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How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

Kashmir was not stolen from Pakistan, Infact Raja Harisingh was thinking to join Pakistan. but Pakistan Army showed impateince and attacked it. Harisingh did what any king will do for saving his kingdom he approached to Indian government & signed papers of accession in return of security assurance. No body stoled Kashmir its Pakistan's lust & impateince which cost them the loss.

About Gurdaaspur given to India & Why was Mountbatten not made governor of Pakistan you can check following link and find some answers yourself.


Waooooo....This is really interesting new story, came from nowhere, why would a Hindu would join the Muslim Country.:rofl:...He did what he was supposed to do being a Hindu....he sold the Kashmir and its peoples to India and allowed Indian army to come and capture the Kashmir.
He isn't out of his mind, he is misguided and misinformed as every 9 out of 10 Pakistanis are.

They think that the partition of India wad on communal lines and majority Muslim provinces were to go to Pakistan, and conversely. Few of them even know that besides British India, the British colony, there were 562 princes who had treaties with the Crown, but not with British India. The moment the British left, they became free. They were under no obligation to join either side on the basis of the percentage of each religion that they had.

This mistake continues on and on. It was not there in Pakistanis of an older generation, none of the younger people even understand the basics. Kashmir was for the Maharaja to decide; his opposition, the popular opposition to autocratic rule, was the National Conference led by Mohammed Abdullah, who had the support of Congress, opposed the Muslim League and wanted accession to India.

The commonly-held belief of many young Pakistanis is without foundation.
Deja vu! Its not first time that any indian member have used that "Brain washed" term kind of excuse, Reminds me the case of Osmanistan and jungadh . No doubt indian administrative units were matured and supported by Britains, They occupied jungadh knowing that it had already been acceded to Pakistan. Then wat the point of occupying it and Holding referendum, while two Nation theory didn't applied on Princely states according to your preception. Junagadh was a hindu majority state and locals support its accession to india but Interms of Kashmir you are having a different opinion. Isn't that kind of a double standard?

You should read in your defence journal, Defence Pakistan, how SSG troops were infiltrated into Kashmir to stir unrest, how they got no support and were rooted out with the help of the local population, and how Major General Akhtar Hussain Mallik mounted an armored attack on India.
Even despite being unsuccesful Gibraltor it have done a lot damage to a force which have consideribly greater experience and numbers , Later , Operation Grand slam with objective of averting the threat to Muzaffarabad , It had achieved its major objects with complete air dominance . Later Indian forces decided to cross the international boundary and capturing Lahore which was infact an unsuccessful attempt and remain unsuccessful in Chawinda tank battle, I accept that all , Even 71 interferance of india and militarizing M.bihani forces was also a point should be noted. Tried same with LTTE May be you are celebrating Victory day again If they would had achieved their objectives during initial days. Kashmir Territory is still undecided and insurgency of 90s still continuing in IOK. If referendum had done in Junagadh then why not in Kashmir?
at bolded part> i was referring to your explanation about princely states not having treaty with British India and thus being free to join Pakistan or India on their wish, not religion

i was referring to this part of your post

If you can, do take a look at the bare act of the Indian Independence Act, 1947. it is vastly interesting. The implications Re momentous. This was the basis for the protracted battle by that great Pakistani legal luminary, Sir Mohammed Zaffrullah Khan, for equal status for Pakistan at the UN. The battle failed because of the wording of the original statute.

From Tudor times, British drafting of their statutes was an art form in itself. It is an education to see how meticulously they structured their law, including the way they structured their preambles. This law was in no way less carefully drafted.

Waooooo....This is really interesting new story, came from nowhere, why would a Hindu would join the Muslim Country.:rofl:...He did what he was supposed to do being a Hindu....he sold the Kashmir and its peoples to India and allowed Indian army to come and capture the Kashmir.

You are not bothered to read any of the detailed posts on the subject, is it? It satisfies you to say something flippant and embed rolling on the ground with laughter figures?

I am sure that you play a useful role in the universe. Once I mature and get fuller understanding, perhaps it will dawn on me what that role is.

Deja vu! Its not first time that any indian member have used that "Brain washed" term kind of excuse, Reminds me the case of Osmanistan and jungadh . No doubt indian administrative units were matured and supported by Britains, They occupied jungadh knowing that it had already been acceded to Pakistan. Then wat the point of occupying it and Holding referendum, while two Nation theory didn't applied on Princely states according to your preception. Junagadh was a hindu majority state and locals support its accession to india but Interms of Kashmir you are having a different opinion. Isn't that kind of a double standard?

No, it doesn't. I have given a meticulous account, twice. The least you can do is to read them before commenting. It is clear from your remarks that you have not in fact read them, and do not have more than a shadowy knowledge of events.

Even despite being unsuccesful Gibraltor it have done a lot damage to a force which have consideribly greater experience and numbers , Later , Operation Grand slam with objective of averting the threat to Muzaffarabad , It had achieved its major objects with complete air dominance . Later Indian forces decided to cross the international boundary and capturing Lahore which was infact an unsuccessful attempt and remain unsuccessful in Chawinda tank battle, I accept that all , Even 71 interferance of india and militarizing M.bihani forces was also a point should be noted. Tried same with LTTE May be you are celebrating Victory day again If they would had achieved their objectives initially. Kashmir Territory is still undecided and insurgency of 90s still continuing in IOK. If referendum had done in Junagadh then why not in Kashmir?

To answer your last question first, because the UN laid down conditions for holding the referendum. Are you aware of these conditions? Have you read the resolution itself? If not, how would you know that Pakistan did not comply with the terms laid down?
Kashmir is the only state in India who have a large majority of muslims ( also lakshwadeep isles )
It should belong to pakistan just because of that
Kashmir valley belongs to a muslim country, hindus killed so many Kashmiris

Ya Middle East , Indonesia , Malaysia etc, all belong to Pakistan due to there Muslim Majority
Kashmir is the only state in India who have a large majority of muslims ( also lakshwadeep isles )
It should belong to pakistan just because of that
Kashmir valley belongs to a muslim country, hindus killed so many Kashmiris

Why don't you re-read history????
To some Pakistanis here, please clear this misunderstanding that Pakistan is the only Muslim scion of south-Asia... For god sake... Pakistan was made for Muslims, does not mean it was meant for all of them... We love our Muslim brothers enough to not want them to leave India.. For that matter substitute the embolden religion with any other...
The same kind of policy followed by Indians elsewhere in India and resultantly, North East India is also in flames, the Naxals have risen against their own government, the Dalits are still untouchables except a few who have become a bit powerful and minorities are killed with impunity to tell them as to who rules India – the majority Hindus. How many more will the Hindu rulers of India kill to keep India together as a so-called multi-ethnic/religious Union.

The Muslims were and are being killed to avenge the creation of Pakistan and the Sikhs were paid in kind for willfully joining India (their holiest shrine was destroyed. Over 3000 were killed in Delhi alone in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s murder). People of North East are being persecuted, oppressed and killed for seeking freedom. Muslims of North India are being killed after being wrongfully declared as being illegal Bangladeshi immigrants.

How long this continued oppression and killing will keep India together?

Seriously ?!
1. Sought to influence the hearts and minds of the people of Kashmir unsuccessfully, in the period before independence, partly due to the lack-lustre representation of the Muslim League by the Mirwaiz, whom Jinnah despised and denigrated in caustic terms for his unsuitability;


When you keep one eye shut, you can only see through the other eye.

When Jinnah visited Kashmir, incidentally on the invitation of Sheikh Abdullah who wanted him to come to Srinagar and help remove the differences between National and Muslim Conference. The overwhelming welcome and the kind of massive reception he was accorded in Srinagar by the Kashmiris is a fact of history. The whole of Srinagar came out to receive him, even people from far flung areas came in large numbers. He stayed there for over a month.

Contrarily, when Pandit Nehru visited Srinagar, when his procession was moving on boats on Jhelum River, people standing along the river threw dirty shoes and muck at Nehru.

This was the difference Sir, and it was much before even the announcement of creation of Pakistan.

When the announcement of creation of Pakistan came, every house in Srinagar and the house boats flew Pakistani flag. Why would they do it if they didn’t want to join Pakistan. The Maharaja’s troops had to force the people to take down those flags through acts of oppression.

2. Took advantage of the emergence of a minority faction in the National Conference and its revolt against the state administration to promote an attack on the state forces;

Sir, when Indian leadership did it, you in another response elsewhere called it real-politik. When Muslims League approached the local leaders for support it becomes advantage taking !

When Mountbatten was retained as the Governor General, Hindus named him as Pandit Mountbatten for nothing, did they! It has been proved from historical evidence that Indian advantage taking and scheming had started much earlier between the Congress leaders and Maharaja of Kashmir, much much before the intrusion of Pathans in Kashmir even began and based on which the Indian invasion of Kashmir was blamed on.

Even Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel wrote a letter to the Maharaja four months before Pathan intrusion. This was clearly in reply to a letter from Maharaja. Through this letter also it has been clearly identified that when Pandit Mountbatten visited the vale of Kashmir, he could not properly explain the reasons for Kashmir’s accession to Maharaja and therefore, he invited the Maharaja to visit Delhi to meet Pandit Mountbatten again so that the details could be explained to him. These letters have been published and are available for you to read and confirm.

3. Justified the looting, rape, abduction and killing of Muslims (93.7% of the Vale was Muslim) by the invaders;

No Sir, it was justified by Hindu Indians and their leaders much before the Pathan ingresses in to Kashmir to save the Muslims from being completely massacred by marauding Hindu invaders from India. It was all started by and planned in meetings between rulers of Alwar, Kapurthala and Patiala etc with Maharaja of Kashmir.

And, the intrusion of Pathans has been blamed for everything. However, does any of you even know that after the pogrom in Punjab where Muslims were killed in millions in order to ethnically cleanse the areas and change the demography, where did these marauding Hindu and Sikh hordes were sent to? No you wouldn’t know or probably wouldn’t want to acknowledge it – these hordes were sent to Jammu to loot, rape, abduct and kill Muslims.

As planned, in the initial instance, they intended to ethnically cleanse areas of Jammu where Muslims were in minority. Between July and October 47, over 500,000 Muslims were thrown out of their homes, out of which 200,000 thousand were killed and about 300,000 were forced to emigrate to Pakistan. This was the first stage of this operation. The Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus.

4. Refused to abide by the UN Resolution, ironically so, as the public stand of Pakistan always has been to wrap herself in the UN Resolution, glossing over the minor matter of her own non-compliance; this, incidentally, you have yourself brought back into the limelight when you wrung our withers with Nehru's inner conviction that the plebiscite would never happen, because conditions would never be conducive to make it happen, where you cited it as his double-dealing in the teeth of the public fact that Pakistan refused compliance;

That is indeed interesting. The final resolution of Kashmir had not even been approved by the UN when Pandit Nehru wrote that note. Yet in Lok Sabha he was lying to Kashmiris and his own people telling them that he would accept the results of plebiscite when he much before had made up his mind to not to hold it.

5. Made much of Sheikh Abdullah during his 1964 visit, agreed to come in full force to Delhi for detailed and definitive negotiations;

Which ended with nothing as your PM Nehru had decided in 1948 to not to agree to plebiscite.

Withdrawal of Pakistani Forces from Kashmir is one big contentious point Indians talk about all the time. Sir, when meetings were sought by Pakistan to decide on the framework, strength of Indian remaining forces etc and timings of withdrawal, the Indians balked out and did not hold any meeting. Pakistan was ready to withdraw the forces in order to hold the plebiscite, but it were the Indians who would not sit down to decide on the framework.

And then, when Nehru didn’t intend to allow a plebiscite, withdrawing of Pakistani Forces from Kashmir was not worth it at all.

6. Infiltrated SSG troops to attack Indian Army units in the Vale, and on their rejection by the Kashmiris, and elimination by the Army,launched an armoured column at Jammu in 1965;

Kashmir was and still is a disputed territory declared by the UN. The inviolability of Cease Fire line or Line of Control is based on my view against yours. J.N Dixit in his book wrote that our biggest gain was conversion of CFL in to LOC, as it is easier to convert the LOC in to an international border and not the CFL.

Pakistan went across the LOC in a disputed territory. India attacked mainland Pakistan across international border. Indian belief that Kashmir is part of India has no locus-standi in international law as it is a declared disputed territory by UN.

When Indian ingressed across the LOC in Kashmir in Chorbatla in 1972, Qamar in 1988 and Siachen in 1984 it is Kosher, but when Pakistan does it – ooh la la !

7. Poured funds into the Vale during the later days of Sheikh Abdullah, continuing after his death in 1982, to those who had been reduced to a minority by the National Conference earlier;

You fail to remember that a large number of Kashmiris live in AJ&K. When they support their brethren in Indian Occupied Kashmir, which is a disputed territory, it is their right to seek freedom as enshrined in the UN Charter. Please learn to live with it.

8. Trained, armed and launched nearly 30,000 terrorists from 1989 onwards, continuing today allegedly under the auspices of independent jehadi bodies, in spite of evidence of your own media and your own commentators that the deep state was behind these supposedly independent bodies;

Pakistan only provides moral and diplomatic support to the freedom movement in Kashmir. It is the Kashmiris themselves who are fighting for independence from India and it is their right to seek freedom and even pick up arms for this struggle as enshrined in the UN Charter. Please learn to live with it.

9. Were detected in the act of moving troops to Siachen and unsuccessfully fought Indian troops who had moved there in pre-emotive actions;

Your Northern Army Commander recently in an interview published in an Indian Newspaper has openly admitted that India perceived that Pakistan may occupy Siachen and thus moved and occupied it. He accepted the fact that there were no Pakistani troop movement.

10. Occupied Indian positions abandoned for the winter and had to be expelled by force on detection, claiming all the while that the occupants were mujahedeen, even as the regular Army shelled Kashmiri towns in support of the troops occupying positions on the mountains.

When Indian ingressed across the LOC in Kashmir in Chorbatla in 1972, Qamar in 1988 and Siachen in 1984 it is Kosher, but when Pakistan does it – ooh la la !

Who was responsible for the bloodshed then? The status quo side, or the side that tried for 63 years to reverse the position?

Definitely India Sir who invaded a people wanted to join Pakistan and still intend to.

Let me explain your status quo farse as well. India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states including Pakistan.

It is easier to raise questions Sir but indeed very difficult to face the facts. Please open your other eye as well, I assure you, you would indeed see better.
whats wrong with doing all this?

People of these states have no problem with it.Especially the Mainland states.

You think we ll let the Nizam keep Hyderabad right in the middle of India.
it's a waste of time to talk about it; but we know on which side there is the most unrest and it sure as hell aint this ISI behind it. Kashmiri nationalism is a purely Kashmiri phenomenon and it's a reaction to them being pushed against a wall and a reaction as a direct result of draconian laws and measures imposed on them.

It's basic human nature.

but neither do i have the time nor the need to convince y'all coz the writings already on the wall.

Curiously, amongst the younger generations it's more of a secular nationalist movement religion plays a less dominant role here. Even many of the supposedly oppressed pundits are increasingly vocal, you just wont hear about it in that heavily regulated media of yours
whats wrong with doing all this?

People of these states have no problem with it.Especially the Mainland states.

You think we ll let the Nizam keep Hyderabad right in the middle of India.

Nope. But if the current environment continue in this manner, the future break-away South Indian states may envelop it.
it's a waste of time to talk about it; but we know on which side there is the most unrest and it sure as hell aint this ISI behind it. Kashmiri nationalism is a purely Kashmiri phenomenon and it's a reaction to them being pushed against a wall and a reaction as a direct result of draconian laws and measures imposed on them.

It's basic human nature.

but neither do i have the time nor the need to convince y'all coz the writings already on the wall.

Curiously, amongst the younger generations it's more of a secular nationalist movement religion plays a less dominant role here. Even many of the supposedly oppressed pundits are increasingly vocal, you just wont hear about it in that heavily regulated media of yours

I know many pundits and anyone with common sense would realise the folly of Kashmir being independent.

It would take something very dramatic.

In general for Pakistan to attain parity with India,it needs to be economically much stronger than India and only then will we see something happening in Kashmir.

Else the status quo is here to stay.

Nope. But if the current environment continue in this manner, the future break-away South Indian states may envelop it.

which south indian state is going to breakaway?

Those south indians who wanted a separate state shut up in no time when the contitution made it criminal to ask for it.
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