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How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

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I have proposed a fundamental question, relating to the number of Gods in Hinduism.

"As I said Hinduism is an ancient pagan religion, we can check Hinduisms origins and establish the fact. The number of Gods in Hinduism is undetermined.

Ya Hinduism was a pagan religion no doubt on that but it kept on evolving.

If human beings are allowed to make these God's then what right or power makes these Gods, true Gods?" -A1Kaid

LOL then you are saying we should all pray SUN, WATER, AIR, etc. anything which is not man made. I think we Hindus do that every morning.

And then we started making Idols tailored to Our needs.

Hinduism have allowed one to choose a God/ Goddess which appeals to their attitude and profession. A soldier would possibly choose Durga or Kali or any other God denoting Shakti, a scholar would possibly choose Saraswati, while a Baniyah would choose Lakhsmi.

One needs to see the geographical history where Hinduism was born. It was a land of plenty. Never fought for food in those days.

Other religions that took birth in the desert waste of Arabia (In those days) Their land was sparse except in pockets. They had to go seeking fresher pastures. Obviously, none would just welcome usurpers. Hence, they took what they wanted by the Sword. Even the Christians spread their religion by the Sword.

I have a question for you sir.

Why do Muslims/Christians convert other people even Today ?
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Exactly, the religion is man-made, were human beings are allowed to innovate and fabricate there own laws, philosophy, there own religious doctrine, teachings, and practice...Hence there is no single guidance, but multiple if not infinite misleading paths.

This is why in Hinduism the number of Gods is not determined, because from the very beginning the number of God's was fabricated by man. Hence this allows Hindus to fabricate more Gods, or even remove Gods if they feel necessary to do so.

Truth is Hindu scriptures (some) even mention something about the "Oneness" of God...I could be wrong.

I previously asked a few hindu members to state the number of Gods they worship and believe in...They were so embarrassed and ignorant they did not answer, however they just dodged the question and went on ranting about how I am in violation of something...

The fact the the number of Hindu Gods is not determined means there is no certainty in the religion, no certainty means no clarity, no definition, no straight forwardness, no right and wrong.

Hardly a religion sufficient enough for life forms as complicated as a human being.

I have proposed a fundamental question, relating to the number of Gods in Hinduism.

"As I said Hinduism is an ancient pagan religion, we can check Hinduisms origins and establish the fact. The number of Gods in Hinduism is undetermined. If human beings are allowed to make these God's then what right or power makes these Gods, true Gods?" -A1Kaid

Any Hindu members willing to answer?

The fact is if they knew the true answer, they would no longer be Hindus...;)

Ok thats it!!
Al Kaid!! and mods
Some of the people like you(Al Kaid) here may be offended by what I may say.
Sry but this is what I really believe in.

All religions are man-made. Including yours... How difficult is that to understand?

Al Kaid!! do you really think God 'revealed himself' to the Prophet(PBUH)?? All religions created followed the trend that existed at that time.
Hinduism is pretty old. So polytheism was the trend then. When younger religions came about people then thought that may be a single God would be better to attribute power.
May be the driving factor is that they recoognized that the main point of religion is assurance of fairness and security for an individual. This in the context of bringing humans under a proper system of life.
In that sense Buddhism must be the perfect religion in that it
mentions this motive as Dharma explicitly.

Most other religions hide this motive and in this sense they are all man made.
Gita also mentions this explicitly in that it says man should follow his Dharma.
So what I think is appropriate for today is to acknowledge that all religions were created to bring order into humans. So except for rituals and assurance we get from praying, I say, don't care about religion.
THis is the truth!! There is no Allah!! The prophet(PBUH) probably never saw Allah. There probably was no Ram at all. Probably Christ never walked on water.
All religions are meant for bringing order.

And most all were used to establish dominance whether political or spiritual. I nned not tell how much blood was spilled for spread off Christianity and Islam. Judaism did the same thing when the populations there were still tribal. Hinduism may seem to have no such period but may be there was one in history so old that people could not record it.

Do you still think it matters if there is a single deity or many in a religion?

So get this point and forget everything about being better than others.\

This is the fact: If you knew the true answer, you would have been a better person.
And who knows? may be you could have convinced your brothers to stop killing people in the name of religion.
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Yes ridiculous. Allow me to provide some images.

With my respect to Hindu members, I urge to rethink your religion, what sense is there in it? Look at these Gods, they do not exist, only in your imagination, you must understand that even all three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have consider much of the Hindu doctrine to be foolish and not pragmatic or true.

By the way I am just showing you pictures of your own Gods, they way YOU PORTRAY THEM, if thats too much for you, then why even bother...

Your homework is poor.

What do you mean, when you say "Allah exists"?

I am ready for a debate on Hinduism. Provided, you stay logical and civil.
By the way because you guys have millions of Gods in many cases

How do you remember all their names?

There is no need to.

By the way, they do have multiple names too! :azn:

e.g. God Vishnu alone has more than 1000 names.
Sun has 12 names etc. :enjoy:
Ok thats it!!
Al Kaid!! and mods
Some of the people like you(Al Kaid) here may be offended by what I may say.
Sry but this is what I really believe in.

All religions are man-made. Including yours... How difficult is that to understand?

Al Kaid!! do you really think God 'revealed himself' to the Prophet(PBUH)?? All religions created followed the trend that existed at that time.
Hinduism is pretty old. So polytheism was the trend then. When younger religions came about people then thought that may be a single God would be better to attribute power.
May be the driving factor is that they recoognized that the main point of religion is assurance of fairness and security for an individual. This in the context of bringing humans under a proper system of life.
In that sense Buddhism must be the perfect religion in that it
mentions this motive as Dharma explicitly.

Most other religions hide this motive and in this sense they are all man made.
Gita also mentions this explicitly in that it says man should follow his Dharma.
So what I think is appropriate for today is to acknowledge that all religions were created to bring order into humans. So except for rituals and assurance we get from praying, I say, don't care about religion.
THis is the truth!! There is no Allah!! The prophet(PBUH) probably never saw Allah. There probably was no Ram at all. Probably Christ never walked on water.
All religions are meant for bringing order.

And most all were used to establish dominance whether political or spiritual. I nned not tell how much blood was spilled for spread off Christianity and Islam. Judaism did the same thing when the populations there were still tribal. Hinduism may seem to have no such period but may be there was one in history so old that people could not record it.

Do you still think it matters if there is a single deity or many in a religion?

So get this point and forget everything about being better than others.

This is the fact: If you knew the true answer, you would have been a better person.
And who knows? may be you could have convinced your brothers to stop killing people in the name of religion.
Lol @ "ok that's it".

I cannot prove God, but I can prove a creator. Through science.

Theory of evolution has failed since evolution does not explain things at the cellular levels.

Consider the example of the The bacterial flagellum. The flagellum cells have a small tail like structure that rotates with the use of a motor.

Now Natural Selection methodology states that nothing can exist without it having a purpose and anything without a purpose would die off at the next evolutionary stage.

Imagine if the bacteria first developed the tail and then the motor to use it. The tail would be useless, in fact a burden on the cell and should be lost in the next stage.

Imgaine if the bacteria first developed the motor and then the tail. Then motor would run and use up valuable resources of the cell and not give any benefit and would be lost in the next evolutionary stage.

This means both the tail and the motor all came together. This complex design suggests, the bacteria flagellum was designed and not evolved.

Hence there being a creator. You want to call it God, Allah, Aliens, thats up to you and a matter of faith. But the existence of a creator is a matter of science.
Ok thats it!!
Al Kaid!! and mods
Some of the people like you(Al Kaid) here may be offended by what I may say.
Sry but this is what I really believe in.

All religions are man-made. Including yours... How difficult is that to understand?

Al Kaid!! do you really think God 'revealed himself' to the Prophet(PBUH)?? All religions created followed the trend that existed at that time.
Hinduism is pretty old. So polytheism was the trend then. When younger religions came about people then thought that may be a single God would be better to attribute power.
May be the driving factor is that they recoognized that the main point of religion is assurance of fairness and security for an individual. This in the context of bringing humans under a proper system of life.
In that sense Buddhism must be the perfect religion in that it
mentions this motive as Dharma explicitly.

Most other religions hide this motive and in this sense they are all man made.
Gita also mentions this explicitly in that it says man should follow his Dharma.
So what I think is appropriate for today is to acknowledge that all religions were created to bring order into humans. So except for rituals and assurance we get from praying, I say, don't care about religion.
THis is the truth!! There is no Allah!! The prophet(PBUH) probably never saw Allah. There probably was no Ram at all. Probably Christ never walked on water.
All religions are meant for bringing order.

And most all were used to establish dominance whether political or spiritual. I nned not tell how much blood was spilled for spread off Christianity and Islam. Judaism did the same thing when the populations there were still tribal. Hinduism may seem to have no such period but may be there was one in history so old that people could not record it.

Do you still think it matters if there is a single deity or many in a religion?

So get this point and forget everything about being better than others.

This is the fact: If you knew the true answer, you would have been a better person.
And who knows? may be you could have convinced your brothers to stop killing people in the name of religion.

I second that.

People need to grow up.

Pakistan is on the way to self combust.
Pakistan brought religion as their cause. And it is their obsession with religion that will organize their self destruct.
]Why is the creator, the sustainer, the destroyer (incidentally similar synonyms are used in the 99 names of Allah, btw) not in the forefront of worship. I think mainstream media has only shown Shiva as much, Brahma you never really see, Vishnu a bit.

But its mostly Raam, Ganesh, Hanuman, Kaali ma... you know the "reincarnations". The Hindu type Gods not the literal definition type Gods, which are more of a combination of the original three names.[/B]

My personal take is that these were just prophets who later in time become deities. Heck when Moses went on the Mount for 40 days he returned to find his people worshiping a Golden calf idol.

Jesus Christ as we know today is a mixture of Greek and Roman gods and not the Prophet Isa as described in Islamic books. And writers like Dan Brown have well exposed that when and where and for what reasons, Prophet Isa became Jesus Christ for Emperor Constantine's political play for power.

And this is what 3000 and 2000 years old incidents respectively... Hinduism is much older. It makes sense to assume Hindus were no different.

In fact one of the corner stones of Islam is to not to mock other religions because at some point they all might have been very Islamic in nature till they got corrupted over time.

The answer lies in the Hindu method of worshiping the 'statues'.

This system is so designed, that any person (at any mental level), should not face any difficulty in his/her way towards God. As it is a little difficult to imagine a shapeless, colorless, omni present God; it's represnted in the form of statues and images.
Lol @ "ok that's it".

I cannot prove God, but I can prove a creator. Through science.

Theory of evolution has failed since evolution does not explain things at the cellular levels.

Consider the example of the The bacterial flagellum. The flagellum cells have a small tail like structure that rotates with the use of a motor.

Now Natural Selection methodology states that nothing can exist without it having a purpose and anything without a purpose would die off at the next evolutionary stage.

Imagine if the bacteria first developed the tail and then the motor to use it. The tail would be useless, in fact a burden on the cell and should be lost in the next stage.

Imgaine if the bacteria first developed the motor and then the tail. Then motor would run and use up valuable resources of the cell and not give any benefit and would be lost in the next evolutionary stage.

This means both the tail and the motor all came together. This complex design suggests, the bacteria flagellum was designed and not evolved.

Hence there being a creator. You want to call it God, Allah, Aliens, thats up to you and a matter of faith. But the existence of a creator is a matter of science.

YOu seem to have missed the whole point of my post.
I did not make the slightest argument about creator for or against. Dont take the pain of teaching me biology.
Lol @ "ok that's it".

This means both the tail and the motor all came together. This complex design suggests, the bacteria flagellum was designed and not evolved.

Hence there being a creator. You want to call it God, Allah, Aliens, thats up to you and a matter of faith. But the existence of a creator is a matter of science.

Its your assumption that god created bacteria flagellum. If you build logic and science using some arbit assumptions then there is no need for you to go to school. When we are trying to build a logic, the premises we choose needs to be an established fact. If premise itself if flawed, then the logic build over that premise is nothing but a farce. We are just only years away to build synthetic life in laboratories. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Synthetic life 'advance' reported .
I understand the concept. My opinion is that it all looks made up over the passage of time.

Thats why every other idiot in India stands up and is claiming to be a God. Oh wait no, Bhagwaan ka roop. Or Avtar, or incarnation, or .... The so many other loopholes to claim divinity for every other thing. The Hindu system is that there is a lack of system.

Yeah, unfortunately, there are fools and evels in EVERY religion.
See that to me makes it all very fake. Classic man-made stuff. Many loopholes. I'm God. I can steal and say "I, the God, demanded theft!".

Even though you do not need religion for morals in society, but a twisted belief that you're God, can lead to degenerated morals with a license to commit any deed.

As I have told you before, this a secular forum and the topic focuses upon the many gods of Hinduism. You will undoubtedly see a difference of opinion.


You look lost! Don't you?

Being Hindu, you are supposed to ultimately 'find the God within yourself'.

Your bold statements looks like this -

"Every Pakistani has got a mouth. So, everybody can order PA to move." :lol:

No, dude. The thing matters most here is 'authority'. If anybody does anything purposefully and knowingly wrong, he hasn't found th God in himself.

Still confused??

Only one fact -

No one, NO ONE among trillions of Hindus in 5000 years has ever said "I, the God, demanded theft!".

So, its not how you are seeing it. Got now?
Why are you guys fighting over Religion?Frankly i think Religion is made for people's satisfaction only.:)

True. But whats happening now in Pakistan ?

People need to grow up.

Pakistan is on the way to self combust.
Pakistan brought religion as their cause. And it is their obsession with religion that will organize their self destruct.

And here RAW might be a catalyst.
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