but much safer route through Iran. Same sea route is planned for Gas Pipe Line. Therefore India has made alternate arrangements and can ignore Pakistan for the time being.
3. India is spending heavily on arms as it is growing economically and producing most of Defense Items in India thus giving boost to 'Make in India' and creating Jobs and reducing Import bill. But this Modi-Doval policy will cripple Pakistan as Pak Army will squeeze all your development resources for competing with India.
4. Pakistan Rangers have been facing the brunt of BSF retaliation which will keep on increasing with every ceasefire violation. Modi-Doval policy is to make cost unbearable to Pakistan for each violation. Thereby sending a clear message to your establishment that India under Modi won't be cowed down.
5. Modi-Doval Policy is to make Pakistan irrelevant and it has succeeded so far. It has made separate arrangements with other SAARC nations bypassing Pakistan. It has not even initiated Bilateral Talks and Composite Dialogue with Pak.
6. Even if Modi is under pressure to talk to Nawaz, he will come out as a winner after every such meet. you can very well judge the outcome by reading the Joint statement after Ufa meet.
But if you are a Pakistani then of course, this Modi's "Modi-Doval Pakistan strategy" would appear abysmally ineffective and directionless

Your understanding of the matter its far too immature and myopic to merit a tailored response from me. I will however amuse you with some copypasta:

That Pakistan is busy testing our determination so soon after Ufa should come as no surprise. It was to happen and has happened.

Pretending to know how Pakistan will react and reading that, and every other Pakistani action, as part of the Modi-Doval strategy shows exactly how lost India actually is.

The fact that Pakistan has felt it necessary to demolish the Ufa goodwill so quickly is proof that the dual-strategy of dialogue-plus-military response is working. We need to stay the course.

Additionally Pakistan's withdrawal from holding true to the joint-statement at Ufa is not an indication of a working Modi-Doval strategy but rather the failure of it thereby. Just to give a rough idea of how stupid India looks on the global stage, India declared that the Ufa statement was successful because Pakistan bound itself to commitments on India's terms without bring up the issue of Kashmir. Now that Pakistan has apparently backed out of the Ufa statement, India is claiming this to be yet another success; Pray, tell, how? This unhealthy praise of the Modi-Doval axis has no grounding fact but is rather a national gimmick to persistently hone national consensus in favour of the incumbent Modi government. A ploy to keep them popular and in power.

Drawing on the way the Modi-Doval Pakistan-strategy has been worked by the media houses, if tomorrow Pakistan invades India the Indians would unabashedly praise it as the success of the Modi-Doval strategy or if the Indians invaded Pakistan it would still be praised as the success of the Modi-Doval strategy. There is no working reality to the praise just as there is no working Modi-Doval strategy.

If anything Pakistan's association of a condition with the Ufa commitments shows that Pakistan's sole purpose of the statement, at the time, was to acquire membership of the SCO. It could not have got the membership without the eyewash statement which the Chinese and Russians had asked for, hence the joint-statement in question.

I wonder how much longer the Indian media can hold ground declaring that every move Pakistan makes is actually a calculated return of the Modi-Doval strategy. They've been good at fooling all of India so far, but that's about it. It's not fooling the Pakistanis. It' definitely not fooling the Chinese and, to my mind, as OP's put it too, it's high on definition but low on yield.

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That Pakistan is busy testing our determination so soon after Ufa should come as no surprise. It was to happen and has happened.

Pretending to know how Pakistan will react and reading that, and every other Pakistani action, as part of the Modi-Doval strategy shows exactly how lost India actually is.

The fact that Pakistan has felt it necessary to demolish the Ufa goodwill so quickly is proof that the dual-strategy of dialogue-plus-military response is working. We need to stay the course.

Additionally Pakistan's withdrawal from holding true to the joint-statement at Ufa is not an indication of a working Modi-Doval strategy but rather the failure of it thereby. Just to give a rough idea of how stupid India looks on the global stage, India declared that the Ufa statement was successful because Pakistan bound itself to commitments on India's terms without bring up the issue of Kashmir. Now that Pakistan has apparently backed out of the Ufa statement, India is claiming this to be yet another success; Pray, tell, how? This unhealthy praise of the Modi-Doval axis has no grounding fact but is rather a national gimmick to persistently hone national consensus in favour of the incumbent Modi government. A ploy to keep them popular and in power.

Drawing on the way the Modi-Doval Pakistan-strategy has been worked by the media houses, if tomorrow Pakistan invades India the Indians would unabashedly praise it as the success of the Modi-Doval strategy or if the Indians invaded Pakistan it would still be praised as the success of the Modi-Doval strategy. There is no working reality to the praise just as there is no working Modi-Doval strategy.

If anything Pakistan's association of a condition with the Ufa commitments shows that Pakistan's sole purpose of the statement, at the time, was to acquire membership of the SCO. It could not have got the membership without the eyewash statement which the Chinese and Russians had asked for, hence the joint-statement in question.

I wonder how much longer the Indian media can hold ground declaring that every move Pakistan makes is actually a calculated return of the Modi-Doval strategy. They've been good at fooling all of India so far, but that's about it. It's not fooling the Pakistanis. It' definitely not fooling the Chinese and, to my mind, as OP's put it too, it's high on definition but low on yield.
- India started build dam on Pakistani rivers even Pakistan opposed it a lot - Checked
- There was seas-fire agreement between India and Pakistan and India broke that - Checked
- India lead proxy war with TTP, MQM and BLA against Pakistan - Checked
- Tried to stop progress for Pakistan through blocking CEC - Checked
- Tried to remove Pakistan from Many subcontinent Organizations - Checked
- Pakistani PM came to India for Peace, and invited Indian counter party which was reject by India - Checked
- Even then Pakistani PM joined welcoming new Indian PM, yet india kept their patheticness - Checked
- Tried to bring down Gwadar through chabahar port - Checked

so India was just trying to have peace with Pakistan? :close_tema:tell me more about it:coffee:

If Cricket teams dont even want to go to Pakistan, what makes you think a PM of one of the largest economies will come to Pakistan too?

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