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How many of you have contracted corona?

At the end of 2019 I was suffering from severe flu like symptoms and diarrhea but the doctor called it urinary tract infection, gave me some medicine and after a week or so I got better but come to think of it I have never in my life faced such situation. I had flu before many times but this felt like something else. Later when the COVID-19 got highlighted I started wondering if my flu was actually corona and I came through but I never did any test so never could be sure. There is also a possibility that during current year I may have contracted it but was asymptomatic but I could be wrong.
You guys are heroes, read a report that 32% doctors and med technicians/nurses tested positive.

Chughtai lab conducted that study and they collected samples of doctors and other staff in our hospital too...I also gave sample for antibodies which came reactive...Surprisingly two of my colleagues who got infected around the same time as I did,their antibodies came non-reactive..
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