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How many people agree to Zaid Hamid and his thinkings??

I have seen a lots of videos relating to Zaid Hamid and i find him very infuriating and aggressive.Which can hamper the dream of Indo-Pak friendship.
Give your take.

People are free to agree with his 'thinkings'. The unfortunate thing is some people consider him to be a knowledgeable geopolitical expert and believe his illusions to be proven facts.
He is an imaginary employee of imaginary organisation called "radio Pakistan, New Dehli"

Nobody with pea size brain listens to ziad hamid..he is partially popular with extra-patriotic early teens of pakistan (age 13-14) who are yet to face the facts of real politics.
Pakistanis are more suspicious of Zaid Hamid due to his links with Yusuf Kazab. Yusuf Kazab claimed to be prophet which is considered blasphemy in Pakistan. It is believed Zaid Hamid sells his extreme nationalism to hide his blasphemous beliefs and to create a following in Pakistan. Zaid Hamid will never be a person of influence in Pakistan although he has his sycophants.
i agree with few statements that he keeps on repeating, like

1. india is our enemy number one
2. next war will be for water
3. This system is not working for Pakistan (political system) and we need to replace it

may be because they are facts or may be we (Pakistanis) thinks so (collectively), thats why he keeps on repeating them in his interviews and all

Either way, I agree
all other debates and articles are usually controversial.
is it a zaid hamid bharati bashing thread

bharatis should be really controlled here, its not a Bharat Rakshak forum
On PDF, I came to realize that Indian friends are obsessed with ZM. Honestly speaking majority of Pakistanis do not know about him and those who know call him stupid and joker, i mean majority of them. And please do not make him star here on PDF by bringing him up time and again. He doesnt have any constituency in Pakistan. in other words, he is just nobody.
On PDF, I came to realize that Indian friends are obsessed with ZM. Honestly speaking majority of Pakistanis do not know about him and those who know call him stupid and joker, i mean majority of them. And please do not make him star here on PDF by bringing him up time and again. He doesnt have any constituency in Pakistan. in other words, he is just nobody.

I went to Gujrat, spoke with some peoples about Zaid Hamid. The first question they asked is....... Who is Zaid Hamid?

I replied saying he appears on TV One or something like that. Next question they asked me is.......... Which channel is tv one....... we don't know that channel :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I tried to watch one tv in my local area and could not find on many tv sets. Only if you keep searching it is possible you will find on few television sets so after that i realized that neither Mr Zaid Hamid is not famous in my area nor the channel.
Well...........In Pakistan hardly anyone mention Zahid Hamid.....that's very strange..not even any Indian extremist politicians .....everyone has only one concern either economy and Cricket
I hate this guy. He just talks non sense all the time foolish man to say least and i pity his audience.
Watchout people!

Niamatuallah Shah has wali made a prediction that a man who he calls "Shah-e-Sher-e-Ali" (The Lion of Hazrat Ali) will appear at a time when there will be famine of leadership. He will have skills of War and wisdom of Quraan. He will have hazel eyes and will wear Red Cap - will become President of the country and under his leadership, entire country would prosper.

Every trait Niamatuallah Shah Wali has mentioned is there in Zaid Hamid. Who knows you are pointing at future President of Pakistan and thats not the best part, the best part comes ahead that is,

"Shah-e-Share-e-Ali would make military alliance with country in its north". WATCHOUT!
I think he loves pakistan toomuch!!!

Its time for you to think again then..I have seen a few of his interviews.it seems he puts his faith before to his country.
Watchout people!

Niamatuallah Shah has wali made a prediction that a man who he calls "Shah-e-Sher-e-Ali" (The Lion of Hazrat Ali) will appear at a time when there will be famine of leadership. He will have skills of War and wisdom of Quraan. He will have hazel eyes and will wear Red Cap - will become President of the country and under his leadership, entire country would prosper.

Every trait Niamatuallah Shah Wali has mentioned is there in Zaid Hamid. Who knows you are pointing at future President of Pakistan and thats not the best part, the best part comes ahead that is,

"Shah-e-Share-e-Ali would make military alliance with country in its north". WATCHOUT!

I like to listen to Zaid Hamid, not because i completely agree with him , just because i like it when he bash India.. Radio Pakistan, Delhi.. That was a Gem :cheesy: Deep down inside every Pakistani wants it isn't it? :bunny:
Btw guzwa e hind is BS :cheesy:
its already been done by Mohd bin Qasim ages ago.
the thread should have been, how many people agree to this guy, all the mosquitoes keep away..

its good that zaki has mentioned his pind that in his pind no body knows about zaid hamid, well, it is shocking that illeteracy has made people not knowing about quaid e azam too and quami tarana..

in karachi i would say that most of the people know about this man and most have positive feelings about him except the bharati nadem parachi....

this paracha guy is very well know here in PDF, but log in to facebook and ull find only some of his fans and half of them hindus!!, chek out your self



more people like zaid than this nadeem guy
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