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How long will Russia last?

A silly thread indeed. Makes it appear as if Russia has rewound to 1991. Today, Russia is a part of BRIC that comprises of 4 most rapidly growing economies. I am aware that Russia might not be as prosperous and stable as the West at the moment, but it is reaching there. I wonder what Mr. Zakaria consumed that day before this interview.

The only true drawbacks the country has are:

1) Bureaucracy

2) Blatant corruption

3) Demographic crisis

If it can reverse these three, then there is no stopping Russia to reclaim its second parallel spot to the United States. It has ample resources, small population and a massive territory that spans 2 continents (3rd continental shelf). Considering these conditions, it should have been far more prosperous than most Western countries. This absence of economic stability indicates my second point above the most.
Just like there are die hard Russian haters that try to smear Russia on every opportunity they get, i'v heard it all, Russians are racists, Russians cant keep up, so before you call people haters look at your own posts, it was you calling Russian racists last week.

I never said all Russians are racist, please re-read my post from last week. Now you are the one who plays the race card here.

I don't really hate Russia, but it annoys me that you guys always tend to take the credit from China. You always tend to believe that China cannot do anything without Russia, every Chinese accomplishment should thank to Russia's technology supply, subconsciously you might feel superior towards Chinese and other Asian people.
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Just a fanboi's wet dream...

I heard Russians are one of the most patriotic people on earth (after Indians of course..:lol:).And Russian disintegration is not good for the world.

Russia disintegrates = An alien living as my neighbour.

Now guys can we close this discussion.
A silly thread indeed. Makes it appear as if Russia has rewound to 1991. Today, Russia is a part of BRIC that comprises of 4 most rapidly growing economies. I am aware that Russia might not be as prosperous and stable as the West at the moment, but it is reaching there. I wonder what Mr. Zakaria consumed that day before this interview.

The only true drawbacks the country has are:

1) Bureaucracy

2) Blatant corruption

3) Demographic crisis

If it can reverse these three, then there is no stopping Russia to reclaim its second parallel spot to the United States. It has ample resources, small population and a massive territory that spans 2 continents (3rd continental shelf). Considering these conditions, it should have been far more prosperous than most Western countries. This absence of economic stability indicates my second point above the most.

Russia is gradually turning into a wasteland with full of Vodka guzzlers, even with the most abundant natural resources, if continuing that way, they wouldn't get back to their Superpower status, then the fate of the Russian Empire would be seated in the next 50 years.

Now Putin is trying to do something to help his countrymen out of this misery. Just get your lazy a ss out to work, and stop being an alcoholic.

Putin Aims to Halve Drinking in 10 Years | News | The Moscow Times

I'd say Putin is the man who is able to bring Russia back to the state of power.
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A spacesuit is a part of it, it doesn't mean anything. US has many of its parts of spaceship made by Japan. Does that mean US need Japan to technically supply them?

Read the whole artical they did more than give them space suits, and btw space suits are very complex and difficult to produce. The artical said that Russians will support the Chinese through their misson and that the Chinese went to Russia for training. Russia's help in Chinese space exploration is extensive.

That's back in 2005, today we are in 2010 sir. :coffee:

So if Russia purchases bullet trains its week and incompetent, but what about China, was it weak and incompetent in 2005?

There is also sources from 2009 that claim China is to purchase 140 Japanese bullet trains the sourse i provided said China would buy 60.

But no matter the case, having high speed rail ways doesn't prove anything.
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Russia is gradually turning into a wasteland with full of Vodka guzzlers, .

Who is the "hater" now, not racist? If i said China is a polluted waste land and i labeled all Chinese as noodle guzzlers, would i not be considered a racist? Better yet would you like it? Seems like it's okay to call Russians every name in the book but than pretend it was not hateful or racial but when someone has something even mild to say about China they are "haters".
ChineseTiger1986 please stop. You are making a mistake. People with skills and confidence don't have the urge to "show off". Listen to me carefully, the people who see who "underestimate" China/Chinese are people who are NOT experts in that area, or at least pathetic in this area.

Highly skilled and knowledgeable experts KNOW who are their peers, equals and superiors. There is no need to 'advertise'. Please leave this debate for professionals.

So Russia has already accomplished manned moon landing...in 1969!?!

Didn't know this guy was Russian.


Here I want to point out a HUGE fallacy. Examine this photograph CAREFULLY. Tell me what you see. What is a little "odd" or "off" with this photo?

A professional would notice a blatantly obvious ERROR with this photo immediately.
ptldM3 & CT1986,

Fellas you guys are arguing over a non-issue.

No offense but I'm postulating both of you are young, in your 20s. :partay:
yaaar ...Russia is a nation...not a ice-cream...so that you ask how long will it last.....it hasn't been even warned by UN as a failed state...........
Read the whole artical they did more than give them space suits, and btw space suits are very complex and difficult to produce. The artical said that Russians will support the Chinese through their misson and that the Chinese went to Russia for training. Russia's help in Chinese space exploration is extensive.

It was China first manned spacewalk, of course spacesuit for spacewalk and experience are something that China never had before. But the technology of Shenzhou 7 is mostly indigenous.

So if Russia purchases bullet trains its week and incompetent, but what about China, was it weak and incompetent in 2005?

There is also sources from 2009 that claim China is to purchase 140 Japanese bullet trains the sourse i provided said China would buy 60, whether China purchased bullet trains after 2005

But no matter the case having high speed rail ways doesn't prove anything.

I have said in my previous post, even in 2000, China's technology with bullet trains was very weak, so in 2005 it won't be anything close to Japan who already had this premature technology decades ago. But around 2008-2009, China has overcame the bottleneck of high rail technology thanks to the hardworking of our scientists. Even many western nations do admit this is China's indigenous technology and utterly impressive.

This is an example to show that China is competent to technologically catch up anything with its own effort. We can catch up or even surpass other developed nation in the high-rail technology, then we can do the same in other technologies as well.

I am not trying to say that Russia is incompetent to do this, of course it can, but the economy of Russia doesn't look as good compared to China's economy. And Russia doesn't have load of cash to make investment at everything. So economy is the most important aspect that Russia needs to focus on, in my humble opinion.

Also, I'd like to see the source where it states that China has imported the Japanese bullet trains in 2009.
ptldM3 & CT1986,

Fellas you guys are arguing over a non-issue.

No offense but I'm postulating both of you are young, in your 20s. :partay:

Well i think everyone should stand up for their country when others are saying it's full of vodka guzzlers, it's falling apart, it's poor and so on. It was CT that turned the thread into a China vs Russia thread, i have no desire to get into these arguments but when when someone crosses the line i will let it be known
Who is the "hater" now, not racist? If i said China is a polluted waste land and i labeled all Chinese as noodle guzzlers, would i not be considered a racist? Better yet would you like it? Seems like it's okay to call Russians every name in the book but than pretend it was not hateful or racial but when someone has something even mild to say about China they are "haters".

Nope, Ukrainian and many other Slavic people are racially same with Russian, yet this term does not apply for them. So my intension was not racist at all. :wave:

I know some Germans who label Chinese as "ricefresser" which might have included other East Asian people such as Japanese and Korean. This term might be racist towards a group of people, not just a nation.
Well i think everyone should stand up for their country when others are saying it's full of vodka guzzlers, it's falling apart, it's poor and so on. It was CT that turned the thread into a China vs Russia thread, i have no desire to get into these arguments but when when someone crosses the line i will let it be known

Dude, I might have applied some stereotypical statement to the Russian, but my intention wasn't racist at all. Why are you so emotionally outbursted?

You think Vodka drinker is a manner to insult the Russian? I know many Westerners call us "Chinaman" or sometimes "Chinky slanted eyes". I am not going to outrage over this which is far more malicious to what I have said about the Russian people. The stereotype is not always accurate.

Of course, you know more about Russia than I do, if you think it is inappropriate to call many Russians as Vodka drinkers, then remind me. Then I will not use any inappropriate impression of stereotype next time. No need to overreact at all my Russian friend. :cheers:
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Why are you people discussing something written by Zakaria, one of the most ill informed and biased media propaganda mouth piece, however he is much respected in India though because of his views on Pakistan.
Two reasons. First, the rot is deep. So many elements of the Russian government are corrupt and are implicated in this almost mafia-like system of rule that it's not easy to change. They quietly subvert any efforts at reform. They have allies throughout the government at all levels, so even if the directive comes from the top, it never actually gets implemented. Second, it remains unclear how much power Medvedev has. He seems to say all the right things, but his words are rarely followed by action. He may have some influence, but it still appears that the "deep state" that actually rules Russia is run by Vladimir Putin and his coterie of advisers.

For a moment I thought Zakaria was talking about large banks in US.

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