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How many languages you can speak?

Definitivt, Norske aksjer en felles rot med Engelsk (og Svensk , de er nesten identiske ) og noen ord kan leses og forstås uten å vite eller forstå språket. Men... det er aldri nok til å vite hele samtalen uten en mer dyptgående forståelse.


Except Urdu, it doesn't even recognize that:(. Or maybe I can't tell the difference between the many languages found here on PDF:D.

It'll recognize ma'am if you write Urdu script Nastaʿlīq style

ریختہ کے تمہی استاد نہیں ہو غاؔلب

کہتے ہیں اگلے زمانہ میں کوئی میرؔ بهی تها
So basically all the languages from scandinavian peninsula are similar? Danish, norwegian, swedish?

Sven u know the great dane joke. Hhahaha

Ok for those who dont know ,before u ever call a danish a great dane,just google the word 'great dane', so plz dont use it.

Thnx for detailedreply , so are chinese supposed 2 know both languages?

And ur alphabets are called kenji?

Chinese are only one language, but you have different dialect, much like American English and British English, you can guess and understand sometime but if you don't really speak both, chances are you won't know what the other guy's talking about.

Chinese don't have alphabets, Chinese word are made of parts, and parts can be a word in itself, it's very difficult to tell you how and what's the different..........lol
So basically all the languages from scandinavian peninsula are similar? Danish, norwegian, swedish?

Except for Finnish, it's closer to Estonian and Karelian than it is to either Danish, Norwegian or Swedish. Iceland, also a Scandinavian nation, shares its linguistic commonality with Faroese, but only in written form. Spoken the two languages are not mutually intelligible.
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:o:Are you calling me crazy:taz:!!!

Ikke få meg til å komme over det... og behandle deg til en hyggelig hjemmelaget middag:partay:.

Börk Börk Börk ? Börk Börk ! :angry:
:o:Are you calling me crazy:taz:!!!

Ikke få meg til å komme over det... og behandle deg til en hyggelig hjemmelaget middag:partay:.


You must've felt same about the poetry lines in Urdu I posted, or did you understand that :azn:
Ikke få meg til å komme over det... og behandle deg til en hyggelig hjemmelaget middag:partay:.

If I make you mad too can I be part of this:azn:?

Börk Börk Börk ? Börk Börk ! :angry:

:o:Well I never!!! You take that back:pissed:!

@Armstrong can you believe the language in here, it's like a sailor convention.

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Business Fluent - English, Hindi, Marathi and Konkani
Conversational - Punjabi and Gujarati

You must've felt same about the poetry lines in Urdu I posted, or did you understand that :azn:

I'm naturally confused, so I'd never understand anyway:partay:. I tried translating it, but it came out weird:(.

If I make you mad too can I be part of this:azn:?

:lol:Only if you can cook.
@SvenSvensonov @Transhumanist

Beware of the Finns !


And their -almost nordic- Estonian brothers 8-)

I'm naturally confused, so I'd never understand anyway:partay:. I tried translating it, but it came out weird:(

Can you share the translation
@SvenSvensonov @Transhumanist

Beware of the Finns !


And their -almost nordic- Estonian brothers 8-)

Never trust Finland and their weird, non-intelligible language:guns:.

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